New Moon Aries: A Fresh Start

New Moon [4 Aries 12] – March 24 2020 (09:28 GMT)

Back in January 2020, I’m not sure many of us could have predicted that the first New Moon after the Equinox in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, would be so unique.

Yet, the warning of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction has come to pass in a way that we couldn’t have imagined at the start of the year. Astrologers knew this year would coincide with a restructuring of our society, leadership, government systems. It’s turning out to be way more devastating and harsh than people thought.

Yet, here we are on a special New Moon in Aries and many of us need to make a fresh start. To turn the page, begin again, regroup and focus on next steps, keep well and sane, keep busy with new projects, keep tabs on other people, adapt & shift to these new circumstances.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac; dynamic, go-getting, courageous, bold, full of vitality and spirit. It’s the star sign of the hero. The people on the frontline right now in our society are exactly that – heroes. Aries is also a star sign that cares, at its best on a cause, with something to fight for.

A typical Aries is wonderful at defending the underdog. If you have Aries dominant in your horoscope – and we all have it somewhere – do what you can now, give of yourself to help others.

Today’s New Moon sits next to Chiron and Lilith, two important asteroids. Therefore, there’s an edge to this New Moon. A theme of healing & wounding (Chiron) & untamed wildness (Lilith).

Consider what this means for you – I’ll be keeping you posted as my Aries Ascendant is 6 Aries – it’s got everything going on. I do feel called to help and serve, to stay fit & able-bodied, to do my bit for society.

For some of you, this is the time to unleash your inner warrior, your inner diva as you set your intentions for your next steps. Time for a fresh start.

Here’s a quick guide to th areas of your life highlighted by the New Moon. Read both your Sun sign & Ascendant sign if you know it:

ARIES 1st House: Your image or online presence benefits from a makeover, a relaunch. How to change the way you come across to other people? Get physical.

TAURUS 12th House: Time to reawaken your inner life, your spirituality or quest for peace of mind. Perfect for a retreat and a period of soulful reflection. Meditate, go inside.

GEMINI 11th House: It’s about the friends, the groups and the personal tribe. Network, make online connections, play a key role in your local community, bring fun into other people’s lives.

CANCER 10th House: Your career or vocation requires a shake-up, a new sense of direction, especially if things have come to an abrupt halt. An unusual future path may shock others but deeply fulfil you.

LEO 9th House: Ideally, this is the time to run for the hills. If you’re in lockdown, you need to find a deeper purpose. Expand your mind, read books, watch films or seek out people who inspire you.

VIRGO 8th House: Be open to new ways of money management. Think differently in your pursuit of money, shift your money attitude, live on less, be decisive and inventive around money. Help others when you can.

LIBRA 7th House: Love thrives when you throw extra spice and excitement into the mix – an online relationship could bring something new. In a relationship, be less of a coupley couple.

SCORPIO 6th House: Fresh ideas rejuvenate a tired work or exercise routine – be adaptive. Create an online presence or add another skill to your portfolio. Health – you are what you eat.

SAGITTARIUS 5th House: More laughter and positivity make Sagittarius happy. Get on the phone and make people laugh. Kids? – it’s full on with some excessive highs & lows.

CAPRICORN 4th House: Inject energy into your home life and do things differently. Change things around; no TV for a month, more talk, games and ideas. Find new ways of connecting with family.

AQUARIUS 3rd House: A hectic lifestyle requires a rethink. Cycle or walk if you can or run up and down stairs. Get back in touch with a sibling. Be there for your neighbours. Flex your written and spoken word – find your voice.

PISCES 2nd House: Listen to radical ideas about wealth creation or valuing what you do with your money. There’s no right or wrong picture but the economy’s changing and you must try to adapt with it. Value your skills.

2 thoughts on “New Moon Aries: A Fresh Start”

  1. Wow Sally as a Taurus this is so true. I have tidied the cupboards and drawers and now plan to spend a few hours each day meditating and for me Buddhist study.

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