New Moon In Virgo: Pencils At The Ready

Coloured PencilsWe are on the verge of another New Moon, this one in the earth sign of Virgo which takes place on Monday 25th August 2014 [exact 15:13 BST, London time].

New Moons are great for setting intentions and using the energy of a new Moon cycle to plan your month ahead.

This month’s New Moon energy feels especially efficient as it falls in the most organised sign of the zodiac, Virgo, and the timing is perfect if you live in the UK and the kids gear up ready to go back to school.

Back to school

In most of the northern hemisphere, the school summer holidays fall in July and August but come early September, there’s a rush to buy new school shoes, stationery and all manner of paraphernalia to make the transition from laid-back hols to ‘pay attention’ school days flow with ease.

This synchronises beautifully with the Sun’s move from the fire sign Leo where it’s been since July 22nd 2014 in to the earth sign Virgo which takes place on August 23rd 2014. The Sun remains in each of the 12 signs of the zodiac for approximately one month.

Turn creativity into a skill or craft

Leo is all about having fun, celebration and when and where possible focusing on play rather than work. Leo’s an extremely creative sign when you can be inspired by doing what you love and following your passion. It’s the creative spark which fire signs excel at but aren’t always so hot when it comes to implementing their brilliant ideas and seeing them through to completion.

This is where the earth signs come into their own and when the Sun is in Virgo this is your perfect opportunity to make lists, sort filing and work out a schedule for the weeks ahead.

Virgo rules craft and skills and helps us all to pay attention to detail and remember that practice makes perfect. This is the time to initiate new regular habits that benefit your everyday routine, your body and your health. Virgo rules work but also your well-being.

Creating change one step at a time

Virgo is a sign that sometimes gets a bad press for playing small or being ordinary but the best way to create change in life is to take one small step at a time towards your chosen goal. Making big demands on yourself doesn’t always pay off but creating new daily practices can change the habits of a lifetime.

Why not pick 3 things that you commit to doing on a regular basis for the next four weeks whilst the Sun is in Virgo and by September 23rd 2014 when the Sun moves into Libra you may be pleasantly surprised at what you’ve achieved.

Visualize your success

This New Moon falls on Bank Holiday Monday in the UK with the Sun and Moon at 2 Virgo opposing Neptune at 6 Pisces. This adds a dreamy quality to the New Moon and is perfect for visualization and imagining what you’re going to do next and what you want to achieve in the new ‘school term’.

What skills will you master and where will you channel your determination? I’m off to sharpen my pencils and plan out my schedule for the next few months knowing that Christmas, is only a hop, skip and a jump away.

What’s more I’m going to commit to doing something I love every day and combine the creativity of Leo with the diligence of Virgo. How will you ensure it’s an exciting start to your personal equivalent of a new school year?

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