Mercury Turns Direct: Ready Set Go

jump, Mercury turns direct

Mercury turns direct [15 Aries 59] 

April 25, 2024 (13:54 GMT+1)

Mercury Turns Direct

Talk planet Mercury turns direct today, April 25th, after three weeks retrograde. This is major news as it’s been a doozy of a Mercury retrograde phase since April 1st. Not only has communication planet Mercury been on go slow but eclipse season has brought added intensity in recent weeks.

As both eclipses and Mercury retrograde can coincide with misunderstandings, drama and confusion, it’s not been a period of time where clarity of thought has been foreground. The total Solar Eclipse on April 8th fell at 19° Aries and Mercury has been going back and forth over this point of sensitivity.

Both eclipses and Mercury retrograde have hidden themes. Whether people have gone quiet on you, things have been chaotic or you haven’t been able to get hold of the right information or the truth, it’s been an unusually tricky few weeks.

Turning Points

Therefore, from today, it may feel as if everything is starting to move fast as Mercury switches direction in speedy Aries. Here’s how to make the most of the planet of communication back up to speed:

  • try again – second chances are a classic Mercury direct theme
  • sort out any misunderstandings
  • consider what Mercury retrograde taught you, i.e. where are you wasting your time?
  • speak up, be direct and honest 
  • initiate a conversation
  • start a new project, idea, plan
  • write a list – keep it short, deal with what’s most important or urgent in your life
  • do what you say you will, recommit to a promise
  • handle any technological or financial issues
  • grab someone’s attention
  • plug back in, renew your energy and focus

Dates And Degrees

For those of you who like to know the astrology, here are the relevant dates/degrees to take note of. I’ve included the conjunctions between Mercury and Chiron, the wounded healer.

This is because Chiron’s been a major player during this phase as it was exactly conjunct the Sun and Moon during the total Solar Eclipse on April 8th. 

  • March 10 – Mercury enters Aries
  • March 20 – Mercury conjunct Chiron 18° Aries
  • March 21 – Mercury 19° Aries – eclipse degree
  • April 1 – Mercury turns retrograde 27° Aries
  • April 8 – Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron 19° Aries
  • April 15 – Mercury R conjunct Chiron 19° Aries
  • April 25 – Mercury turns direct 15° Aries
  • May 4 – Mercury 19° Aries – eclipse degree
  • May 7 – Mercury conjunct Chiron 21° Aries
  • May 13 – Mercury out of shadow 27° Aries
  • May 15 – Mercury enters Taurus

The shadow phase is when Mercury is back at the same degree in the zodiac at which it turned retrograde. Sometimes, the ‘shadow’ dates can be relevant to what’s happening. 

Personally, I prefer using the retrograde and direct dates. Turning points can be extra-significant for you if you have key planets/angles within 1-2 degrees of the retrograde and direct degrees.

Turning Points

There’s more to this Mercury retrograde phase than first meets the eye.  Firstly, because of the involvement of the asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer. Chiron is about the physical body and emotional wounds.

Whether you’re a teacher, a healer or undergoing a process of healing, Chiron often plays a pivotal role. If you have a story or issue around health or the physical body, there may be a resolution that’s coming.

Secondly, Mercury is turning direct at 15° Aries closely conjunct the North Node in Aries. The Lunar Nodes are the points where the Moon’s path crosses the ecliptic, the Sun’s path in the sky. Karmic points in astrology, the nodes can help reveal your soul purpose, your destiny in this lifetime.

It’s worth noting what this astrology is triggering in your own horoscope and where you may be called to speak up or take action. What you say, read, hear or decide could prove to be a major turning point. Sometimes, you only recognise this when you look back on these key moments.

Mercury is direct and forthright in Aries, the fast talker. On April 30th, action planet Mars will join talk planet Mercury in Aries bringing plans and ideas to fruition. Then, on May 4th, Mercury will once again pass over the sensitive eclipse degree of 19° Aries. Mercury is revving things up in Aries until May 15th.

Wherever you find Aries in your horoscope, this is where you can walk your talk, be a pioneer or protestor and channel your anger and passion in a constructive way. Something that’s been bubbling away over the last few weeks has a lot more juice left in the tank.

Star Sign Guidance

Here are the areas of your life under the cosmic spotlight as Mercury turns direct.

  • Aries: image and body, profile and appearance, personal goals
  • Taurus: retreat, solitude, quiet time, inner work, caring for self and others
  • Gemini: friends, groups, wider society, politics, networks
  • Cancer: career, reputation and status, parents, future path
  • Leo: travel, education, philosophy and beliefs, spirituality
  • Virgo: joint finances and shared resources, the metaphysical realm, all that’s hidden and taboo
  • Libra: relationships, both personal and professional, your one-to-one negotiations, contracts, enemies
  • Scorpio: work and routine, health and lifestyle, your well-being, being of service to others
  • Sagittarius: love affairs, children and pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment and luck
  • Capricorn: home and family, your past and ancestry, where you come from
  • Aquarius: communication, local community, transport and trade, siblings and neighbours
  • Pisces: personal money, assets and possessions, values and self-worth

Now Mercury is direct, plug back in and switch on!

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