Pisces Horoscope March 2022

Pisces horoscope March 2022, spring

Pisces Season

It’s all about you as March gets underway and there’s a little bit of cosmic luck wafting in. Pisces season is when the cosmic spotlight turns towards you. Focus on your personal goals and aims with the Sun in Pisces until the 20th.

Make the most of your birthday time of year and have fun and celebrate in style. This month’s New Moon also takes place in Pisces on the 2nd, a symbol of new beginnings. Start something new.

When planets are in your star sign, it’s an excellent time to focus on your image and profile and consider how other people see you and how you come across in the world. Put yourself first. Talk planet Mercury also moves through Pisces from the 10th to the 27th.


This is an important month for another reason as March gives you a preview of the epic Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces that takes place next month on April 12th. This is super significant for you as these two planets are your co-rulers.

This month, the Sun aligns with Jupiter in Pisces on the 5th and one week later the Sun comes together with Neptune in Pisces on the 13th. Jupiter is the planet which rules good fortune, visionary goals and risk-taking.

Look out for new opportunities that come your way when Jupiter is active on the 5th, also the 21st. Anything that begins under a Jupiter transit promises success. This is the global planet linked to travel, higher education, religion, the Law and publishing.

You may choose to study or learn something new now. Immerse yourself in a spiritual goal or seek knowledge that inspires you. Notice who appears in your life, someone who may play a significant role as a teacher or guru.

The Jupiter-Neptune combination is protective, giving and charitable. It’s about having big dreams, a vision of the future and taking a leap of faith to make those dreams and visions reality. There may be times when you feel overwhelmed emotionally as this combination is boundless.

Yet, it’s a key month to remain hopeful, to pray, to be inspired by nature & beauty, compassion & kindness. You may get a sense of where you’re being called forth to play your part, to use your unique skills and talents as a blessing in the world.

Also, there’s a Full Moon on the 18th. This might be an important time for a love relationship as the Full Moon cuts across the Pisces/Virgo axis of the zodiac. Virgo rules your relationship sector. Do something special with your other half or the one you love and make this a magical time of year.

Your partner planet is Mercury so the 21st and 23rd could be special too when Mercury in Pisces aligns with Jupiter, then Neptune, your ruling planets.

Equinox – A Fresh Start

The 20th is a significant date this month. This is when the Sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This is the day of the Equinox and the start of a new zodiac cycle. In the northern hemisphere, this coincides with the onset of spring and it’s a positive time to make a fresh start and put extra energy into your life.

Talk planet Mercury joins the Sun in Aries and your personal money sector on the 27th. This can be a time when you enjoy spending money or talking about money. If you have money-making ideas bring them to light. Look at new ways of earning, investing or making the most of your money.

Do be aware, however, that you need to consider the future when it comes to money. It’s tempting to focus on short-term gratification whereas a wiser strategy is to consider the long-term picture.

Venus & Mars

The focus is on you throughout March but there’s some key astrology taking place in the dark or behind closed doors. On the 3rd, there’s a powerful and intense triple conjunction of Venus, Mars & Pluto in Capricorn. This is your friendship sector and it’s wise to be a little wary on or around this date.

Pluto’s linked to corruption so it’s not a good day to get in with the wrong crowd. There may be a theme of loss or endings in your life, perhaps linked to friendship or a group activity. Ready or not, you may have to move on and let go of the past and start afresh.

Venus and Mars move into Aquarius together on the 6th and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. These two planets unite on the same day. This can indicate a love affair or unrequited love. Or, you may spend time thinking about someone dear to your heart who’s no longer around.

It suggests that there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. You might be involved in a social media campaign or be taking part in a new online group.

Sometimes, this means you’re busy working privately or you’re preparing to go live with a launch or new event. This could coincide with the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th. It might be a spiritual event or an activity that favours unity over division. If so, you’re in tune with your stars.

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2 thoughts on “Pisces Horoscope March 2022”

  1. Enrica Menapace-Millar

    Thank you Sally. Looks like an exciting month.
    I’m Pisces and my birthday is on 5th!! ☺️
    Enrica x

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