Mercury Direct
Mercury, the communication planet, turns direct today after three weeks retrograde. Mercury went into retreat in Scorpio – deep, analytical, focused and turns direct in Libra – diplomatic, balanced, talkative.
You may have experienced the usual communication issues over the last three weeks. Or, perhaps you’ve been playing a waiting game and information has been hidden from you. Mercury’s change of direction can bring news to light and reveal clarity & understanding.
Mercury Square Saturn
There is an added edge to this new Mercury phase, however, because Mercury is stationing square to Saturn and the word that immediately springs to mind is No rather than Yes.
Yes, Mercury turning direct may bring clarity but it could reveal what you can’t do, what you don’t like, what you don’t want. As Mercury turns direct on today’s major election in the US, it’s guaranteed that there will be a lot of people unhappy, whatever the result!
So, you may hear the word No during this Mercury direct phase and more patience is required. Or, you’re the one who recognises that you need to accept reality & your limits. Alternatively, you need to say No to someone else.
Mars’ Power
If this is true for you, know that mid-month’s planetary energy is much more powerful and persuasive when Mars turns direct on November 14th. There will be another shift mid-month, perhaps a chance to try a different tack, be assertive or forceful, turn a No in to a Yes.
For those of you who like to know the astrology, here are the relevant dates/degrees:
- Mercury turned retrograde [11 Scorpio 39] – October 14, 2020
- Mercury R Libra square Saturn – November 1, 2020
- Mercury turns direct [25 Libra 54] – November 3, 2020
- Mercury Libra square Saturn – November 6, 2020
- Mercury returns to Scorpio – November 10, 2020
- Mercury out of shadow – November 19, 2020
The shadow phase is when Mercury is back at the same degree in the zodiac where it turned retrograde. This could prove to be a significant turning point with regard to today’s events and that includes the US election. It’s likely to be highly contested as Mercury stations on the day.
What It’s Good For
Even with Saturn square to Mercury, you can still use this Mercury direct phase to your advantage. This is what can work:
- trying again – second chances are a classic Mercury direct theme
- sorting out any misunderstandings
- considering what Mercury retrograde taught you, i.e. where are you wasting your time?
- speaking your mind
- initiating a conversation
- writing a list – keep it short, deal with what’s most important or urgent in your life
- doing what you say you will, recommitting to a promise
- handling any technological or transport issues
- plugging back in, renewing your energy & focus
Key Areas
Here are the key areas for you relating to Mercury’s change of direction in Libra (read the sign before to discover what Mercury’s return to Scorpio will mean for you). Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign:
- Libra: Personal goals, image & profile
- Scorpio: Inner work & retreat, self-care
- Sagittarius: Friends & group activities, hopes & wishes
- Capricorn: Career & vocation, future goals
- Aquarius: Travel & study, learning & big ideas
- Pisces: Joint finances & sex, the metaphysical realm
- Aries: Partnership & contracts, your love life
- Taurus: Work & health, your lifestyle & routine
- Gemini: Creativity, romance & children, good fortune
- Cancer: Home & family, your past & where you come from
- Leo: Communication & community, transport & education
- Virgo: Money & values, your possessions
Best Astrologer I’ve ever found. You are amazing Sally!
Thank you 🙂
I usually come away from your posts with something I can make use of – really appreciate it. Thank you.
Thank you 🙂
Absolute true. I received a definite NO on the 3rd of november. But I will try again on the 19th when Mercury is out of shadowfase. Thank you!
Yes, do that – good luck 🙂