Pisces Horoscope October 2022

Pisces horoscope, fishes

October could turn out to be the pivotal month of the year. There’s so much big astrology taking place, some of it echoing what’s coming in 2023. Here’s what’s most significant for you to take note of:

Mercury Turns Direct

On the 2nd, the planet of communication Mercury turns direct. This spells good news as it’s been an unusually chaotic Mercury retrograde phase. The planet of communication switched direction on September 10th.

Hopefully, news or information may come to light once Mercury is back up to speed. Mercury turns direct in Virgo and your relationship sector. Therefore, it’s a good time to reach out to others and reopen the lines of communication.

Mercury will remain in Virgo until the 11th, an ideal time to sort out any partnership issue that cropped up over the last three weeks.

Full Moon Aries

Mercury will join the Sun & Venus in air sign Libra on the 11th. The day before, on the 9th, there’s a powerful Full Moon cutting across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac.

This is the financial axis of your horoscope and Full Moons often bring clarity. This is when the light of the Moon is at its brightest and an ideal time to trust your intuition regarding money & investments.

Libra rules all forms of joint finances in your horoscope, e.g. mortgages, taxes, inheritance, alimonies, savings & debt. Whereas Aries rules your personal money, your assets & possessions, your values & self-worth.

On the 12th, Mercury in Libra opposes your ruling planet Jupiter in Aries. This may flag up where there’s a discrepancy around money or a disagreement. You might have one idea, whereas your partner, either personal or professional, has a completely different idea.

Also, note where you’re being generous, perhaps overly so, and whether this is doing you any favours. It’s not a time to act based on your emotions either. Air signs dominate during the mid-month period – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – and air signs are logical, rational & objective. Therefore, you’re wise to make decisions based on your head rather than your heart.

This could be a time when you’re considering what next. You might be ready to let go of an attachment to your past. Or, perhaps you’re thinking about your home and family and your future path.

There is a sense that you may need to dive back into past issues this month for different reasons. Most important is the fact that your ruling planet Jupiter moves back into your star sign Pisces on the 28th. Jupiter only remains here until December 20th, a short while, but this may prove significant.

Where do you need to go back to the drawing board and check out that you’re on track with your personal goals and aims? Jupiter’s the planet of growth and expansion, luck and good fortune. Start thinking about this in October and know that November is the month when you may be ready to make a leap of faith.

Solar Eclipse Scorpio

On the 23rd, the Sun enters Scorpio alongside Venus, the planet of relating. The Sun & Venus are side-by-side throughout October, emphasising the importance of partnership in your life.

This may be financial & emotional when they’re together in Libra up until the 22nd. Then, from the 23rd onwards, things take a more exotic turn.

This is because Scorpio is a fellow water sign and rules travel and study in your horoscope, the bigger picture. Sometimes, when you have Venus here, you enjoy a holiday romance or love and foreign connections are linked.

Two days after the Sun & Venus move into Scorpio, there’s a powerful Solar Eclipse on the 25th. This is part of the eclipse cycle that began in November 2021 and completes in October 2023. A Solar Eclipse is a New Moon with oomph. Yes, it’s a symbol of new beginnings but sometimes one door has to close before a new door can open.

Do read the eclipse do’s and don’ts below but look out for a new opportunity that comes your way that you can take advantage of. This is the only Solar Eclipse in Scorpio during the whole eclipse cycle and it would be an exciting time to say yes to a new adventure or experience.

Mars Retrograde

Finally this month, action planet Mars turns retrograde in Gemini the star sign at the base of your horoscope. This happens on the 30th and Mars remains on go slow until January 12, 2023.

Mars retrograde advice is to take your foot off the accelerator and slow things down. Sometimes, you can be up against opposition or other people are out to frustrate you.

A property deal could be delayed during this period. Or, perhaps you have to take care of someone in your family and it takes some getting used to a new situation.

Ideally, you want to sign and seal a deal before Mars turns retrograde in the star sign linked to communication. What Mars retrograde is good for is for reviewing things, planning, coming up with ideas and reworking your strategy. Then, you can leap into action when Mars is moving forward early next year.

Also, it’s important to note that the key planetary aspect for Mars is a square aspect to your modern ruler Neptune in Pisces. This takes place on the 12th and will repeat next month. This can confuse the issue and you need to be careful that your motives are true.

It would be easy to try and seduce or persuade other people to do what you want but be wary that this could backfire on you. Also, be careful what you say or write as words could be used against you during the Mars retrograde phase. Be less slippery and more astute.

Eclipse Do’s & Don’ts

Eclipse season kicks in this month & next as the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle continues. Here are some eclipse tips:

  • Try not to fear an eclipse – they are a reminder that you’re not always in control.
  • Ideally, don’t choose an eclipse date to launch a project or start something new.
  • Wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action. Eclipse symbolism is shadowy and hidden.
  • Once the eclipse shadow lifts, then you can try to take advantage of any changes that have occurred.
  • Know that the eclipses are closely linked to the karmic nodes & wheel of destiny – sometimes, they offer a turning point ready or not.

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