Libra October 2018

pink rose, Venus

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

As October begins, both the Sun and communication planet Mercury are in your star sign, Libra. This is your season, your time of the year so let it show and put yourself first. It’s an excellent time to line up some personal goals and aims and consider how you come across to others.

When planets are in Libra, this is about your image and profile and it’s an excellent time to boost your popularity. If you’re a typical Sun Libra, you love to be liked, although you have to take care this doesn’t tip over into wanting to please others excessively.

Instead, use the Libra planetary energy to restore the balance in your 1-to-1’s. If you’re not happy with someone else’s behaviour or attitude, talk to them about it. If you want to get your own wants and needs met, speak up. This is your opportunity to let other people know more about you.

This may be particularly important concerning a relationship with someone in your family, a parent perhaps, or someone from your past. In fact, you may feel a strong urge to let go of past resentments now or want to state your case clearly about current events in your life.

You currently have Pluto in Capricorn and your home and family sector and, on the 3rd and 12th, Pluto clashes first with Mercury, then the Sun. This may be a time when you want to address taboo or difficult issues or let other people know the pain you’re feeling or that you empathise with their pain. 

The New Moon on the 9th falls in Libra and it too pulls in the square to Pluto. This is perfect symbolism for an ending (Pluto) and a new beginning (New Moon). Close the door on the past and you recreate your future for yourself. Consider what this might mean for you and what you’re leaving behind.

In many respects, this is going to be a significant month, when you do dive deep into life, analyse yourself and others and look at what’s going on beneath the surface, This is because your ruling planet, Venus, is in Scorpio throughout October. On the 5th, Venus turns retrograde and remains on go slow until November 15th.

When Venus moves into Scorpio, you’re already dealing with deep emotions. When she turns retrograde, you go even deeper and start looking under metaphorical stones for what lies hidden or buried.

This may mean delving back into the past or looking into what other people taught you or how they influenced you growing up. Scorpio rules money in your horoscope on a practical level but it’s also linked to how you value yourself, your self-worth, your self-esteem.

Think of Venus as going on a journey into the underworld as she explores the darker places. There’s always the possibility of discovering hidden riches if you’re prepared to go wherever Venus leads you.

Plus, on some level, this is potentially a big month for you with regard to money matters and hidden treasures could be surprisingly valuable. The Full Moon on the 24th looks particularly exciting, as it unlocks new possibilities, new ways of earning money or receiving money.

The Full Moon cuts across the Scorpio/Taurus axis of the zodiac and this is directly linked to finances in your horoscope. Plus, Venus is next to the Sun in Scorpio, exact on the 26th and opposite Uranus in Taurus and your joint finance sector, exact on the 31st.

This whole combination is about highs and lows, wins and losses. Act fast if necessary to take advantage of potential good fortune. At the same time, don’t be overly impulsive with your own money. 

When Venus is retrograde, traditionally it’s not a good time to make a major purchase, although it is positive for selling off possessions or finding bargains where you least expect. There’s that link to hidden treasure again.

This kind of astrology is not for the faint-hearted. Although, after a year with expansive Jupiter in Scorpio and your personal money sector, hopefully you’ve played your cards right and you’re better off than you were one year ago.

If not, now’s the time to leap into action and reset your money mindset. Wealth and abundance are closely linked so dabble with the Law of Attraction or at least believe you deserve to be well-off and reevaluate your own relationship with money.

This may be linked to a key relationship in your life, as is often the way for you as a Sun Libra. You can’t count out the fact that your current financial situation is very dependent on someone else, whether they’re doing well or the opposite.

Here too, it’s time for a major rethink, to decide whether you and a significant other are good for each other, when it comes to money matters and what you both want. 

Mars is your partner planet and it’s currently in your fellow air sign Aquarius. This feels speculative, but not necessarily someone who takes money seriously. Notice what happens on or close to the 11th when Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens clash. This could reveal differences around money or values. 

If so, maybe this is why you’re diving deep into Scorpio’s world, to look more closely at all your hidden motivations around love, relationships, money and status.

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