New Moon Scorpio: Power Surge

New Moon

New Moon [20 Scorpio 44] 

London – November 13 2023 – 09:27 GMT 

New York – November 13 2023 – 04:27 GMT-5

Sydney – November 13 2023 – 21:27 GMT+12

The New Moon takes place on November 13th. This is a powerful New Moon as it falls in the passionate water sign Scorpio, where the Sun and Moon sit side by side. Scorpio is fixed water accessing emotions and feelings on a deep level. 

A New Moon symbolises new beginnings and is an excellent time to sow seeds, launch a project and set new intentions.

Scorpio Power

Scorpio evokes themes of regeneration, hidden riches and secrets emerging. This is the area of hidden knowledge. Go in deep, wait in silence, listen, be, experience the void.

When you wipe the slate clean, you can start over. When you let go of toxins, purge, empty out, you make space in your life for new commitment and intensity. This is Scorpio power at it best; the ability to let go of what’s no longer needed so you can channel your energy and purpose with laser focus.

Water signs represent emotion and ultimately they are silent. Practise being quiet during the New Moon to allow a different kind of knowingness to surface.

Scorpio is the star sign linked to darkness when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. Open your windows and cleanse your home to let out the dark and allow in the light. Honour and release the past and create space to bring in fresh energy.

Mars & Uranus

There are two key planets pulled into the New Moon picture. Firstly, action planet Mars is at 22° Scorpio conjunct the Sun & Moon at 20° Scorpio. This adds power and passion to the mix. Mars likes to be in Scorpio, one of its two signs of rulership. Here, it has laser focus, obsession and power. The planet of action, drive and ambition can go in deep.

The Sun, Moon and Mars are opposed by the planet of change Uranus during the New Moon. Uranus is at 21° Taurus, in a close opposition to the New Moon/Mars combination. 

Therefore, listen out for synchronicities during this New Moon, be open to surprise and the unexpected. This New Moon could bring a breakthrough and fast with Uranus in the picture. Uranus is often linked to awakenings and innovation.

New beginnings may happen spontaneously. Or, external events may be the reason why you need to start over and begin afresh. You rarely know with Uranus what to expect ,except that change is imminent.

Uranus has a similar feel to eclipses and this New Moon completes the powerful Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle that began in November 2021. The last eclipse took place last month on October 28th, a lively Lunar Eclipse.

There is a note of caution around this week’s New Moon as Mars and Uranus can be a symbol of accidents, taking action without due thought and attention. This is because Mars leaps in and Uranus adds spontaneity. Therefore, you’re wise to avoid adrenalin-junkie activities on or around this New Moon and on November 11th, the date that the Mars-Uranus opposition is exact.

Yes, it’s a power surge New Moon, so do go for what you want. Yet, don’t go hell-for-leather and stay cool and collected. Put on your Scorpio dark glasses and adopt an air of mystery and intrigue.

What Does It Mean For You?

Here are the areas of your life that are geared up and ready for action on the Scorpio New Moon. Read your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign:

  • Scorpio – image, self-identity, personal goals
  • Sagittarius – personal issues, secrets, inner world
  • Capricorn – friends, groups, society
  • Aquarius – career, status, reputation 
  • Pisces – travel, study, exploration, faith
  • Aries – joint finances, taboo topics
  • Taurus – relationships, contracts, enemies
  • Gemini – work, service, health
  • Cancer – children, creativity, romance, luck
  • Leo – home, family, past
  • Virgo – communication, neighbours, siblings, local neighbourhood 
  • Libra – personal finances, possessions, self-worth

Make A Wish

When you see the crescent Moon in the sky mid-week, make a wish. This could be the time when revelations and awakening bring you deep insight and understanding. Tune in and trust your witchiness, your deep inner knowing. 

Sending you happiness and blessings on the Scorpio New Moon.

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