New Moon Virgo: Confessional Time

TemperanceToday Thursday 5th September 2013 there’s a New Moon, exact at 12:36 BST.

This seems such a perfect week for a New Moon in the sign of Virgo staight after the August summer holidays (northern hemisphere) when the kids are getting back to school and companies are no longer permanently on answerphone.

New Moons represent fresh starts, an awakening and they signal a chance to initiate new behaviours and take action. The sign of Virgo corresponds to the 6th house in the horoscope, the house of work, daily routine and health.

I bet I’m not the only one who’s thinking they need to sharpen their act, create a new ‘to do’ list or five and crank up the healthy living.

Virgo opposes the sign of Pisces and this New Moon to me has a feeling of confessional time, knowing where in life you’re self-sabotaging and what’s going to be good for your mind, body and soul.

You may have been mulling things over during the last couple of days and the dark side of the Moon but if you haven’t already today’s the day to put your house in order and get your ducks in a row.

I’ve already started a few new habits this week that will hopefully have me jumping with energy and busy with well-paid work before long. What would you like to begin today that will make you happier, healthier and wealthier?

[photo from]

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