New Moon Aquarius: Forward Motion

eye, New Moon Aquarius

NEW MOON [4 Aquarius 22]

January 24, 2020 (21:42 GMT)

This week we have a New Moon which is in itself a powerful symbol for a new beginning and making a fresh start. The New Moon falls in the star sign Aquarius, ruling friends, groups and the collective. This is a networking and sociable New Moon in the star sign linked to technology, astrology and all things modern.

It has extra buzz because the Sun and Moon at 4 degrees Aquarius are in a square aspect to Uranus at 3 degrees Taurus. Uranus is co-ruler of Aquarius and this is the rebel planet, the innovator, the square peg in the round hole.

If ever there was a time to stand out from the crowd and do something different, something awesome, this is it. Listen out for those ‘light bulb’ moments.

You may not feel you fit it in at the moment but does it matter? You may be full of ideas and want them to happen now, overnight. You might feel you’re going out on a limb and no-one will understand you. There’s an eccentric quality to this month’s New Moon but, sometimes, the best ideas are ahead of their time.

Crescent Moon

New Moon energy kicks in a couple of days after the exact New Moon. Keep an eye out for the crescent Moon in the sky which will appear this weekend. Make a wish and set your intentions.

New Moon energy continues for the next couple of weeks and all the planets currently have a relatively free run through the zodiac. In fact, there are no retrograde planets at all until Mercury turns retrograde on February 17th.

Yes, the shadow period of Mercury begins on February 2nd but this is too good an opportunity to miss. Find your tribe, be innovative and different and line up some future goals on the back of the New Moon.

This is a great time for online initiatives as Aquarius rules technology. Make waves in your community too. Encourage change and join in with progressive and future-oriented protests and activities.

Next Year

This New Moon and the Sun’s move through Aquarius is giving us all a taster of next year’s extraordinary astrology when there will be 6 of the 7 traditional planets lined up together during the New Moon in Aquarius.

Aquarius energy is a welcome reprieve from the heaviness of the Capricorn line-up at the start of this year. And, some of the seeds you sow now could grow and flourish ready for next year’s New Moon in Aquarius on February 11, 2021.

That’s leaping ahead, in true Aquarius style. For now, plan to set your intentions in the following areas.

Read both your Sun sign & your Ascendant sign. This is where the New Moon in Aquarius is urging you to get going and get ahead.

  • Aquarius – 1st house – personal goals/aims, physical body, image & self-perception
  • Pisces – 12th house – sacrifice, inner work, a spiritual retreat, caring for self & others
  • Aries – 11th house – friends, groups, politics, social causes, hopes & wishes
  • Taurus – 10th house – career & vocation, status & reputation, authority, future goals
  • Gemini – 9th house – travel, study, the bigger picture, life’s meaning & purpose
  • Cancer – 8th house – joint finances & shared resources, taboos, all things hidden & mysterious
  • Leo – 7th house – relationships, both personal & professional, contracts, enemies
  • Virgo – 6th house – work & routine, lifestyle & health, service to others
  • Libra – 5th house – children & creativity, love affairs & luck, fun & entertainment
  • Scorpio – 4th house – home & family, the past, your legacy, where you come from
  • Sagittarius – 3rd house – communication, siblings, neighbours, community, your voice
  • Capricorn – 2nd house – money & possessions, values & self-worth
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