Action planet Mars enters air sign Aquarius today, November 9th 2016, where it remains for the next six weeks. It’s time to celebrate the weird!
Aquarius is a progressive, forward-thinking sign and as this new wave of energy comes the day after a momentous election in the USA, the time is ripe for change!
Here’s what it means for you
Mars in Aquarius is the perfect opportunity to change things around, think play not work, get excited about what’s new, happening or trending, dive into social media and create a storm, change channels, surf the airwaves and let out your inner weird.
It’s OK to be different, in fact it’s brilliant. Diversity and a chance to ring the changes bring genius ideas, devilishly clever schemes and projects ready to show off to the world in 2017.
What a fab (Aquarius word!) time to be gearing up to let go of what’s outdated or boring in your life and sweep in fresh new energy. A change of routine flicks the switch back on and fires up your motivation, your drive and your lust for life.
Help out at a charity, make a difference in the world, be an activist, seek out new friends and wherever you are or whatever you’re doing, be proud to stand out from the crowd.
The period from December 2nd to December 7th 2016 looks especially lively when Mars teams up with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in quick succession. It’s an excitement overload! More on that nearer the time.
Forget normal; Mars in Aquarius is your chance to unleash your inner weird. Namaste!