New Moon Sagittarius: Jump To It

jump to it, New Moon Sagittarius

New Moon [04 Sagittarius 03]

November 26, 2019 – 15:05 GMT (London)

November 26, 2019 – 10:06 GMT -5 (New York) 

November 27, 2019 – 02:06 GMT+11 (Sydney)

New Moon energy arrives tomorrow, ideal for a fresh start. It’s the beginning of a new monthly cycle, go-getting, dynamic and the chance to turn over a new page.

This New Moon takes place in fire sign, Sagittarius, linked to travel, learning, expansion, freedom, truth & the bigger picture. Sagittarius likes to be on a mission and have a fantastic time in the process. At its best, Sagittarius’ influence is fun, enthusiastic and full of energy.

Another reason to crack on this week is because Sagittarius’ ruler, Jupiter, is also in Sagittarius, but for one week only. On December 2, 2019, Jupiter leaves Sagittarius and won’t return for another twelve years.

Remember those dreams & goals, hopes & wishes that were brewing at the end of 2018 and at the start of 2019? Well, here’s one more chance to say Yes. Jump to it! The Moon/Jupiter energy peaks on November 28, 2019 – the best night to see the crescent Moon in the night sky (weather permitting).

Here are the top 7 ways you can benefit from this month’s New Moon.

1. Set your intentions for the month ahead and the year ahead, 2020. Write them down, say them out loud.

2. Make a wish on the crescent moon. This will appear in the night sky mid-week. When you first catch a glimpse, make your wish as New Moon wishes can come true. Especially gorgeous this month as the crescent Moon will be conjunct lucky Jupiter.

3. Write an abundance cheque. You can do this with any cheque. Write your name where it says ‘payee’, add how much you want to receive, choose any figure you like, the more abundant the better and sign it ‘with love from the universe’. Tuck it away and wait and see what manifests by the time of the next Full Moon on December 12th.

4. Start over. The New Moon is the ideal time in the month to start afresh, wipe the slate clean and begin again. This is an important New Moon in this respect as it leads us nicely into December, the last month of the year and the perfect time for reflection about the year that’s past and the new year ahead.

5. Look beyond. The New Moon in Sagittarius encourages you to seek out a deeper meaning on life. Rise above petty situations, gain a philosophical perspective, engage a sense of humour, look at the bigger picture. This applies both to your personal & your professional life.

6. Ring the changes. Book a holiday, sign up for a course, find things to look forward to in your life. Be adventurous and embrace new experiences.

7. Enjoy yourself. Sagittarius is known as the hedonist of the zodiac as it pushes back the boundaries of life in search of fun & inspiration. Go large, go wild, go over the top – every now and again, you need to let it all hang out. Jump to it!

And, don’t worry if you’re finding it hard to get going this week. It may have been a bumpy weekend for some of you. You may need to lie low and take stock before you emerge ready for action.

4 thoughts on “New Moon Sagittarius: Jump To It”

  1. Great Sally, I am retired so don’t have to worry about getting to work and just as well as I write this having not had the energy to get dressed today Some of my intentions I made last year and early this year have fallen by the wayside and I had big ones as this time last year I went into hospital for a triple bypass. So I am glad there is another opportunity to get some of my intentions back on track

  2. Thanks Sally,

    new moon textile my sun Libra and conjunct Neptune at 3 degree.

    In the online business. Site was down due to server issues. Trying to sort and move on.

    Thank you

  3. Great writing! So synthetic. The New Moon is on my MC opposite my Sun exact.Trine natal Mars and DSC.. Seems like a new start…

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