New Moon In Gemini: Let’s Talk

New Moon Gemini

New Moon [4 Gemini 47]

London – May 25 2017 (20:44 GMT+1)

New York – May 25 2017 (15:44 GMT-4)

Sydney – May 26 2017 (05:44 GMT+10)

The New Moon phase of the monthly lunar cycle begins today. It’s hailed as a Supermoon, because it’s one of the closest New Moons to the earth in 2017.

This New Moon falls in Gemini, one of two signs ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury. In mythology, Mercury is linked to the messenger and the trickster, both Gemini archetypes.

Gemini is an air sign and the element air rules social networks, communication, the transfer of information. Geminis thrive in careers where they can talk and share ideas, so you find lots of them in the media and currently politics.

Most notable politicians right now are Donald Trump (b. June 14 1946), the US President and Jeremy Corbyn (b. May 26 1949), leader of the Labour Party in the UK. In fact, this New Moon lights up Jeremy Corbyn’s Sun in Gemini, which can only be a good thing on the run up to the UK General Election on June 8th 2017. The New Moon puts him ‘in a good light’.

Gemini is a mutable sign, which means Geminis thrive on change. They have a lot to say but don’t always back it up with substance or depth. They can quite easily change their mind or say one thing and mean another. So they have a reputation for being fickle, ‘a jack of all trades, master of none’.

The Healing Power of Speech

It hasn’t been the easiest lead up to a New Moon and the dark of the Moon, the few days before the new lunar cycle begins, are traditionally shadowy. Ideally, they are a time to rest and retreat, to be quiet. Gemini rules the mind and it’s been an anxious time for some, as panic or worry takes hold.

Plus, the atrocious terror attack in Manchester cannot remain unspoken about. We have a right to honour the dead and their families and to voice our opinions, an integral part of this Gemini New Moon.

Manchester was my university town and with a teenage daughter who loves going to concerts, we needed to talk this week. If not to make sense of an act of evil, which seems impossible, but to express our own shock and feelings and to support and care for each other.

Good and evil both exist in our world, just as the light of day is followed by the dark of night. The irony wasn’t lost on me that this week’s GCSE English paper included ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ with its central theme of… good and evil. We had been talking about this very theme the night of the terrorist attack.

Let’s Talk

So do be silent or meditate to see in this New Moon in Gemini but more importantly, talk. Communication opens doors, it helps to develop understanding, it aids learning, it brings people together, it creates unity, it’s healing.

It’s a way of expressing what you think and feel, it can be reassuring, funny, insightful, clever, revelatory, connecting. The benefits of communication are huge, so use them, now.

As with all New Moons, this is the right time to initiate action, to start something new, to set a project in motion.

Especially on a Gemini New Moon, it’s perfect timing to get on the phone, send in a proposal, write down your ideas, make suggestions. The New Moon energy lasts all the way up to the Full Moon in two weeks time.

Here are the areas of your life to make a fresh start:

  • Aries – local community & ideas
  • Taurus – money & values
  • Gemini – personal goals & self image
  • Cancer – solitude & secrets
  • Leo – friends & wider society
  • Virgo – career & status
  • Libra – travel & study
  • Scorpio – joint finances & sexuality
  • Sagittarius – love & relationships
  • Capricorn – job & health
  • Aquarius – birth i.e. kids, love, creative projects
  • Pisces – home & family

At the New Moon in Gemini, it’s time to talk.



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2 thoughts on “New Moon In Gemini: Let’s Talk”

  1. Thank you Sally. This new moon trines my Libra Sun 4 degree. Conjuncts my moon 6 degrees in gemini . this must be good.

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