Mercury turns direct [11 Leo 32]
– August 19, 2018 (05:25 GMT+1)
A heads-up that communication planet Mercury turns direct this weekend. I don’t know about you but this has been quite the Mercury retrograde phase coinciding with action planet Mars also in retreat. Mars-ruled people in particular have been hit hard with the brakes slammed on, frustrations and delays.
Therefore, this is a welcome ‘hallelujah’ moment as Mercury turns direct in fire sign, Leo, and gets back up to speed.
Personally, I like to try and push things through before Mercury changes direction. This is especially good news for a reconciliation or heart-to-heart, as Mercury connects with the planet of relating, Venus, in Libra in a helpful sextile aspect on Saturday 18th, just before Mercury turns around.
Think reconnections. Create a ‘to do’ list of who you want to talk to and what you want to initiate or sort out when Mercury is back to direct motion. Look out too for new information that comes to light, the next piece in the puzzle which helps you decide what next.
Mercury turning direct is great for sorting out misunderstandings, following up important correspondence and, in general, getting your life back on track.
Mercury/Jupiter: Big Ideas
Also, each Mercury retrograde phase is often identified by Mercury’s close relationship with one particular planet. This time around, that planet is Jupiter in Scorpio.
Mercury and Jupiter connect three times on the following dates: July 9th when Mercury was moving forwards, August 11th when Mercury was in retreat and August 28th when they meet for the last time.
Mercury and Jupiter both rule education and they make a good team. They are interested in knowledge and understanding and when they come together, you often want to learn more, get out and about and see the world. These repeat planetary aspects can prove important for you if you’ve been studying or involved in a test or exam or planning a trip.
That’s the practical side of Mercury/Jupiter, but there’s also something deeper that may have been calling you. Think about how you’ve been inspired or uplifted while Mercury was on go slow. Have you discovered new insights by walking off the beaten track or exploring new territories? Have you been wanting to learn a language or immerse yourself in a specialised or niche interest? Where has your spirit been calling you? What unexpected journeys have you taken?
Jupiter in Scorpio leads you into the unknown, beyond the veil or deep into the metaphysical realm. As Jupiter makes its final planetary aspect to Neptune in Pisces only a few hours after Mercury turns direct, this could turn out to be a remarkable or revolutionary weekend. Don’t limit yourself; go where your emotions lead you and be open to learning, knowledge and inspiration.
Make time for conversations too, perhaps with people you meet unexpectedly or someone you wouldn’t normally talk to or make time for. Be open to learning about yourself and about life in expansive and unique ways. Rejoice in life.
Here are the key areas for you relating to Mercury’s change of direction in Leo. Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign:
- Leo: Personal goals, image & profile
- Virgo: Inner work & retreat, self-care
- Libra: Friends & group activities, hopes & wishes
- Scorpio: Career & vocation, future goals
- Sagittarius: Travel & study, learning & big ideas
- Capricorn: Joint finances & sex, the metaphysical realm
- Aquarius: Partnership & contracts, your love life
- Pisces: Work & health, your lifestyle & routine
- Aries: Creativity, romance & children, good fortune
- Taurus: Home & family, your past & where you come from
- Gemini: Communication & community, transport & education
- Cancer: Money & values, your possessions