Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
The month of August is a good time to re-jig your routine. Make sure you’re doing less of what stresses you out and more of what boosts your energy levels.
There’s a strong focus this month on the star sign Leo, which represents your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. This is about finding balance in life and, sometimes, this only occurs, when your life is out of kilter or balance. Events take place or things happen which mean you have to stop and reassess what you need moving forwards.
This is true for you because, until the 19th, communication planet Mercury is retrograde in Leo. Straightaway, this is an out-of-balance factor, not feeling heard, trying to do too much or alternatively, worrying about work. Note, however, that the plus side of Mercury retrograde is a chance to take a step back, take time out and reassess where you’re heading and why.
The other important retrograde planet is Mars, the action planet, on go slow in Aquarius and the most hidden sector of your horoscope as August begins. Notice where in life you’re unwinding or unravelling or what you’re letting go of. Themes of release and surrender are strong for you this month.
It’s important too that you do what’s right for you and you don’t let other peoples’ comments or remarks stop you walking your own path. This is rarely easy for you being a Pisces but, right now, it’s a matter of good health or not.
The Solar Eclipse on the 11th is also potentially powerful. Look out for new insights or a new way opening up. Sometimes, eclipses mean an ending has to happen before a new beginning can start over. Use the symbolism to decide what goes and what stays, especially in relation to your work and lifestyle.
The big event for you this month is 100% the Jupiter-Neptune trine aspect on the 19th. These two planets are your co-rulers and they meet in water signs, your element. Jupiter is in Scorpio and your travel and study sector and Neptune is in Pisces and your personal sector, ruling your image and profile, your personal goals and aims.
If you’re not happy with where you’re at, where do you want to be? Allow the Jupiter-Neptune influence to inspire and take you on a magical, mystery journey. Be open to wonder, expand your world and live life to the full. This is the message of the Jupiter-Neptune trine aspect. Don’t limit yourself, don’t stick to what you know. Instead, take a leap of faith into the unknown.
Love too is part of the picture this month especially once the Sun enters Virgo and your relationship sector on the 23rd. This is closely followed by a Full Moon in Pisces on the 26th and this really would be a great weekend to line up something special. It’s your Full Moon. Open your heart, be loving and giving, say Yes to love. Whatever feels right for you.
This might also coincide with a shift in direction for a friendship or group encounter. Mars is in Capricorn from the 13th and turns direct here on the 27th, the day after the Full Moon. This is the time to sort out any difficulties between you and other people. Get your life and close relationships back on track.
Peace and contentment in your new home Sally
Thank you 🙂