Libra Season
September is a significant month for you as the Sun enters your star sign on the 22nd, the day of the Equinox. It’s a symbol of a shift in seasons and a new chapter opening up.
You get a sneak preview of Libra season this month as Mercury, the talk planet, is in Libra from the 5th to the 27th. This is a good time to focus on you, your wants and needs, your personal goals and aims.
Social Goals, People Skills
You may be extra sociable once Mercury is in your star sign and it’s a good month to interact with others, even if this means more arguments than usual. The period from the 17th to the 24th looks unusually lively.
There is a sense, however, that you need to get things moving. As one of the air signs, you do this best through communication, networking and the flow of information.
In fact, as a Sun Libra, it’s often hard for you to work things out on your own. You’re best in partnership and bouncing your ideas off other people. And, with Venus, your ruling planet, in Leo from the 6th onwards, this month favours friendship and group connections.
Turning Inwards
Yet, if you’re dealing with private issues, keep some time for yourself as well. The Sun remains in Virgo and the most hidden sector of your horoscope until the 22nd. This turns your attention inwards, whether you’re reading lots or puzzling things out.
The Sun’s move through Virgo is an ideal time for retreat and prioritising your inner life, rest and relaxation. You may be caring for someone close. Or, perhaps you need extra loving care yourself.
Don’t take on too much this month. Instead, keep the pace slow and turn to other people for advice as and when needed. If you are feeling low in confidence or under the weather, know that the New Moon in Virgo on the 17th and the Sun’s move into Libra on the 22nd brings a shift in energy.
You may choose or need to back down from a heavy work schedule to prioritise your health prior to these dates. Make any major work or health decision around the Full Moon on the 2nd and do what’s right for you.
Partnership Dynamics
Your 1-to-1 relationships are also under the spotlight this month and, for some of you, September promises passion. This is because you have Mars, the passion planet, in your opposite star sign Aries.
You could benefit from having someone in your life who’s leading the way, shouldering a burden or driving forth a mutual project.
There may be one or two bumps along the way as Mars rules anger as well as drive and ambition. You could find yourself up against strong competition or have a fight on your hands with a certain individual in your life.
One of this month’s challenges is to get your love life on an even keel. Venus clashes with Mars on the 4th, the lovers of the heavens having a cosmic tiff. This may highlight where something is out of balance in your relationship.
Or perhaps, you need to remind your partner how you want to be loved, what makes you feel loved. Mars in your relationship sector is full on and sex can dominate over love.
Mars turns retrograde on September 9th and remains on go slow until November 13th. This could coincide with a shift in an important relationship, either personal or professional. Someone may back off or retreat from you.
When Mars is retrograde, it’s the time to rework your strategy and take a step back, rather than drive things forward. As Mars is your partner planet, this may relate to how you feel in a relationship. Or, it could be what your partner needs or wants. Either way, it feels as if the dynamic of a key partnership in your life has to change.
Letting Go, Moving On
Finally, two planets change direction this month, Jupiter on the 13th and Saturn on the 29th. Both planets are in Capricorn and your home and family sector. This is likely to be a month when you’re focusing on these areas and ready for change.
It’s a good month to consider moving, changing your living situation or expanding your current home. Jupiter turning direct promises freedom and celebration. Get together with loved ones and make the right moves so you feel less trapped and more settled.
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Really enjoyed this article on Libras 🙂