Mars Retrograde – September 9 to November 13, 2020
Action planet Mars has been in Aries, one of its signs of rulership, since the end of June 2020. This was always going to be an important transit of Mars as it stays in fiery, fierce Aries until early January 2021.
A whole six months of Mars ramping up the action. Activism and protests are constantly in the news and this strong Mars is adding fire and fuel to protests against the government, the police, big corporations (Capricorn themes).
There are other factors to pay attention to as well, primarily that Mars clashes with the trio of planets in Capricorn – Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto – and is retrograde, i.e. on go slow for almost ten weeks. The retrograde period begins this week.
Retrograde Mars
Usually, when Mars is retrograde, the planet is said to be weakened, its energy not so strong. Traditionally, it’s a time to retreat, rework your strategy, gather fresh troops or support ready to go on the attack once again when Mars powers forward.
Yet, we haven’t seen Mars retrograde in Aries for quite some time (see below) and this could be a different experience. More likely than not, Mars retrograde in Aries is still going to feel busy and active, even if it means changing tactics or doing things differently. We’ll soon find out.
On a personal level, notice where Mars falls in your horoscope. It turns retrograde at 28 degrees Aries and direct at 15 degrees Aries. More likely than not, it will be in one sector of your horoscope for the whole of the second half of this year.
Here’s a quick reminder of what the 12 houses rule – read both your Sun sign & Ascendant sign.
- Aries: Physical body, personal goals
- Taurus: Inner work, retreat
- Gemini: Friends & groups, society, politics
- Cancer: Career & vocation, parents, authority figures
- Leo: Education; travel & new experiences
- Virgo: Joint finances, your sex life
- Libra: Relationships, contracts
- Scorpio: Work & health, service
- Sagittarius: Creativity, children, love affairs
- Capricorn: Home & property, your family & past
- Aquarius: Communication, siblings & neighbours
- Pisces: Personal money, your self-worth
Also, it might be helpful to look back to what’s happened in the past when Mars was retrograde, which happens approximately once every two years. Here are the previous dates:
- June 26 to August 27 2018 – Mars retrograde in Aquarius/direct in Capricorn
- April 17 to June 29 2016 – Mars retrograde in Sagittarius/direct in Scorpio
- March 1 to May 20 2014 – Mars retrograde in Libra/direct in Libra
Mars retrograde tends to have the most impact for Aries & Scorpio, Mars’ signs of rulership, plus if you have Mars strong in your horoscope. With my Scorpio Sun & Aries Ascendant, Mars’ retrograde always feels personal.
Themes are usually around feeling powerless or lacking control or strength. This can play out as low energy or a physical ailment. Mars retrograde is a time when you can’t get ahead as fast as you would like, you have to learn patience, sometimes the hard way, and it’s wise to take good care of your physical health.
Already since late June, with Mars moving over my Ascendant and through my 1st house – physical body – I’ve had a biopsy on a mark on my face (Aries rules the head), a major tooth extraction, a wasp sting (Mars rules all things sharp) & I put my back out slowing me down. So yes, it’s personal, which is why I’m prioritising my health!
Mars In Retreat
Check out where Mars is going to be in retreat in your horoscope and pay close attention. It’s important to choose your battles wisely over the next couple of months and not waste your precious time or energy.
In astrology, Mars is the soldier or worker. In retreat, Mars takes a step back, gets his/her tools ready for doing battle later in the year, reworks his/her strategy or goes on strike.
Yet, don’t give up on what you’re trying to do or achieve. 2020 is teaching us that we have to consider carefully what we can and can’t do. We’re required to be flexible, stealthy even and find new ways of making things happen.
Keep busy and active, push for independence or fight for your rights, but keep trying different tactics and have plans B, C and D up your sleeve. Be willing to accept failure and learn from your mistakes and don’t go running blindly in the wrong direction. Keep stopping, check your progress and notice when you need to readjust your plans.
And, finally, if you have big plans afoot or this is a major period of preparation for you, aim to be ready by mid-November, when Mars is back up to speed.
You may also like to read Mars Enters Aries: Power Surge which includes the dates of the squares between Mars and the planets in Capricorn.
Weekly Horoscopes
If you want to keep up-to-date with all the aspects that Mars makes between now and mid-November, the weekly horoscopes & astrology newsletter are your must-read guide. They are great value at less than £1 a week – to find out more and sign up today, click here: Weekly.
- * Mars was last retrograde in Aries in 1988 (August to October) and before then in 1973 (September to November), although on both occasions, Mars wasn’t retrograde in Aries for the whole time – in 1988, it turned direct in Pisces and in 1973, it turned retrograde in Taurus. 1973 is most interesting from a symbolic perspective as it was the winter of power cuts & the miner’s strike in the UK.
Hi Sally, ouch mars is personal for you! I also have an Aries rising and mars goes retrograde square my natal mars and saturn, and then direct on my ascendant. It started off in my 12th house though, which is when I got a sudden urge to do a 40 day daily meditation practice. That was at the beginning of June and I’m still going! I think the next period will be when I’ll need all the prep I can get.
Meditation sounds a brilliant way of working with Mars in your 12th house – ideal for ‘inner work’. Mars going direct on your Ascendant will bring a real surge of energy – plan something dynamic for that date if you can 🙂 Sending best wishes.
Hi Sally, ouch mars is personal for you! I also have an Aries rising and mars goes retrograde square my natal mars and saturn, and then direct on my ascendant. It started off in my 12th house though, which is when I got a sudden urge to do a 40 day daily meditation practice. That was at the beginning of June and I’m still going! I think the next period will be when I’ll need all the prep I can get.