Pisces Christmas Horoscope 2016

Pisces Christmas HoroscopeSign up as an annual Weekly Subscriber (£39/$59) over Christmas 2016 and you will receive a free copy of my 2017 Horoscopes eBook, value £10. Offer is available from now until January 3rd 2017.

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PISCES (19 February-20 March)

If you’ve been finding it hard to get enthusiastic about the festive fortnight, that’s all about to change. On Monday 19th December action planet Mars enters your sign of Pisces where it remains for the next six weeks.

Suddenly there’s a lot to do and little time but fortunately with Mars in Pisces, you’ll find an extra surge of energy and the desire to get things moving.

There is however the issue of Mercury turning retrograde on the same day, December 19th, and Mercury is on go slow until January 8th 2017. So even though with Mars in Pisces, you’ll be full of swag and raring to go, do be aware that Mercury could spring delays and if you’re too hasty, you’ll end up having to do everything all over again.

In other words, try not to rush overly but at the same time be productive. Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn and one of the social sectors of your chart. Capricorn rules your friends and group activities so it’s here where there might be misunderstandings or people who let you down or drop out on your plans.

Bear this in mind as you move through the festive fortnight and don’t put too much faith in the social scene. You could be happier doing things your way rather than relying too heavily on others to bring you happiness and joy.

The period between Christmas and New Year does look special for you and this is a good time to catch up with friends or people from your past. Your planet Neptune is part of the picture so there’s a sentimental feel to this period when you’re revelling in memories.

The New Moon on December 29th also takes place in Capricorn so this might be a stand out date for getting in touch with someone from your past. The Moon is your partner planet so go on a trip down memory lane with your other half or reconnect with your childhood sweetheart.

New Year’s Eve also gives off a sexy vibe as passionate planet Mars schmoozes with romantic Neptune, both in your sign of Pisces. This is a night for being naughty if you feel so inclined. One way or another, make sure you enjoy yourself and do New Year’s Eve your way.

The big Christmas astrology feels especially dynamic for you as this lights up key sectors of your life. Saturn is currently in Sagittarius at the top of your chart ruling your career and vocation, your future and where you’re heading.

Saturn makes a planetary aspect to Uranus on Christmas Day, December 25th, and Uranus is opposed to Jupiter, your ruling planet, on Boxing Day, December 26th. These two freedom loving planets, Jupiter and Uranus, cut across the financial axis of your chart.

This whole combination is about surprises, big change, breakthrough moments. You might receive a large amount of money, a gift, bonus or investment with Jupiter in Libra and your joint finance sector. Or perhaps you’re dealing with debt and feel as if events are starting to spiral out of control.

The date Uranus turns direct in your personal money sector, December 29th, is the most likely date when you’re ready to do things differently. Whatever takes place, the theme is renewal and the exciting option is the most likely one to choose.

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