Mercury Retrograde – May 29 to June 22, 2021
You might already be experiencing this powerful Mercury retrograde phase. Mercury entered Gemini, one of its two signs of rulership on May 4th and moved into its shadow phase on May 15th.
This week, Mercury switches direction and dives into its tricksy retrograde phase. Mercury’s alter-ego is the trickster, the thief. Gemini is one of the mutable, i.e. flexible star signs, linked to duality. Gemini’s zodiac symbol is the twins.
Therefore, this Mercury retrograde phase feels especially devious, discombobulating, a mind-f–k, a double dose of tricks & lies. It is not a time to be making any major decision or investment.
Mercury Square Neptune
And, there’s more. This is because when Mercury switches direction, it does so square to Neptune, the planet of deception, deceit and illusion. If you feel as if you’re living in a fantasy world, not knowing which way is up or where truth lies, the planets agree.
Mercury & Neptune make three square aspects on May 23rd, June 5th & July 6th. If you have key planets/angles close to 16 or 24 degrees of the mutable signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces – this is especially pertinent.
Mercury turns retrograde at 24 Gemini on May 29th & turns direct at 16 Gemini on June 22nd, when the truth may come to light.
Keep your feet on the ground over the next few weeks and engage your common sense. Some ideas won’t be worth following up, some promises may not be kept. Mercury retrograde often coincides with misunderstandings & miscommunications – double check everything.
Be careful what you believe, in the media and in your conversations. Be discerning and questioning. This is a key aspect of the current astrology, potentially up until July. Don’t allow yourself to be seduced or fooled.
Mercury Retrograde Advice
Do, however, allow yourself to escape from the worries of the world, find your escape and rediscover where happiness lies. Read books, dive deep into a creative activity, reconnect with people from your past. Write letters, learn a language, talk to people you don’t normally connect with.
You may still be busy this month as it doesn’t feel like a quiet Mercury retrograde phase. Gemini rules the mind & communication, so you might be multi-tasking, trying to keep the lines of communication open, be doing research or finding out more.
If you’re a worrier or prone to anxiety, find ways to unplug & quieten the mind. Do puzzles, jigsaws, switch off the news, detox from social media, block out your calendar or social diary, at least for a few days. Switch off.
What Does It Mean For You
This is a pure Mercury retrograde phase, insomuch as it only falls in one star sign/one sector of your horoscope. Read both your Sun Sign and your Ascendant to find out where the trickster may be up to its tricks:
- Gemini: image & body, profile & appearance, personal goals
- Cancer: retreat, solitude, quiet time, sacrifice, inner work
- Leo: friends & groups, social issues & politics
- Virgo: career & vocation, reputation & status, where you’re heading in life
- Libra: travel & adventure, education & learning, philosophy & beliefs
- Scorpio: joint finances & shared resources, taboos & hidden mysteries
- Sagittarius: relationships – personal & professional, 1-to-1 negotiations
- Capricorn: work & routine, health & lifestyle, service to others
- Aquarius: love affairs, children & pregnancy, creativity, entertainment, luck
- Pisces: home & family, your past & where you come from
- Aries: communication, local community, transport, siblings, neighbours
- Taurus: money, possessions, values, self-worth
Don’t let Mercury, the trickster, trip you up in tricksy Gemini this month. Stay grounded, quieten your mind, question everything!
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