Mars Turns Direct: Do A Happy Dance

Mars turns direct, dance

Mars turns direct today, August 27th, 2018, and you don’t know how delighted I am to write those four words!

Mars’ retrograde phases happen once every two years. Being Mars-ruled, I often find them difficult, challenging, frustrating, etc. Mars-ruled signs are Aries and Scorpio.

In brief, a personal project has been put on hold and last week I got ill. I literally had to stop and ‘do nothing’. As Mars is the planet of action, this makes sense. Mars also rules libido, passion, anger, your fight, your get-up-and-go and has been retrograde since June 26th, 2018.

If you’re a Sun Capricorn or Sun Aquarius, you too may have experienced your fair share of Mars-related frustrations, as Mars has been dragging its heels in your two star signs.

Do A Happy Dance!

But that’s then and this is now. So do a happy dance! It’s time to get back on track, back up to speed, look after your physical body, get strong, be assertive, make things happen.

Mars is now retracing its steps from 28 Capricorn 37 to 9 Aquarius 13, the signs/degrees at which it turned retrograde (9 Aquarius) and direct (28 Capricorn). You can go back over old ground and get revved up with projects or activities which began mid-May 2018 up until the end of June 2018.

This makes perfect sense to me as that was when we accepted an offer on our house and this is where the delays have been. I’m a Sun Scorpio and Mars turned retrograde in Aquarius and my solar 4th house, ruling home and family. The symbolism is obvious. I’m expecting things to start moving fast from this week onwards.

Here are the areas of your life where Mars turned retrograde. Read both your Sun sign and Ascendant sign:

  • Aries: friends, group connections, political & social projects, hopes & wishes
  • Taurus: career, vocation, future goals, promotion, status
  • Gemini: travel, study, the bigger picture, where you find meaning, your philosophy/beliefs
  • Cancer: joint finances, shared resources, sexuality, legacy, inheritance
  • Leo: relationships, personal & professional, contracts
  • Virgo: work & routine, health & lifestyle, service to others
  • Libra: children, creativity, romance, entertainment, luck
  • Scorpio: home, family, your past, your roots, where you come from
  • Sagittarius: communication, your local community, transport, siblings, neighbours
  • Capricorn: money, possessions, your values
  • Aquarius: personal goals & aims, image & profile, physical body
  • Pisces: retreat & recuperation, self-care, caring for others, confinement, spirituality

Mars is turning direct in late degrees Capricorn today and will be back in Aquarius from September 11th to November 15th and reaches 9 degrees Aquarius on October 8th. More important dates to work towards.

Snoopy happy dance

Don’t forget… do a happy dance 🙂


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