M-M-Mercury R-R-Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury turns retrograde [13 Sagittarius 29] – November 17, 2018 (01:32 GMT)

Mercury turns direct [27 Scorpio 18] – December 6, 2018 (21:23 GMT)

Yes, it’s that time again. Communication planet, Mercury, is up to its tricks and turns retrograde in the early hours of this morning – see date/time above.

Mercury Retrograde has become common terminology which even non-astrologers understand. It’s synchronous with communication chaos when the winged messenger of the Gods, fleet-footed Mercury retreats for three weeks at a time. Think of post going missing, dates getting muddled, mishaps, slip-ups and general misunderstandings.

It’s intriguing that this is the third year in a row when Mercury will be retrograde in December and the run-up to the festive season. If you’ve not already organised what you’re doing, wait until after December 6th before trying to iron out the details.

In general, Mercury retrograde is not the best time to make a major decision or investment. This is because you don’t have all the information at your fingertips. Often, a better deal comes along once Mercury turns direct or things fall into place without you having to do anything once Mercury is back to direct motion.

Yet you can survive and thrive when the planet of communication is on go slow. Here are some top tips:

  • take a step back & leave the big decisions for another time
  • plug in to the re-words; re-vise, re-view, re-flect, re-consider, re-think
  • give yourself permission to change your mind
  • look at life from a fresh perspective – upside down, back-to-front; think outside of the box
  • walk backwards, slow down, take it easy
  • chase up old contacts, reconnect with friends and family from your past
  • don’t believe everything you hear
  • be patient, keep your options open
  • try again where you failed in the past; second chances are recommended
  • have plans B, C & D up your sleeve, especially if you’re travelling
  • be flexible, be adaptable, go with the flow & see where life leads
  • remember it’s not about reaching the destination, it’s about enjoying the journey
  • engage your sense of humour at all times

This year, Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius, its sign of detriment. Mercury is about the details and Sagittarius is the opposite, it’s about the vision. Therefore, this is a mis-match. It’s great for philosophical ideas and waxing lyrical but not so great for practicalities and getting things done.

I will be talking more about this particular retrograde phase as it continues because it’s fascinating. It includes a Full Moon in Gemini on November 23rd, when Mercury is the ruling planet.

It includes a stunning Sun/Jupiter/Mercury triple conjunction on November 26th/27th in Sagittarius. Even though Mercury is in retreat, this could still flag up some gorgeous opportunities.

For now, know that it’s twiddle-your-thumbs time. Expect some crossed wires, allow extra time and wiggle room if you’re travelling and be supremely patient with call centres, technology and the like… or not!

Don’t stress Mercury retrograde!

Wishing you a magical mystery tour of a Mercury retrograde phase

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