Aquarius (20 January-18 February)
It’s your birthday month so make time to celebrate and have some fun. Mercury, planet of communication, joins the Sun in Aquarius for the first two weeks and this is excellent for communication in general, but especially talking about yourself, boosting your profile, creating a new CV, etc. The focus is on you and how the world sees you. If you’re a professor or expert in your chosen field, there’s a chance to consolidate your position and prove your expertise to others. The 7th, 13th and 18th are excellent days for any kind of promotion or teaching.
The big news, however, is the planet Neptune leaving your sign of Aquarius and moving in to Pisces on the 3rd, where it remains until 2025. Neptune is the planet that rules creativity and the imagination so hopefully it’s been a fertile period for you, especially on the ideas front, with Neptune in your sign. Neptune, however, is also the planet of escapism and the desire to lose reality in whatever way suits. Therefore it’s associated with spirituality, addictions, poetry and art. There can be a lack of focus or clarity with Neptune so look out for a light bulb moment, a knowingness around the 3rd when Neptune leaves your sign for good. You may suddenly see the way forward very clearly.
Neptune moves in to your finance sector and it’s important to notice what’s going on for you financially around the 14th and 19th when Neptune’s strong. You may have some wonderful ideas about money matters, which is great, but it is important to make sure that they’re grounded in reality. Both Jupiter and Pluto are currently in earth signs and this is good news as earth signs are about common sense and keeping your feet on the ground. If you’re making some key decisions about cash matters, choose the 16th, 18th, 25th or 28th. These are dates that get the green light for money deals. Think expansion and transformation and see if there’s a way for you to improve your situation through property, either by moving home, renovating or taking in lodgers.
Some of you may be playing a waiting game where money’s concerned and if you have cash that’s tied up with other peoples’ schemes and dreams, be patient until mid-April.
If you’re looking for love, then you won’t have to venture far to find it. In fact, you could end up falling for someone who lives next door or you meet on the commute in to work. The 8th and 10th look fun so be flirtatious with someone you see a lot of but haven’t got to know well. If you’re married or in a relationship, the 7th is a big day for love when the Full Moon cuts across the relationship sector of your chart. This is a good day to make a decision with your other half and it may mean saying “no” to something you’d planned together. It’s certainly a possibility and it may be connected to what’s happening for one or both of you financially.
Pisces (19 February-20 March)
Take note what happens as the month begins as the love and sexuality planets, Venus and Mars, face up to one another on the 1st. Venus, planet of love, is in Pisces, blessing you with compliments and the good things in life, but Mars in Virgo suggests difficulties with a second party. If you are married, divorced or in a relationship, it may be your current partner or ex who’s causing you grief. Mars is the planet associated with anger and other people could rub you up the wrong way or try to start an argument. Take a step back if you are encountering difficulties in your one-to-one relationships and focus on your own life and personal goals. Sometimes the answer to relationship issues is simply to stay away from trouble, for the short term at least. The other date when you may not see eye-to-eye with someone close to you is the 23rd, and forewarned is forearmed.
This is a key time for you personally and it’s what happens in your own personal development, plus the ideas and plans that are set in place, which hold the key to your future happiness. Any kind of inner work is well-starred and the day of the Full Moon, the 7th, will be especially remarkable or memorable for you.
But the big news is your ruling planet Neptune moving into your sign of Pisces on the 3rd. Neptune was in Pisces from April-August of last year but now it’s back until 2025 and has come home. Neptune is the planet of creativity, dreams and inspiration. It’s what gives you your fantastic ideas, your romantic perspective on life and your desire to move away from anything mundane or ordinary. Neptune is, however, also the planet of escapism and so rules spirituality, addictions, poetry and art. It’s wonderful to explore different realms and ideas but without getting completely lost or carried away. Keep one foot on the ground and develop your brilliant ideas but share them and work out how to turn those dreams in to reality.
Your other ruling planet Jupiter is in Taurus, an earth sign, until the summer and this is helpful as the earth signs are brilliant at making things happen and seeing projects through to completion. The 16th, 21st and 25th are excellent dates to make progress with ideas or creative plans, as are the 18th and 28th. In fact, the whole second half of February looks fertile and transformational, and this includes Valentines Day, the 14th.
Mercury, the communication, planet teams up with Neptune on the 14th and this is great for ideas but also for being romantic and making a romantic gesture. If you’re looking for love, be yourself. The key to a successful relationship is to be happy and not seek happiness through another. This is an inspirational time for you and there’s every chance that others will start to see a difference in you and for one person in particular you become their muse.
Aries (21 March-19 April)
I’m writing this on a cold day with the prospect of plenty more cold days to come and I have a cold! My first insight on looking at your stars was your ruling planet Mars is on go slow in your house of health, which suggests low energy, if not feeling poorly or just very cold. Mars on go slow in Virgo means there are things you have to do this month; get on with work, pay the bills, do the housework and keep life in order. If it sounds boring, it is, but Mars also opposes planets in Pisces, on the 1st and 23rd. Pisces is the sign that’s primarily about escape, so if you’re yearning for a break in the sun or fancy escaping the rat race, you’re perfectly in tune with your stars.
So how best to deal with this contrast in your life? On the one hand, give in to your desire to escape in ways that please you; a film night at home, reading a book that fires your imagination, writing poetry or enjoying a glass of wine with friends. When planets are in Pisces, you benefit from quiet time, a chance to recuperate and recharge the batteries. Pisces rules your 12th house, the house of secrets, so make plans for the future and keep them private. Once the Sun moves in to Aries, which coincides with the spring equinox on March 20th, then you can go public with your ideas.
Relationships look exciting this month as Venus, planet of love, moves in to Aries on the 8th. Venus rules love and money, beauty and art so it’s a great time for a mini-makeover, a haircut or wardrobe revamp. Venus gives you the “allure” (a nod to Stevie in the excellent sitcom “Miranda”), a frisson, that something special. So if you’re single and looking for love, make it happen. Join a dating agency and let friends and family know your intention and ask for their support. Friday 10th is your best day to make a night of it when Venus meets up with impulsive Uranus, a great symbol for finding love, and fast…
Valentines Day this year is blessed with Mercury (communication) connecting with Neptune (romance) and if you’re married or in a relationship, be extra-specially romantic, write a romantic card or, even better, a love poem. In addition, both Saturdays 11th and 18th are excellent nights for an intimate soiree with your other half.
Saturn has been in your opposite sign of Libra since 2009, which has brought a reality check to relationships for some. There are no shades of grey with Saturn, you either commit to a relationship or you end it and move on. On the 7th, Saturn turns retrograde right at the end of Libra and this is a decisive day for love. With Saturn on go slow until the end of June, its strength is weakened and any difficulties you may have experienced of late begin to ease. Take it easy yourself this month, adopt a slower pace of life and be purposeful in how you choose to spend your time.
Taurus (20 April-20 May)
It’s all happening at the beginning of the month as the planets of love and sexuality, Venus and Mars, face up to each other on the 1st. Venus is your ruling planet, the planet of sensuality and Mars is your partner planet. This is a day when you may not see eye-to-eye with your other half or someone close and it’s a case of wanting different things in life. Mars is on go slow all month so your partner may not be as receptive or sociable as usual. I read an amusing post on Facebook recently entitled the Man Rules, one of which was; “Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That’s what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for”. Tongue-in-cheek humour, yes; but not far from the truth. Your house of friendship is strong all month, so rely on your girlfriends and enjoy their support and when it comes to love, be patient.
There’s plenty going on in your work and career sectors now and it’s a good time to make some important decisions. The 7th is a powerful day for work and a great day for a meeting or interview. The Full Moon takes place on the 7th, a time of completion or achievement. Two other excellent days for making plans and meeting deadlines are the 13th and 18th. Hard work pays off and the way ahead should become clearer.
This is due to the major movement of the planet Neptune which I discussed in detail last month. Neptune has been in your career sector since 1998, great news if you’re a photographer, musician, chemist or you own a vineyard. Neptune rules the imagination so inspires artists and dreamers, but also rules gases, drugs and alcohol. If you’re a typical Taurus, you have a down-to-earth no-nonsense attitude, you like to plan and build and deal with what’s real and visible. Neptune’s otherworldly and some of you may have felt lost or unsure of your direction in life whilst Neptune was in Aquarius. Neptune leaves your career sector on the 3rd so notice what happens on or around this day, whether you experience a moment of clarity or sense a new work chapter opening up for you.
Neptune moves in to Pisces and your 11th house and over the next few years you can expect a sea-change in your friendships, the groups you interact with and how you interact with society, the environment and the world in general. It’s these areas of life that inspire you and bring fulfillment.
If you’re looking for love, romance may slowly develop with someone who’s a friend. Look for a person of like minds whose approach to life you find inspiring and poetic. February includes Valentines Day on the 14th and with the Moon in your opposite of Scorpio, this suggests an intense and passionate for an intimate relationship. It’s also a great day for a heart-to-heart with a friend so if you’re not interested in romance, debate the meaning of life with a mate instead, and put the world to rights.
Gemini (21 May-20 June)
Your planet Mercury spends the first half of the month in a fellow air sign, Aquarius. This is good news and there’s a chance for you to make progress with all forms of communication, especially anything technological. Whether you’re in to social media, adding Apps to your phone, blogging on a website, studying or writing, things begin to flow. Pencil the 7th in your diary as an excellent day for a meeting, interview or conference and it’s a great day to share ideas with others. Not only does the Sun team up with Mercury, ideal for self-expression, but there’s a Full Moon cutting across your communication axis. Full Moons represent completion, fulfilment and achievement and a chance to be in the spotlight. Yours is the media sign so perfect your interaction with others.
On the 14th, Mercury moves in to Pisces, the sign of the moment. Pisces is at the top of your chart, ruling your career and vocation, your status and profile. This is an excellent month to focus on your work, to promote yourself or your business and to decide what you want to do in life if you don’t know already. In fact, this month could bring about a sea change in your profession or career. This is due to the creative and inspirational planet Neptune which also moves in to Pisces on the 3rd. Neptune’s one of the key movers and shakers in the planetary world and it’s long and leisurely cycle means it stays in one part of your chart for quite a number of years. Neptune remains in Pisces from now until 2025.
There’s been a lot of talk about Neptune coming home, as Pisces is the sign in the zodiac ruled by Neptune. The focus on your career may start to shift, perhaps towards a more artistic or spiritual path. Neptune rules the sea and all liquids and gases. A new vocation as a sailor, chemist or bartender? Anything’s possible. Neptune offers a new caring, sharing universe and enhances the prosperous cycle of giving and receiving.
At times the way ahead may be unclear as Neptune can bring confusion and creates endless opportunities, but a typical Gemini is adaptable, so be open to where life leads and sail on. For you personally, this is a month of potential development and achievement with the odd lucky break thrown in.
The sticking points this month continue to be home or family related and finding a solution to problems takes time. Whatever domestic issues you face personally, be aware that it may take until mid-April for a blockage to shift. Explore different options but don’t bang your head against a brick wall.
Your love life is more interesting with Jupiter, your relationship planet, hidden away in your chart. An affair or secret passion lingers on until June. Enjoy the temptation and excitement but realise that things need to change in a few months time. Valentines Day looks more formal than romantic this year, although if you do receive an unexpected card or gift, you can guarantee it’s from someone you work with.
Cancer (21 June-22 July)
It’s time to be logical as you have the best chance for a long time to sort out your finances, especially those you share with other people. The Sun and Mercury start the month in Aquarius, the sign that rules joint finances in your chart, so whether you get to grips with your budget, debts or investments or you employ someone to advise you, sort things out. A key date for financial matters is the 7th when the Sun and Mercury team up making it a great day for a meeting or receiving good news. Plus there’s a Full Moon cutting across the financial axis of your chart highlighting money matters and urging you to make an important decision.
On the same day, Saturn turns around in the heavens down at the bottom of your chart, so property, your home or family are linked to this decision. Saturn’s been in this part of your chart since 2009. Think about what’s developed slowly over the last couple of years related to these key areas of life. You may decide to buy or sell, take in a lodger or evict a lodger, or in some other way, move on from what’s been holding you back.
This coincides with an outer planet movement concerning Neptune. Neptune’s been in Aquarius since 1998 but on the 3rd moves away, so however you have been attached to the past, either emotionally or financially, this is coming to an end. Saturn is your relationship planet and it may be your current partner or an ex for whom things are changing which affects you as well. Other key days for money, property and partnerships are the 13th and 18th, when again it’s wise to use your head rather than your heart in making key decisions in these areas. If you can, take a holiday or visit a good friend to get a new perspective on your current situation.
This is a fine time to be expansive in your life and to open up your world to new experiences. Travel, study and learning are well-starred so tap in to your creative and inspirational side, become more spiritual or seek out a greater purpose in your own life. The New Moon on the 21st is especially blessed and an excellent day to make a wish or start a new project.
This month of course includes Valentines Day on the 14th. It has a sexy vibe if you’re looking for love, so see what events are taking place close to where you live or work, that have the theme of dating and finding love. If you’re in a relationship, it’s a good day to plan a holiday together or find a new activity or hobby that interests you both. Love grows when you share new experiences together. The 18th and 28th are excellent dates to conjure up some magic in your relationship and a romantic gesture has the potential to transform your love life for the better. Don’t let your life remain the same but inject some new enthusiasm and excitement in to everything you do.
Leo (23 July-22 August)
Neptune has been in your opposite sign of Aquarius since 1998 but on the 3rd it leaves Aquarius and won’t return there again in your lifetime. Neptune rules romance which is pretty and lovely but Neptune distorts what it touches so you may view life through rose-coloured glasses. If you’ve encountered some slippery characters in your life over the last few years, both personally and professionally, and if your trusting nature has been challenged, this is the reason why. At last you can see a situation clearly, or a person for who they really are.
This is backed up by the Sun, your ruler, and Mercury in Aquarius for the first half of the month. This helps you be logical about life and people and there are plenty of opportunities for you to have excellent conversations, so speak up. The 7th looks particularly momentous as not only do the Sun and Mercury team up on this day but there’s a Full Moon in Leo. This puts you in the spotlight and gives you the chance to make an important decision about a key relationship. Balance your head and your heart to regain clarity. The 13th and 18th are also powerful for communication, when Mercury, the Sun, and one of your partner planets, Saturn, connect. This is your chance to lay down new rules that enhance a partnership and to put boundaries in place that work for both of you.
As the month progresses, turn to sorting out a financial situation, as getting money matters right sets you up for the future. Neptune moves in to this key part of your chart on the 3rd so avoid any duplicitous schemes and listen to your inner voice in knowing who to trust. It helps to be streetwise and building up your knowledge of savvy money moves does you no harm at all in the coming months and years.
Joint ventures are well-starred too so think partnership and look at who you can team up with to improve your work status or boost your profile. Take note of who you meet on the 16th and 25th as these are excellent days to join forces with a person or group of people who can help you achieve your goals. Jupiter, planet of good fortune, is boosting your work prospects, and think of this as sowing seeds. The action planet Mars, is currently on go slow in your cash zone, so money may not be forthcoming until mid-April, but the work you put in up until then and on in to June benefits you in the long run. Contacts who live abroad also help you now especially someone you worked with in the past and you shared a good connection with. Take note of who contacts you on the 10th.
Valentines Day this year may be a low key affair but spend it at home with your partner to increase your passion prospects. This month is less about romance and more about communicating well and sorting out your differences.
Virgo (23 August-22 September)
There’s an immediate face-off between the planets of love and sexuality, Venus and Mars, on the 1st and this sets the tone for the month, so take note of what happens on or around this date. Venus is in romantic Pisces, which is lovely and blissful and Mars is currently on go slow in your own sign. This suggests some backtracking on your part, a need to take things slowly in the love department or a possibility that you’re denying your own needs in the name of love. With Mars on go slow you may not feel your most confident or find it harder than usual to take decisive action. If this is the case, be patient.
This is a major month for your love life, the main reason being that Neptune, planet of romance, moves in to your opposite sign of Pisces on the 3rd, where it remains until 2025. Neptune was in Pisces last year from April-August, so you may already understand what this is about for you. The likelihood is that a relationship or key partnership in your life is going to have a major effect upon you and colour all aspects of your life. It’s easy to lose yourself in romance when Neptune is a key influence, which can be wonderful as long as you don’t lose yourself completely. The best dates for romance are the 14th, Valentines Day – hoorah! – and the 19th. For some, a romantic proposal or even marriage is a possibility and if you’re sure this is what you want and makes you very happy, fantastic. Keep things real and don’t fudge over any partnership issues and you’ll be fine.
Same goes if you’re single and meet someone new. There’s always the potential when Neptune’s dominant that you fall for someone who has issues, i.e. they have an addiction, are allergic to work or need saving in some way. It won’t serve you in the long run to pull down the veil of illusion and suspend disbelief. Be honest with yourself and ensure your own needs are met in any intimate encounter and keep firm boundaries in place.
One area where boundaries aren’t lacking in your life is your work and health. These are two areas that you can work on now and with great success. In addition, these are areas where you may find it easy to be sensible, logical and do the right thing. If you’re looking for work or want to change your routine, the 7th is an important day. Not only do the Sun and Mercury team up but there’s a Full Moon and Saturn turns around in the heavens in your money sector. A money problem or cash flow obstacle may start to improve after this date. It won’t be a magical recovery overnight but things start to pick up a little. It’s a good day to begin a volunteer job or offer to do some overtime, or help someone out and consider doing it for free. Again think boundaries and ensure that you communicate well so everyone’s clear about what you’re willing to do and till when.
Libra (23 September-23 October)
Your planet Venus begins the month in Pisces and your 6th house of work, service and health. It’s a good diea to focus on these areas and to create a routine that works for you. The big news about this area of your life is the fact that Neptune enters Pisces on the 3rd and this major outer planet remains in Pisces until 2025. This represents a sea change in the way you go about things. Neptune is the planet of dreams and creativity so look at new ways to adapt your usual method of doing things and be as creative or alternative as you like. Whatever works for you personally, whether it’s a more spiritual approach to your daily routine or creating time to improve an artistic skill or talent. The same goes with regard to your health, experiment with different mealtimes, diet and keeping fit. Swimming would be the natural sport of choice as Neptune rules water and the sea.
The key to success in all these areas is moderation and not to get swamped or lost in what you’re doing. Remember that Neptune is boundless and with action planet Mars on go slow, this adds to the lack of willpower or direction. Having said that, the New Moon on the 21st is a wonderful symbol for a fresh start, and a great day to implement some welcome changes in to your life.
Venus moves in to your opposite sign of Aries on the 8th and immediately bumps in to Uranus on the 10th. This is wonderfully playfully and giddy for love and intimate relationships. It adds spontaneity and pizzazz to your love life. If you’re looking for love, both dates are perfect to go on a date or get to know someone better. Things happen quickly when Uranus is in charge as it’s the turnaround planet. Fall in love and your world turns upside down.
If you’re married or in a serious relationship, Uranus reminds you that all relationships need extra spice and excitement to keep love alive, and the spark between you vibrant and youthful. Uranus brings surprises and you benefit by being flexible and adaptable in love. For some, an open relationship may work now but whatever your personal situation, it’s important that you agree the parameters of your relationship together. Children are also under the spotlight, whether you’re talking about starting a family, in the process of raising a family or you have step children to consider. Clear communication is the way forward and on the 7th, 13th and 18th, you have the chance to get serious about these issues and hit upon a formula that works for everyone involved. Think about creating solutions to problems and put boundaries in place that enhance the different relationships that children add to the family. Talk about what works and what doesn’t work and find a way to make steady progress.
Finally, it is of course Valentines Day on the 14th and if work gets in the way for one or both of you, celebrate on Saturday 11th instead when the Moon is perfectly harmonious in your own sign of Libra.
Scorpio (24 October-21 November)
Action planet Mars is one of your two ruling planets and with Mars is on go slow, there’s a sense that this isn’t the best month for decisive action. However, Mars is in Virgo, one of the earth signs so hard work and resourcefulness will pay off. You may find yourself behind the scenes working on a big project or involved with a group of people researching and planning new ideas together. Virgo is also one of the signs that rule writing and communication and with your other ruling planet Pluto in your communication house, this is a double whammy of ideas and sharing what you know. Circle the 18th, 21st and 28th in your diary as key days to make a difference and devote yourself to a creative goal or work of art. This is your chance to create your masterpiece.
It is easy, however, to shift the balance too far in one direction, i.e. your work/life balance gets out of kilter. This is because Mars is involved in a face off with planets in Virgo’s opposite sign of Pisces on the 1st and 23rd. This suggests not seeing eye-to-eye with someone close, a disagreement or a clash of opinions, but as Pisces rules the feel good factor in your chart, it may be a case of too much work and not enough play. Or the opposite, too much play and not enough work.
Pisces is the sign of the moment as Neptune makes its momentous move in to Pisces on the 3rd. This is a once-in-a-lifetime shift and as Neptune, God of the Sea, rules Pisces, this is Neptune coming home. For you, it puts the spotlight on children, creativity and entertainment. Pisces is one of the water signs so expect a surge of inspirational ideas as Neptune arouses your imagination. Pay attention to your dreams as well, not only on the 3rd, but the 13th and 19th as well. These are dates when tapping in to the unconscious world is easier than usual. The veil between the two worlds lifts and you see your own life from a different perspective.
Neptune rules romance and some of you may embark on an affair that has the potential to change your life. Be open to romance, be more romantic with your other half and don’t wait to hear words of love, be the first to say them too. Valentines Day looks especially blissful as not only is the Moon in your sign but Neptune connects with Mercury, the communication planet. Talk about things that matter to you and your other half and make a heart connection. If you’re looking for love, believe that you will find your ideal lover and take whatever steps are necessary to make it happen. A shift of perspective or a different mindset is as important as making all the right moves.
Finally, Neptune’s shift in the heavens means it leaves behind your 4th house, ruling your home and family. This is an excellent time to get clear about what you want in these key areas of your life. A more practical, logical approach to property and family issues helps you find solutions to problems, especially on the 7th.
Sagittarius (22 November-21 December)
There’s strong focus on the work and money sectors of your chart this month but you may feel as if you’re playing a waiting game, especially with regard to your career or vocation. This is because Mars, planet of action, is on go slow in your career sector and won’t pick up speed again until mid-April. For now, work hard, do a good job, research your next steps but be patient.
Jupiter, your ruling planet, is also in a part of your chart that rules work but this is to do with your daily routine, how you serve others and your health. It’s good for finding a job if you want to earn money towards a goal and it suggests this is an excellent time to offer your services as a volunteer. Make sure your routine works for you and fit in time to eat well, exercise, chill out and create an easy-flowing and enjoyable rhythm to your day.
The major shift in the heavens concerns the planet Neptune as it enters Pisces on the 3rd where it remains until 2025. Pisces is the sign down at the base of your chart and this represents your home, family, your past and where you come from. For some Sagittarians, there will be a pull towards your home town, a desire to find out more about your ancestors and a romantic connection with your own family or clan. It suggests that your home life will change either this month or gradually over the next few months, even years. You may end up living on a boat or by the sea or whatever dream fulfils your personal fantasy of the ideal home.
However, the downside of Neptune is its boundlessness and this month with both the Sun and Mercury, communication planet, also moving in to Pisces, it’s important to follow your head as well as your heart. If you’re in the process of moving home, be doubly careful with paperwork and don’t fudge the issue if your new home is on a river bank or close to water. Make sure it’s safe and free from flooding and that any property contract is watertight. Be willing to adapt and be flexible with your living space and to create a better relationship with family members.
Romance is highlighted in February thanks to Valentine’s Day on the 14th and if you’re married or in a relationship, celebrate at home for an intimate and potentially seductive evening. If you can’t celebrate on the 14th, try the 16th when Mercury and Jupiter combine in the heavens. This suggests a meeting of minds and a positive, optimistic day for love.
If you’re single, potentially you have lots going on as Venus, planet of love, moves in to Aries and it’s time to get a move on and chase after a date. The 8th and 10th look fast and furious for love, the kind of encounter that turns your life upside down. Enjoy yourself and let your hair down. It’s your kind of loving.
Capricorn (22 December-19 January)
This is a time when major decisions that affect your work and money situation need to be thought through carefully. The more logical and practical you are the better so let your head rule your heart rather than vice versa. A key date for a big decision is the 7th when there’s a Full Moon in the sky. Full Moons represent culmination, completion and achievement. On the same day, the Sun and Mercury, planet of communication, team up in your money sector (cue important meeting or interview) and your ruling planet Saturn turns around in the heavens and begins a go-slow period. This is a date when the decisions or plans you put in place affect your future career or vocation.
You may decide not to do something and realise you’ve changed your mind, perhaps about a trip away or a course you planned to study, because the timing isn’t right. Saturn remains on go slow until late June so don’t feel as if you have to take on more responsibility between now and then and if you want to wind things down work wise, for whatever reason, that’s a perfectly sensible option.
Other key dates for work and money decisions are the 13th and 18th, when first Mercury and then the Sun team up with your planet Saturn. This is about putting firm boundaries in place and leading by example.
Talking of boundaries, Neptune, the boundless planet and God of the Sea, has been in your money sector since 1998 and on the 3rd it finally moves on. There may be a light bulb moment in your life as you see your current situation with clarity and know what to do that will benefit you and your family in the months and years ahead.
Neptune moves in to Pisces which means the way you communicate is going to change. New technology that’s creative and clever inspires your imagination and you can expect to have numerous brilliant ideas. The good news is that being a Capricorn and one of the earth signs, you know how to manifest dreams in to reality so this could be an exciting time for you. Public speaking or teaching may also be an option and is your chance to share what matters deeply to you.
Neptune rules romance, so do please send a Valentines card. Mercury, planet of communication teams up with Neptune on Valentines Day, perfect for sending and receiving words of love. If you’re looking for love, an introduction from a family member hits the spot. Not what you’re expecting perhaps but worth accepting any family invitation, especially on Friday 10th.
If you’re married or in a relationship make an effort to be more romantic, and not just on Valentines Day. Sometimes it’s the little things you do in a relationship that make a big difference, so send a loving text or buy a small gift. The 19th and 25th are especially lovely days to do something special with your other half.
[photo courtesy of]
Sally, delighted to have come across your work and writing. Very excited by the post for Gemini. Haven’t had time to read all of the horoscopes – only my bit. Particularly resonates, especially ” the focus on your career may start to shift, perhaps towards a more artistic or spiritual path…..” Wow! Bring it on….. Look forward to future posts from you. Amanda
OOOO I love my stars this month, thank you Sally. I’m a Libran! Will share these with my Twitter friends immediately.
Thanks for the tweet! Sally
Sally, your insightful writing is addictive! I’ve just checked out February for every one I know. And, please may I have that gorgeous Spaniel to take home?
Sally I am always confused by my horoscopes as I was born on the cusp 21st June. I display traits from both signs but never know which horoscope I should read Gemini or Cancer.
hi Liz, What year were you born? If you know the time, even better… Then I can check for you. Thanks, Sally