May Astrology 2023

Green man, May astrology

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May’s Astrology

Last month, there was a Solar Eclipse in fire sign Aries – the star sign ruled by Mars and linked to rockets on April 20th

Elon Musk launched his SpaceX Starship on the day and it exploded into flames shortly after landing. It looked like a disaster but apparently it was a success. 

This can be a helpful way of explaining eclipses on a personal level – something that looks like it’s gone completely wrong can be a blessing in disguise or turns out to be a success once the shadow lifts. 

It’s not advisable to launch things on an eclipse, yet it doesn’t mean it won’t succeed in the future. Worth bearing in mind, especially as there’s a Lunar Eclipse this month.

Lunar Eclipse [14 Scorpio 58] 

– May 5, 2023 

The Lunar Eclipse takes place the day before the Coronation of King Charles III here in the UK on May 6th. Charles is a Sun Scorpio and eclipses often coincide with the rise and fall of leaders and the royals. 

The Sun represents the King in astrology and the Moon represents the Queen. It’s not a bad omen to be crowned on an eclipse, although Mercury retrograde does suggest that things may not play out as planned.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place on May 5th. This is part of the eclipse cycle that began in November 2021 and continues until October 2023. It mirrors the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2022 that fell at 16° Taurus. Therefore, the two dates may be linked.

Eclipses can act as signposts, turning points in your life. They are significators of change and linked to endings and beginnings. One door closes and a new door opens, someone or something is ‘eclipsed’.  

Sometimes, the timing can be exact and events prove dramatic. Other times, there’s barely a flutter and you’re not aware of a turning point until further down the line. Eclipses are most potent and powerful when they fall within a 2-3° orb of planets/angles in your horoscope.

During this eclipse, the Sun is conjunct Uranus in Taurus, the planet of change (exact May 9th). This combination can spring a shock or surprise. It adds a topsy turvy quality to the eclipse. It’s a reminder not to act impulsively during the eclipse.

Traditionally, you’re wise to wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action or making a major decision. This is even more important this month as talk planet Mercury remains retrograde for the first two weeks of May.

Mercury turns direct [5 Taurus 51]

– May 15, 2023

As the month continues, there are a run of turning points mid-May. Firstly, communication planet Mercury turns direct on May 15th. Mercury has been retrograde since April 21st, the day after the Solar Eclipse. 

Expect new information to come to light as Mercury switches direction and turns back on. Mercury retrograde periods can bring diversions, communication chaos, transport delays, technological glitches & misunderstandings. 

Once Mercury turns direct, it’s the ideal time to chase things up, get back in touch, try again, explore new ideas or change your mind. You can start making decisions or signing contracts and it’s potentially a good time to book travel.

You may be able to resolve a mystery or puzzle and move on from recent dramas. It’s a good time to speak your mind. Mercury turning direct is a green light in the zodiac – make the most of it.

Jupiter enters Taurus

– May 16, 2023

The day after Mercury turns direct, the biggest and best planet Jupiter changes star sign and enters earth sign Taurus. Jupiter will remain here until May 25, 2024. Jupiter takes twelve years to circuit the zodiac bringing its blessings to each star sign for a whole year. 

In mythology, Jupiter was a Sky God, linked to expansion, benevolence and protection. Jupiter is linked to travel, higher education, the law, truth & justice, seeking meaning & purpose in life, the bigger picture.

At its best, Jupiter’s influence is jovial, fortunate and lucky. Therefore, wherever Jupiter goes, you’re wise to follow as this is where opportunity lies.

What you seed when Jupiter moves through Taurus has time and space to develop and grow. This is a slow and steady pace, like the tale of the tortoise and the hare. 

Put one foot in front of the other, take a small step every day that leads you towards a chosen goal and you’ll reach the finishing line and complete what you start.

Jupiter in Taurus is a cosmic reminder to dive deep into an appreciation of all that you have. Bless the simple pleasures, adopt an attitude of gratitude on a daily basis. Revel in the small things that give you the deepest joy. 

If you need more confirmation that Taurus is the star sign of the moment, there’s a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th. A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and this indicates that things may start to open up again after a turbulent few weeks.

Jupiter Taurus square Pluto R Aquarius

– May 18, 2023

There is a proviso, however, because as soon as Jupiter enters Taurus, it runs into Pluto heading back towards earth sign Capricorn on May 18th. Pluto entered air sign Aquarius on March 23rd and turns retrograde here on May 1st

The Jupiter-Pluto aspect is a square or clash. The characteristics of Jupiter and Pluto are poles apart but together they wield huge power.

When Jupiter and Pluto come together, there are often themes around wealth or loss, status and power, hidden riches or intense experiences as the pendulum of fate swings wildly.

Jupiter’s the planet of good fortune, while Pluto represents corruption and underhand means. Jupiter’s the truth seeker and Pluto exposes what’s hidden, as the planet of self-transformation and a psycho-analytical force.

This is a square aspect, a clash and money markets could take a wrong turn on or around this mighty fight between the Gods. Plus, May is eclipse season when there’s a Taurus/Scorpio eclipse taking place.

Taurus and Scorpio are the two star signs linked to money and the money markets. This could be a rocky month financially so bear this in mind when you make investments or book travel. 

Sometimes, however, you have to take a risk in life, otherwise nothing happens. Jupiter-Pluto themes are often about going in deep or not at all. 

In other words, whatever you’re planning, take out insurance and have plan B up your sleeve. Also, Jupiter is stronger than Pluto during this clash as Pluto is weakened by being retrograde.

Wishing you love, good health & happiness in the month ahead.

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