Mars enters Capricorn – February 16 2020
Action planet Mars enters Capricorn today, the star sign linked to hard work and ambition, where it remains for the next six weeks until March 30th.
Capricorn is responsible, authoritative and maintains rules and boundaries. Mars excels here as its forthright, direct nature can be channelled successfully into goals, projects and business enterprises.
Traditionally, when Mars is in Capricorn, this is the perfect time to channel your inner ram or goat, plan your strategy and prove your competitive nature.
It’s time to decide what mountain you want to climb next. This may be a literal, physical challenge or an ambitious plan that calls out your leadership qualities. This is your project and it requires you to be cunning, calculated and committed.
While Mars is in Capricorn, aim for mastery, cool control and be fearless about your objectives. Utilise this strong, dominant energy to make things happen and work steadily and persistently to achieve your goals.
However, there are two important factors to point out during this key Mars transit which takes place approximately once every two years.
Mercury Retrograde
Firstly, tomorrow, February 17th, Mercury turns retrograde and will be on go slow for three weeks until March 10th. This is significant because it means you have to use Mars’ energy to rethink your strategy, to plot and plan behind the scenes ready to take action once Mercury turns direct.
Reactivating Capricorn
Secondly, Mars is stirring things up again in Capricorn, where the Saturn-Pluto conjunction took place on January 12th. Don’t forget that Mars is the warrior in astrology, combative and ready for a fight. This could play out in different ways.
For example, you may find that whatever came to an end in January, you’re now ready to deal with it head on and put more energy in to the area of your life ruled by Capricorn. Or perhaps, you rediscover your courage, your get-up-and-go and you’re keen to do battle. When you look back to events last month, you can now see where action is needed.
Mars Aspects
This is a significant transit of Mars because it’s chasing after the slower-moving planets. Here’s what happens. Notice that all the key dates are once Mercury is back to direct motion:
- Mars conjunct Jupiter – March 20, 2020 (22 Capricorn)
- Mars conjunct Pluto – March 23, 2020 (24 Capricorn)
- Mars conjunct Saturn – March 31, 2020 (0 Aquarius)
Mars teams up with Jupiter and then Pluto in Capricorn. Together, Jupiter and Pluto represent big power. This could symbolise a step up in the world or meeting a person of influence. Jupiter expands what it touches and Pluto’s nature is extreme.
Mars only encounters Saturn once Saturn has moved in to Aquarius, which feels easier than if they met in Capricorn. Capricorn rules the hierarchy whereas Aquarius represents the collective.
During these key conjunctions, you may find yourself teaming up and working alongside other people. Or perhaps, you’re up against strong opposition. Be wary of Mars in Capricorn over the next three weeks and notice what’s going on behind the scenes while Mercury remains in retreat.
You may find that other people are gaining strength during this period. Who else is working behind the scenes to plan their strategy, their next steps? This is especially important if you find yourself in any conflict situation or in a competitive challenge.
Do your best to ensure you’re the one who makes all the right moves while Mars moves through Capricorn, its sign of exaltation.
Capricorn Rules…
Here are the areas of your life where Mars is currently active. Read both your Sun sign and Ascendant sign if you know it:
- Aries: Career, vocation, status, reputation, authority figures, parents
- Taurus: Travel, study, adventure, higher learning, teachers, gurus
- Gemini: Joint finances, debt, legacy, all things taboo, financial experts/advisers
- Cancer: Relationships, both personal & professional, contracts, enemies
- Leo: Work, health, lifestyle, service to others, employees, lodgers, pets
- Virgo: Creativity, children, love affairs, luck, lovers
- Libra: Home, family, past, parents, ancestors
- Scorpio: Communication, neighbourhood, transport, siblings, local community
- Sagittarius: Money, possessions, self-value, self-worth
- Capricorn: Personal goals & aims, image & profile, physical body
- Aquarius: Personal issues, sacrifice, retreat & recovery, secret enemies, hospitals & prisons
- Pisces: Friends, group activities, society, politics, peers
Be a strategist while Mars is in Capricorn and use the timing of astrology to know when to make your move.
Amazing information for this Capricorn. I will share this on all my social media!
Thank you Sally for your article … “Personal issues, sacrifice, retreat & recovery, secret enemies, hospitals & prisons.” Are these the areas where I’m going to find conflict? I’m not sure I understand hospitals & prisons! Also, what does it mean to have the double sun & ascendant? Thank you 😊. Sarah
Hi Sarah, The list is places where you may end up using Mars, being active, taking action, etc. The 12th house rules hospitals and prisons, places of confinement – I thought it might ring a bell for some people but for sure not everyone. If your Sun and Ascendant are the same sign, then you only read one list. Hope that helps.
I submitted my book to an influential person on Feb. 10. It is not the book’s “final audition” but this person could make or break my efforts. From reading the Capricorn stars (Taurus rising), it sounds as though I submitted at the right time. Hope so. Expect to hear back end of March/beginning of April. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for your great monthly scopes!
Yes, it sounds like great timing, Lori. Hopefully, March’s turning point dates – 10th, 20th – will bring some news your way. Sending best wishes.