As the month begins, talk planet Mercury is in Sagittarius at the peak of your horoscope until the 6th. Mercury’s joined by Venus here until the 10th and the Sun remains in Sagittarius until the 21st.
This puts the cosmic spotlight on your career and vocation, your future path. You might be firing some arrows high into the sky to see where they land in 2023.
Gemini Full Moon
The major astrology in the first half of the month is the Full Moon on the 8th cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac and the foundations of your horoscope. Full Moons often flag up opposing needs and this may be particularly true during this Full Moon.
This is because of what’s happening with retrograde Mars. Mars is currently in retreat in Gemini and your home and family sector and is active during the Full Moon phase. In fact, Mars kicks off on the 1st when it opposes Venus in Sagittarius and on the day of the Full Moon when it opposes the Sun in Sagittarius.
Full Moons heighten emotions and can coincide with drama. This Full Moon feels tempestuous with the Moon exactly conjunct Mars. It may be that events at home impact your work and career. You could have the builders in or someone in your family takes precedence. Or, perhaps you’re aware that saying yes to one person in your life means having to say no to another.
It could be unclear how best to proceed and you may feel pulled in different directions. Your co-ruler Neptune is also dominant during the Full Moon phase as it clashes with Venus on the 4th and the Sun on the 14th.
Perhaps, work takes you away from your personal life or there’s an emotional imbalance. Consider what this might mean for you and how you can find a way to allay any fears. The most important lesson of this month’s Full Moon may be to trust yourself and your instincts. Know that when you play big, some things work out and some things don’t.
Earth Sign Energy
What does help in this topsy-turvy astrology is the influence on the star sign Capricorn. Capricorn’s one of the earth signs, steady and reliable, and rules your friendship and group sector. Therefore, turn to your friends for advice, support and good times.
Talk planet Mercury enters Capricorn on the 6th followed by the planet of love and relating Venus on the 10th. Plus, the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st heralding the Solstice. And, two days later, there’s a New Moon here on the 23rd.
Make time for connections in the month ahead and aim to prioritise your social life over personal matters. The 17th & 22nd look gorgeous for community events, parties and social get-togethers when both Mercury & Venus align with spontaneous Uranus. If you’re looking for love, note that love and friendship are linked.
Jupiter Joy
Also, there’s big news for you towards the end of the month. On the 20th, your ruling planet Jupiter leaves your star sign Pisces where it’s been on and off since May 2021.
Jupiter is the planet of luck, opportunity and freedom. At its best, Jupiter is a breath of fresh air. When it’s in your star sign, you often feel more able to chase your dreams and go after whatever makes you happy.
Jupiter moves into fire sign Aries on the 20th, where it’s already been from May 10th to October 28th. Expansive Jupiter will remain in Aries until May 16, 2023.
Jupiter transits can be powerful for you, especially if you harness the planet of opportunity well. Aries rules money in your horoscope – finances, assets, possessions and all that you value highly in life.
You could come across an opportunity to boost your finances or to lead a wealthier or more abundant lifestyle. The flow of money and self-worth could pick up speed.
Keep a close eye on what happens around the 20th when Jupiter changes star sign. Also, on the 29th when there’s a lucky Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Aries. This pairing will be visible in the night sky and it’s a lovely time to make a wish.
Mercury Retrograde
Finally, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 29th and remains on go slow until January 18, 2023.
Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn ruling your friends and group activities, your networks and alliances. It’s here where you’re wise to take the pace slow after this date. Or, perhaps communication breaks down between you and someone close.
Mercury retrograde can be a time of misunderstandings or untruths. Therefore, don’t believe everything you hear and don’t make assumptions based on what you read.
It is a good time to reconnect with friends from your past and you may feel unusually nostalgic or sentimental during the last week of the year. This might include getting back in touch with someone you were at school with or someone you met travelling.
Synchronicity could play its part too as Mercury turns retrograde in a lovely sextile aspect to your ruling planet Neptune – these two planets are active on December 25th, Christmas Day.
Plus, lovely Venus is also involved. Listen carefully for signs or messages from the universe and be guided by them. It might be the first Christmas for a while that you finally meet up with one of your oldest and dearest friends.
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