Gemini Season
It may feel as if the planets are pulling you back towards the past this month. This is because of the line-up of planets in Gemini and your home and family sector. The Sun is here until the 21st and talk planet Mercury is in Gemini from the 11th to the 27th.
You could be exploring your family tree or be catching up with family or loved ones you haven’t seen for a while. Alternatively, you could be busy or social at home with lots of comings and goings. Gemini is the star sign of communication and a social influence.
It would be a good month to tackle your home ‘to do’ list. Or, spend time hanging out with your favourite relatives. Gemini’s a quick and witty influence and can bring out the multi-faceted side of your own nature.
The Full Moon on the 4th and the New Moon on the 18th are part of this planetary picture. The Full Moon falls in Sagittarius and your career and vocation sector, cutting across the foundations of your horoscope. You may be aware of the work/life balance and needing to juggle both ends of the spectrum.
It would be a good Full Moon to make a decision about your future path. Or, your home and family. Full Moons can bring clarity when you see your situation clearly.
The New Moon falls in Gemini, an ideal date to start a home or family-related project. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings so reach out, heal a rift and start over. Take the initiative on this New Moon and set your intentions around home and family affairs.
There are two key planets pulled into this month’s Moon phases and both are currently in your star sign Pisces. Firstly, Saturn in Pisces is active during the Full Moon on the 4th. And, again on the 15th and 17th. At its best, Saturn in Pisces can lend you commitment and discipline to get things done.
You may be the one calling the shots or laying down the law when it comes to your home or family. Perhaps, some boundary-setting is required or new rules and regulations need your attention.
Try not to give into fear or doubt when Saturn’s active. Instead, deal with the facts and confront any challenges head on. Admittedly, this may not come easily to you if you’re a typical Sun Pisces. Yet, perhaps this is Saturn’s lesson, honing and refining your skills of discernment.
The other planet in Pisces is more of a known influence as it’s your co-ruler Neptune. Neptune is a key player this month, especially during the New Moon on the 18th and again on the 19th, 25th & 30th.
This can be a dreamy influence, an ideal time to visualise where you want to be or who you want to be with. You might be yearning for somewhere new to live or be hoping for an addition to your family.
This could be a deeply reflective time when you want to retreat from the world and spend more time relaxing or at home. You might be experiencing strong emotions around your family, whether you’re saying goodbye or letting go.
Yet, this astrology can feel disorienting at times or leave you feeling confused. It’s not the time to take anything at face value and don’t believe everything you hear or read. Instead, use Neptune’s influence to be there for the ones you love and put your sensitive and empathic skills to good use.
Work & Health
There’s another strong influence taking place this month in the star sign Leo. Action planet Mars is here throughout June, in the sector of your horoscope that rules your work and health. You may have more energy with Mars in Leo. Or, perhaps you’re overly busy and active, which could feel overwhelming at times.
The planet of relating Venus joins Mars in Leo on the 5th. Focus on looking after yourself and put new habits and routines in place that will benefit you moving forward. If you’re in a relationship, get your other half on board with a new eating plan. Alternatively, support one another, if either of you are looking for work or one of you has got too much on.
Venus in Leo indicates that it’s a good time to find the right practitioner or health expert. The same applies to work, perhaps a CV writer or adjudicator, whatever your requirements. Plus, Venus will remain in Leo for an unusually long time, until early October.
Plus, Venus will square your traditional ruler Jupiter three times over the next few months. The first aspect takes place on the 11th with Jupiter in Taurus. This combination can flag up excess or extravagance. What is there ‘too much’ of, where are you wise to rein things in?
This could be about gossip that leads you astray. Or, a local event which saps your energy. Be wary of what you say yes to when Jupiter’s in full flow. This is the planet of opportunity and growth but can get carried away.
There’s a similar theme playing out on the 26th but, this time, it’s not wise to be overly impulsive. Beware of rebellious or radical behaviour and steer clear of any argument that flares up, especially at work.
Love & Joy
Finally this month, love and romance are under the cosmic spotlight. Love planet Venus is in Cancer and your romance sector up until the 5th. Then, the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, the day of the Solstice. Plus a few days later, on the 27th, talk planet Mercury enters this same sector of your horoscope.
Your heart may be full whether you’re in the throes of a love affair or there’s a joyful birth or addition to the family. You might be channeling your emotions into your art, poetry or another inspiring activity. This could be helpful for a creative project and Saturn’s discipline may kick in big-time on the last two days of the month.
Saturn teams up with your ruling planet Jupiter as well, on the 19th. This combination is ideal for studying or revising.
You may have a lot to learn with Jupiter in Taurus. Or, perhaps you’re the one who’s stepping into a teaching role. Use your knowledge and wisdom wisely, not only to better your own life but potentially to improve other people’s lives too.
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