Mercury And Mars: Power Forward

Things which have been hidden could be unleashed or revealed early this week with considerable force and intensity.

Mercury Back To Direct Motion

Firstly, communication planet, Mercury, turns direct after three weeks on go slow. This takes place tomorrow, November 20th (19:12 GMT). Mercury has spent its whole retrograde phase in Scorpio, the star sign linked to secrets, psycho-analysis, detective work, deep emotions and regeneration.

Listen out for news or information which comes to light when Mercury turns direct. Here are some other ways to use this powerful shift, as Mercury plugs back in and the lights go back on:

  • try again – second chances are a classic Mercury direct theme
  • sort out any misunderstandings
  • consider what Mercury retrograde taught you, i.e. where are you wasting your time?
  • sort out a muddle or a mess
  • start afresh 
  • speak your mind – Mercury in Scorpio is laser sharp
  • initiate a conversation
  • launch a new project, idea, plan
  • write a list – keep it short, deal with what’s most important or urgent in your life
  • do what you say you will, recommit to a promise
  • handle any technological or transport issues
  • renew your energy & focus

Mars Enters Scorpio

Mercury’s change of direction feels extra powerful because today, November 19th, Mars, enters Scorpio, where it remains until January 3rd, 2020.

Action planet, Mars, is moving back into its sign of rulership, Scorpio, after six long weeks in Libra, its sign of detriment. Mars is at home in Scorpio, where it can get things done with laser focus, courage and determination.

Now’s not the time to prioritise other people’s needs; this is about focusing on you and doing what’s right to heal, transform and resolve your personal situation.

Mars in Scorpio is fearless, perfect for honing in on an important task, being bold and brave, tackling a taboo area or subject. If there’s something in your life you’ve been putting off, this would be the ideal time to dig deep, take action and speak your mind.

Ideally, do so before the weekend, when new planetary factors kick in. This week’s astrology isn’t about ignoring the difficult stuff. Instead, it’s time to face whatever’s been lurking beneath the surface and take a stand on what’s truly important in your life. Scorpio is the sign linked to life, death & rebirth – what’s emerging from the dark, hidden places?

“You must do the things you think you cannot do”

Eleanor Roosevelt, Sun Libra, Mars Scorpio

Here’s a quick reminder of the areas of your life ruled by Scorpio.

Read both your Sun sign and your Ascendant for a comprehensive guide:

  • Aries – shared finances & all things taboo
  • Taurus – love & relationships
  • Gemini – job & health
  • Cancer – new birth i.e. kids, love, creative project
  • Leo – home & family
  • Virgo – communication & ideas
  • Libra – money & values
  • Scorpio – personal goals, image & profile
  • Sagittarius – retreat, secrets & personal issues
  • Capricorn – friends & wider society
  • Aquarius – career & status
  • Pisces – travel, study & deeper meaning
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