Mars in Gemini
August 20, 2022 to March 25, 2023
Action planet Mars enters air sign Gemini on August 20th. When a planet’s in a mutable star sign, it helps to show willingness, to be flexible & adaptable and open to whatever comes along.
Mutable star signs aren’t rigid or fixed. Instead, they are open-minded and move through life freely. Anything is possible and it’s a good time to find solutions to problems.
Mars Gemini
Mars in Gemini is motor mouth, the fast talker, full of ideas and thoughts. This planet/sign combination is brilliant for brainstorming, networking, multi-tasking and making connections.
Gemini is the star sign linked to the media, the gossip columns, broadcasting and all forms of communication. Mars in Gemini is about bite-sized topics & finding what you need to know quickly. It’s the arena of the meme, Google searches, fast-paced insight & rapid communication.
This is about study and education too, reading, learning and being on a mission to gather knowledge and information speedily. It’s an ideal transit for curiosity, learning a language at top speed, playing board games, cards or poker.
Mars in Gemini is an ideal symbol for tiger parenting. Shouty talk could be in & a need for speed. Gemini is linked to transport and Mars is the red-hot racer.
This is a competitive combination that isn’t about lounging around waiting for things to happen. Get active within your local neighbourhood, start trading, take on a market stall, swap goods & resources with other people.
This Mars transit is going to be super-powerful and it’s a time when words mean business. Be wary of what you say or write as it could be used against you in the future. Mars in Gemini can signify a war of words, an ongoing battle with the neighbours, for example. It’s an argumentative combination.
Mars in Gemini is great news if you need to be assertive or want to launch a podcast or blog. However, it’s a trickster combination too. Who’s telling porky-pies, who in your life says one thing but means another?
And, it’s worth noting that Mars is going to be in the star sign of communication for an unusually long time, for a whole seven months. Mars won’t leave Gemini until March 25, 2023.
Mars Retrograde
This is because Mars turns retrograde in Gemini from October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023. This is important to note, especially if you’re a Gemini or a Mars type, i.e. an Aries or Scorpio (Mars ruled star sign) or you have Mars strongly placed in your birth chart.
When Mars is firing on all cylinders and in forward motion, act fast, get things moving, speak your mind & walk your talk. When Mars is in retreat, be prepared to put on the brakes, slow things down and rework your strategy.
Mars retrograde is the ideal time to recharge your batteries before you get moving once again. Be extra careful around your communications during the Mars retrograde phase.
Where Is Mars?
It’s going to help to know where Mars falls in your horoscope and which areas of your life are active for the next seven months. Here’s a quick guide. Read both your Sun sign & Ascendant sign:
- Gemini: Your physical energy, your image & appearance, personal goals
- Cancer: Your inner journey & spiritual path, your mind
- Leo: Friendship & groups, your involvement in society, politics, world events
- Virgo: Career & vocation, your status & reputation, your role in the public eye
- Libra: Education; travel & new experiences, where you find meaning in life
- Scorpio: Joint finances, money you share with other people, savings & debt, your sex life
- Sagittarius: Relationships, both personal & professional, contracts, your 1-to-1’s
- Capricorn: Your job & everyday lifestyle, your health, service to others
- Aquarius: Your creativity, children, fun & entertainment, love affairs
- Pisces: Home & property, your family, your past & where you come from
- Aries: All forms of communication, your local community, siblings & neighbours
- Taurus: Money & personal possessions, what you value in life, your self-worth
Mars’ Aspects
As Mars moves through Gemini, it’s going to make one key planetary aspect three times:
- Mars Gemini square Neptune R Pisces – October 12, 2022
- Mars R Gemini square Neptune R Pisces – November 19, 2022
- Mars Gemini square Neptune R Pisces – March 14, 2023
This is when trickster Mars in Gemini is likely to be at its peak. Neptune blurs the picture and confuses what’s real. This combination is seductive, persuasive and great for scams. Be extra wary on or around these dates.
There is another significant planetary aspect but it only happens two times:
- Mars Gemini trine Saturn R Aquarius – September 28, 2022
- Mars R Gemini trine Saturn Aquarius – November 28, 2022
- (Mars Cancer trine Saturn Pisces – March 30, 2023)
Mars and Saturn work well together – they’re about focus & determination, commitment & discipline. The dates when they’re in unison would be ideal for community matters, bringing people together, drawing up long-term plans. It’s a time when the common people (Aquarius) can find their voice (Gemini).
The final planetary aspect doesn’t perfect in air signs – think networking, people power, communications – as, by the end of March 2023, Saturn has left Aquarius and Mars has moved on from Gemini.
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