Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Eclipse Season
Eclipse season continues this month with a Lunar or Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer on the 10th. Eclipses often coincide with the unexpected and they tend to bring what’s hidden to light.
They’re neither good nor bad but they do shift the dynamics and changes things around. This eclipse is part of the eclipse cycle which began in July 2018 and completes in July 2020. It cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac highlighting your friends and group connections, also where you find pleasure and joy in life.
Sometimes, eclipses turn things on their head and you need to be extra vigilant. If you’re a parent, take extra care of a child or grand-child and be aware when firm boundaries need to be put in place. This doesn’t always come naturally to you as your nature is to go with the flow.
The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction
This eclipse is especially potent because it falls two days before the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on the 12th. Saturn and Pluto aren’t an easy duo of planets. They represent limitation, sometimes loss or endings. They bring you back down to earth with a bump, so be gentle with yourself and the people in your life, especially if someone close is going through a difficult time.
Capricorn rules your friendship sector and your nature is to be supportive, compassionate and kind. Be there for other people and prioritise the ones you love.
Also, if things aren’t working out the way you want, take a step back and review and revise your plans. You may realise that one dream is coming to an end. Perhaps, it’s wise to let something go rather than plough on when a situation has become challenging. Effectively, this whole combination urges you to ‘get real’ and consider when and where you’ve reached a dead end.
This could be the time you step down from a board of governors or leave a political party. There’s a theme of endings and/or confronting people in authority. Note where the balance of power is out. Remember too that your ruling planet, Jupiter, is also in Capricorn, so this is about truth and justice and standing up for what you believe in.
The best date for friendship is the 2nd when Mercury and Jupiter align in Capricorn. This promises good news for someone close. It’s also a good date for writing down your hopes and wishes for 2020.
Seeking Balance
Also this month, don’t rush into things as the emphasis is at times on rest and retreat. This is because you have three of the personal planets moving through Aquarius and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. This includes Venus (relating) up until the 13th, Mercury (mind/communication) which enters Aquarius on the 16th followed four days later by the Sun (identity) on the 20th.
There may be a good reason why you have to slow down the pace, perhaps due to a health issue or the end of a job or work contract. Certainly, when you have a trio of planets in Aquarius, this is the time for reflection and contemplation, rather than being actively out in the world.
You might be feeling physically weak or sense that your body needs more time to rest and be quiet. The focus is on your inner world and being still so you can access your natural intuition. Catch up on your sleep and listen to your dreams. Being a Sun Pisces, your dream world can be a rich resource of insight and wisdom.
Also, there’s another reason to pace yourself. If you’re charging ahead blindly and you’re not moving forwards mindfully through life, you could trip up. Pay attention to what’s going on within you and don’t ignore or avoid any stirrings or deeper feelings.
This is particularly important for you because action planet Mars enters Sagittarius and the most visible sector of your horoscope on the 3rd. Mars remains here until mid-February. Mars in Sagittarius is about being in the public eye as it rules your career and vocation, your status and reputation.
Mars is ambitious and driven but if you have too much going on in your life and you’re playing catch up, this won’t help your stress levels. Invariably, this is when life steps in to slow you down. Even if you work hard and play hard this month, schedule in time for relaxation.
This is vital if you’re to have a successful month. Ensure you balance your needs carefully and listen to your mind, body and soul. Set new habits in place on the New Moon in Aquarius on the 24th.
Your Pisces Nature
As a Sun Pisces, you’re at your best when you feel inspired and enthused about life. You have a romantic soul and you’re wise to seek interests and activities that lie beyond the everyday. When life becomes humdrum or mundane, your spirit fades.
Therefore, it’s important to replenish your soul in whichever way you choose. Do what works for you. Events around the 27th of the month may point the way forwards. This is when Venus is in Pisces and teams up with your co-ruler, Neptune. Neptune represents images and the imagination.
The flip side of Neptune is confusion or delusion. Yet, when Neptune is strong, you can channel your creative and romantic nature into fulfilling activities. Seek meaning and purpose in life and lose yourself in a good way.
Love Vibes
Finally, this is an interesting month when it comes to love. In the first two weeks of January, Venus in Aquarius could indicate unrequited feelings or a love affair you need to keep private. This changes, however, on the 13th, when Venus moves into Pisces, your star sign.
This is your time of year when you have the love planet on your side. Make the most of this and know that when you look good, you feel good too. Venus adds the attraction factor to your personality so flirt and be seductive, especially if you’re looking for love or you want to spice up your love life.
The most romantic day of the year for you is often when Venus and Neptune, higher octaves of one another, come together in your star sign Pisces. This year, that event happens on the 27th Make the most of this gorgeous alignment and give in to romance. The one proviso is to avoid a relationship with someone you work with. That wouldn’t be wise.