New Moon [26 Aries 02] – April 16, 2018 (02:57 GMT +1)
Sun conjunct Uranus Aries – April 18, 2018 (15:00 GMT +1)
On the back of Mercury turning direct in early degrees of Aries (April 15, 2018), there’s a New Moon taking place in late degrees Aries (see above) – Sunday night/Monday morning in the UK.
A New Moon symbolises new beginnings, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and this New Moon is closely aligned with Uranus in Aries, the planet which represents change.
This whole combination feels like a wake-up call, springing into life after dormancy or hibernation. I wrote about the New Moon in Pisces one month ago in an article entitled Moondark, the silence and quiet that is necessary before life is reborn and activity starts up all over again.
Nature and astrology work in cycles as patterns repeat. Our own lives are a continual cycle of youth and ageing, ups and downs, times of joy and happiness, times of sadness and grief. There are periods when we’re in flow and other periods when we’re swimming against the tide.
The last few weeks since the New Moon in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, also coincided with a Mercury retrograde phase, the communciation planet in retreat. This has been a jolt when things haven’t always worked out. Whether you’ve felt stuck or wanted to lay low, now is the time to launch yourself into the world and leap into action as the direct, forthright energy of Aries returns.
Action Stations
The whole combination of Mercury turning direct, a New Moon and a Sun/Uranus conjunction, all in Aries, is fiery, hot, impulsive, spontaneous, pure energy. Here in the UK, the weather is in agreement as we move from cold and rain to hotter temperatures. The Sun returns.
In the world at large, missiles have been fired and leaders have acted impulsively and, in some cases, without negotiation or agreement. This makes sense astrologically because Aries is one of the star signs linked to self and the ego; it’s about putting your needs first, making your mark, prioritising direct action over carefully considered thought and negotiation. Plus, Aries is ruled by Mars, God of War.
It’s Now Or Never
On a personal level, the current astrology sweeps in a new wave of activity, whether you’re ready to take a leap of faith, start out on a new adventure or put yourself first. Some people will love this planetary vibe, especially Sun Aries and the other two fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius. Some may find it too fast and furious and decisions could be made that backfire or set you on a new path, ready or not.
Either way, the current astrology is brilliant for taking the initiative, being pro-active and making things happen. Uranus leaves Aries next month, mid-May 2018, and the Sun/Uranus conjunction in Aries on April 18th is one of the last aspects Uranus makes before it moves into earth sign Taurus. There may be a ‘last chance’ theme in your life now, something you’ve wanted for some time but have found it hard to begin. If so, consider your next steps right now.
Set Your Intentions.
The New Moon is the ideal time of the month to start something new and set your intentions. Here are the specific areas of life to explore for your personal star sign, where action feels most urgent:
- Aries: personal goals, physical body, image & appearance
- Taurus: retreat, secrets, inner work, intuitive moves
- Gemini: friends, groups, social networks, hopes & wishes
- Cancer: career, vocation, status & reputation
- Leo: travel, exploration, higher education, the Law, publishing, the media
- Virgo: joint finances, shared resources, metaphysical realm, all things hidden or taboo
- Libra: relationships, 1-to-1 interactions, contracts & joint ventures
- Scorpio: work, everyday lifestyle, health, service to others
- Sagittarius: love affairs, children, creativity, entertainment, luck
- Capricorn: home, family, your past, your roots & ancestry
- Aquarius: communication, education, local community, siblings & neighbours
- Pisces: personal money, possessions, values, resources
Happy New Moon!