We are heading closer to the next Mercury Retrograde phase which takes place from August 13th – September 5th.
This is a strange Mercury Retrograde because it happens during eclipse season. There’s already been so much talk about the eclipses that the trickster planet Mercury has almost been forgotten.
In fact, the general themes of both eclipses and Mercury Retrograde are similar, that something’s hidden. The same advice applies to both, play a waiting game until a new picture is revealed and whatever’s been hidden comes to light.
Plus, this Mercury Retrograde phase taps into the current eclipse cycle as Mercury turns direct at 28 degrees Leo on September 5th, the same degree in the zodiac as next week’s Solar Eclipse on August 21st, also at 28 degrees Leo.
Here are the Mercury Retrograde dates & data:
- July 24 2017: Mercury reaches 28 Leo – shadow period begins
- August 13 2017: Mercury turns retrograde [11 Virgo 38]
- August 26 2017: Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde – 4 Virgo
- August 31 2017: Mercury retreats back into Leo
- September 3 2017: Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars – 28 Leo
- September 5 2017: Mercury turns direct [28 Leo 25]
- September 16 2017: Mercury conjunct Mars – 7 Virgo
- September 19 2017: Mercury reaches 11 Virgo – shadow period ends
Mercury spends most of this retrograde phase in Virgo, a sign in which it’s strong. Mercury in Virgo is the analyst, the perfectionist. This is an ideal combination for paying attention to the details of life, for writing, observation and insight.
When Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, this is a good time to get your head down, to busy yourself with a project, to focus on research, to pay attention to your work, your health and service to others. These are Virgo activities.
It’s also a positive time to remember the re-words: to review, revise, reconsider, reflect, rework. Here are some more ways of harnessing the Mercury Retrograde planetary energy:
- take a step back & leave the big decisions for another time
- give yourself permission to change your mind
- look at life from a fresh perspective – upside down, back-to-front; think outside of the box
- indulge in a media detox
- chase up old connections, reconnect with people from your past
- don’t believe everything you hear
- be patient, keep your options open
- try again where you failed in the past; second chances come highly recommended
- have plans B, C & D up your sleeve, especially if you’re travelling
- be flexible, be adaptable, go with the flow & see where life leads
Yet let’s not forget that Mercury Retrograde can trip you up and this is often a time of communication chaos, when appliances go wonky, plans are delayed, it’s hard to get hold of the right people and the world goes slightly crazy.
Sometimes I think that Mercury Retrograde comes along every few months to remind us that ultimately we have little control over the bigger picture and once in a while we must surrender to life as it is.
So do double check all correspondence and arrangements during this Mercury Retrograde phase, put off the big decisions if you can and don’t make assumptions. The truth will emerge once Mercury turns direct.
In fact, September 2017 could pack a punch because Mercury meets up with action planet Mars not once but twice (see dates above). Mars too is caught up in both of August’s eclipses as it tags along with the Sun in Leo. Once the Sun escapes Mars’ clutches, Mars swings into action with Mercury.
A chance to walk (Mars) your talk (Mercury) perhaps or to stand up for what you believe in. Mars rules passion and anger so this feels like a reawakening of your mind, your voice, your desire to speak up.
August is officially silly season this year with two eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde phase.
That’s not to say you can’t create something wonderful from the new opportunities that will open up. Yet you do need to get your head down to make it happen and play a tactical game.
Hi Sally i’ve Just had a look intoy natal chart and i have my Mercury at 27 Leo 31 r in my 10th house, plus sun at 23 Leo 15 also in my 10th house and saturn at 2 virgo 34 also in my 10th house!
So this means that at some extent i should be affected by the éclipse coming next week? Mostly due to Mercury is that correct? Because is within 2 dégrées of the eclipse at 29leo? And saturn? Do you think is going to be aflicted too?
Many thanks !
Best Regards
Is also funny that Uranus is in exact trine the eclipse at 28 Aries in this case in my 6th house! This éclipse is going to be powerfull! Hopefully things will fire up on the right direction!
Best Regards
hi Sam, you have a Sun/Mercury conjunction in Leo in your 10th house – so yes, it’s a powerful eclipse for you (the solar eclipse on August 21st). Look out for new doors opening or alternatively doors closing to reveal a new picture. Plus you have a double Mercury Return this year so the date when Mercury turns direct is brilliant for anything new with regard to work – speak up, sign a contract, ask for promotion, etc. You might find that things unravel before the picture clears and early September is the time to get things moving.
Thanks for your words Sally! And yes i can feel the energy and things getting in eclipse like mode regarding in my case communication (Mercury * retrograde)!
All the best for you!
The solar eclipse is hitting my Pluto in the first house within a couple degrees. What do you think that suggests?
Hard to say without knowing more about the chart. It depends what aspects Pluto makes and which part of the chart it rules. Generally Pluto can be about detoxing, decluttering, purging. Starting over in dramatic fashion?