Cancer Season
A lot of this month’s astrology is about getting in the flow of life, so it works for you rather than against you. This is because there’s strong water sign energy with the Sun in Cancer, a fellow water sign, up until the 23rd and talk planet Mercury here until the 11th.
Both Mercury and the Sun in Cancer connect with your planet Neptune on the 9th and 20th respectively. This feels caring and soulful. It could coincide with a love affair or happiness surrounding a child or pregnancy. Or, perhaps it’s a creative project that fulfils you or a time when you’re having fun and you feel entertained by life.
The Full Moon on July 3rd and the New Moon on July 17th link into these key areas of your life. The Full Moon cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac and this is a powerful time to trust your intuition.
A Full Moon represents culmination and completion when your emotions are heightened. This could coincide with a social event or celebration.
Plus, on July 1st, your ruling planet Jupiter connects with both the Sun and Mercury in Cancer. This is about community and gathering people together. Another nod towards a party or neighbourhood get-together. Use your connections and reach out to your friends for emotional support.
The New Moon in Cancer on July 17th is a positive symbol for new beginnings and a chance to start afresh. Choose an area of life that you’re passionate about and set your intentions. This is a good date for new love, news of a pregnancy or the start of a new and exciting chapter.
There are a couple of challenging planetary aspects, however, that indicate some beginnings will stem from an ending. This involves Pluto in Capricorn opposing Mercury on the 10th and the Sun on the 20th. There could be a loss or a goodbye that takes place. This might be linked to friendship or a group in which you’re involved.
What occurs may be a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, death, rebirth and renewal. It may provide an opportunity to move away from a situation or group that’s toxic or destructive rather than constructive.
Pluto is the excavator in astrology so don’t avoid what you know may be inevitable. Dig deep if change is needed for personal transformation.
Leo Season
However, it’s not just about the water signs this month as there’s a lot of activity taking place in fire sign Leo. The planet of love and relating Venus is in Leo all month and is joined by passion planet Mars up until the 10th. In fact, the lovers of the heavens are side-by-side, a symbol of partnership and teamwork.
Leo rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. Therefore, this may be about getting the balance of life right. If you focus too much on work, there’s no time for play or fun. If you’re too laid-back, you may lack purpose or a sense of direction. Tend to both sides of the work/life scales.
Also, talk planet Mercury is in Leo from the 11th to the 28th and the Sun enters Leo on the 23rd. You could be extra busy during this period with meetings and interviews lined up. Or, perhaps you’re delegating well and you have a host of people you rely on to help your life run smoothly, personally or professionally.
Ultimately, Leo season can teach you about happiness, appreciating what you have in life and being grateful for simple pleasures. What you give, you receive back in return. Be there for other people. Alternatively, if you’re the one who needs advice or support in your life, here’s your opportunity to reach out and find it. Focus on the everyday and ensure that you’re well in mind, body and soul.
Venus Retrograde
The other major planetary activity this month involves the planet of love and relating Venus. On July 23rd, Venus turns retrograde and will remain on go slow until September 4th.
This suggests you have to slow down the pace of love or life and take a step back. You can’t hurry love when Venus is on go slow. In fact, it might benefit you to create some distance or space from a partner or ex, for a short while.
The most important work you can do is on yourself when Venus is retrograde is to turn your attention inward. The same rule applies for a partner. Therefore, aim to adopt an attitude of tolerance and acceptance and let things be while Venus backtracks through the heavens. Use Venus retrograde to tend to your inner self and well-being, so you emerge stronger as Venus reappears in the morning sky.
Stay Grounded, Dig Deep
Finally this month, action planet Mars enters earth sign Virgo on July 10th where it remains until August 27th. This may mean not taking on too much or promising more than you can deliver. As a Sun Pisces, this is something you don’t always find easy.
If you’re true to your star sign, you have a deep trust and faith in life and you pin your hopes on your dreams and wishes. What you need and sometimes lack is an ability to turn those dreams into reality, to put in the steps to ensure they happen.
This is provided by your opposite star sign, Virgo, one of the earth signs. Therefore, aim to keep your feet on the ground, be realistic and pay attention to the details this month. Adopt a hard-work ethic if you’re busy and look after your mind, body and soul to support you in getting things done.
Alternatively, hand everything over to another person, a Virgo type, who can help you. Virgo rules relationships in your life and it’s not a time to go it alone.
On the 20th, Mars in Virgo clashes with Saturn in your star sign Pisces. Saturn can stop in your tracks and, sometimes, delivers disappointment or limitation. Perhaps, you’re dealing with a personal loss or an obstacle in your life that’s hard to overcome. Maybe, you give into fear and doubt and lose that innate trust in yourself and in life.
What Mars and Saturn can offer you are determination, grit and the power not to give up if it’s not right to do so. There may be times this month when you’re being called forth to dig deep, be resolute and stay committed and on track with your plans, your dreams, your hopes and wishes for the future.
Venus Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
- Venus is retrograde from July 23rd to September 4th.
- Traditionally, it’s not the best time to marry, invest or have cosmetic surgery when Venus the planet that rules love, money and beauty switches direction.
- Put off major love and money decisions until Venus turns direct on September 4th. Yet, note that Mercury will be retrograde until September 15th – the true turning point.
- Use this Venus retrograde phase to reflect and gather strength, to review your situation, to consider your love and money options, to learn more about yourself and what you want when it comes to love. Start by learning to love yourself fully.
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