New Moon Virgo: Don’t Worry, Be Happy

New Moon Virgo, sunshine

New Moon [25 Virgo 01]

– September 17, 2020 (12:00 GMT+1)

We are on the verge of the next New Moon, this one in the earth sign Virgo. New Moons are great for setting intentions and using the energy of a new Moon cycle to plan your month ahead. 

Virgo is the most organised and efficient star sign, emphasising the strong earth sign energy this week. During the New Moon phase in Virgo, make lists, sort your filing, get things organised and ship-shape and work out a realistic/practical schedule for the month ahead. 

Virgo rules craft and skills and helps us all pay attention to the details of life. This is the time to initiate new regular habits that benefit your everyday routine, your body and your health. Virgo rules work, also your well-being. 

This New Moon is strong earth energy which is good news as fiery Mars retrograde in fire sign Aries has been ruling the roost of late. This earth sign New Moon feels like a counterbalance to anger, drama, things feeling out-of-control.

Mercury-ruled Mutable Virgo

Yet, it’s also important to remember that even though Virgo is one of the earth signs, it’s a mutable, i.e. flexible/changeable sign and ruled by Mercury, planet of the mind. Grounded isn’t a good description for Virgo, although it is for the other two earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn.

Hence the title of this New Moon article – ‘don’t worry, be happy‘. If you know anything about Virgos, they can be great worriers. I remember a Virgo I lived with many years ago who said ‘I’m worried that I’ve got nothing to worry about at the moment!’ – lol. Only a Virgo…

Be aware that your mind might be going a little bit crazy at the moment – mine is! – and your dreams might leave you feeling frazzled and worn out, because they’re so busy – mine are!

Take steps to calm your mind, ground yourself, be in nature, saunter slowly through life, appreciate the small things and whatever brings you comfort.

Power Trines

There’s power in this week’s New Moon as the Sun & Moon at 25 Virgo make a supportive trine aspect to the triple conjunction in Capricorn, Jupiter at 17, Pluto at 22 and Saturn at 25 Capricorn.

Consider what you’re building towards and how to create foundations in your life that highlight your long-term goals or sense of security.

At the very least, focus on getting the basics in life in place – a roof over your head, food to eat, somewhere warm to rest. Pare back and deal with the essentials of life.

Neptune’s Waters

The New Moon picks up an opposition to Neptune in Pisces too, which adds to the mutable feel of this New Moon – Neptune’s realm is vast and boundless. Although as Neptune is at 19 Pisces, the earth sign trines are stronger.

Yet, this does feel perfect for being close to water, a lake, a river or the sea. Swim in nature’s bounty and open yourself to the magic of the natural world.

Stop, clear your mind and see what comes to you when you’re in flow, un-rushed and unhurried. Give yourself time to dream during this powerful New Moon. This is where true creativity hides, when you allow ideas to appear that are unexpected and delight you.

Here’s a quick guide to the areas of your life highlighted by this week’s New Moon in Virgo. Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign:

  • Virgo: Self, image, name, your identity
  • Libra: Retreat, quiet time, seclusion, service to others, introspection
  • Scorpio: Friends, groups, social networks, social concerns, hopes & wishes
  • Sagittarius: Career, vocation, status, your role in the public eye
  • Capricorn: Travel, education, learning, your philosopy of life
  • Aquarius: Joint finances, sex, life’s mysteries
  • Pisces: Relationships, your 1-to-1’s both personal & professional
  • Aries: Health, work, your everyday lifestyle & routine
  • Taurus: Children, creativity, entertainment, love affairs, luck
  • Gemini: Home, family, your past, where you come from
  • Cancer: Communication, siblings, neighbours, your local community
  • Leo: Money, resources, your personal values

Virgo is a sign that sometimes gets a bad press for playing small but the best way to create change in life is to take one small step at a time towards your chosen goal. Making big demands on yourself doesn’t pay off but creating new daily practices can change the habits of a lifetime.

Wait until the silver slither of the crescent moon emerges in the night sky at the weekend. Then, you can make your New Moon wish and tend to your garden of life.

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4 thoughts on “New Moon Virgo: Don’t Worry, Be Happy”

  1. Hi Sally – I know what you mean about minds going crazy at the moment!

    Like many of us, I’ve really been struggling these past few months, due, I imagine, to all the Saturn/Pluto activity around my Capricorn Saturn and Jupiter (broken tooth, lack of paid work and aged parent issues, amongst others, so very Saturnian! And in the 4th house as well..) As my Saturn AND Jupiter are at 25 Capricorn (10’ and 11’ respectively 🙈), does this New Moon bring me any relief?! I always knew that a second Saturn return wouldn’t exactly be a picnic….

    I’m hoping the entry of Jupiter into my natal Aquarius at the end of the year might also help!!

    Thanks as always for your lovely writing style and positivity!

    1. Yes, I think it will help. Focus on the long-term vision/goals and what you’re working steadily towards. It’s that kind of energy. Things will feel very different once Saturn & Jupiter leave Capricorn. At least you have both your Saturn & Jupiter Returns together – the practical optimist, the idealistic realist! Also, the two together are about leadership & responsibility. Hope that helps 🙂

      1. Thanks Sally – not sure about the practical optimist (not feeling very optimistic at present) but, but the idealistic realist is more like it – my dreams all seem to have been trashed by current circumstances, so it’s a case of how do I accommodate that and move forward! I suspect you’ve had your own challenges and disappointments of late, so I hope things are looking brighter for you.

  2. Might be an interesting new moon for those born in 1969-70 who have Pluto near this degree along with Saturn in early Taurus which will be getting hit by transiting Uranus

    Mine’s a few degrees later with the new moon hitting my 5th house. I guess it relates to my daughter going off to university who was born as my progressed moon hit my pluto. She’s full of mars/pluto Sag energy and with venus/jupiter in 9th I’m not sure I’ll see much of her over the next decade as she loves all things foreign !

    So typical new moon really – end of one thing leading to new beginnings. I suspect many are coming through lockdown wondering “What do I do next?”. It’s an energy that’s beginning to build for me and I wrote in a previous reply that I’m hibernating until January when mars is out of my 12th and the astrology is more personally favourable !

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