Libra (23 September-23 October)
You may feel as if you’re being pulled in two different directions this month. The Sun spends most of September in Virgo, the sign before yours in the heavens and this favours quiet times, solitude and signals retreat in some shape or form. Not only the Sun but your ruling planet Venus is in Virgo from the 5th-29th.
When planets are in the sign before yours, it’s your inner world that’s of most importance whether you have a lot to think about, you’re on a spiritual path or you’re trying to make sense of a situation that’s personal to you. You may be dealing with a secret or confidence that’s taking up quite a lot of your time or energy.
Allow yourself more time to think and dream, reflect and contemplate and know that this is a time of preparation when you’re busy working towards your next steps or the next stage in life but you’re not quite there yet. It’s as if you’re preparing the ground or boosting your confidence ready to sow seeds or make your mark.
There may be some dissatisfaction that comes with this quieter time of introspection as Neptune is in Pisces, the sign that opposes Virgo. Pisces rules your work, your everyday routine and also your health. If there are any worries around one of these issues, it would be easy to let your mind run away with itself.
The key period is the 9th and 10th when there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis and Venus is opposed by Neptune. Emotions are always heightened at the time of the Full Moon and you have to ask yourself whether there’s a blind spot, something you’re not seeing. Always when Neptune’s in play, it’s a good idea to stick to the facts and if you’re in doubt about a person or situation, then find out what’s really going on. Speak up and speak your mind.
You’re wise to make some decisions now linked to your home, family, your past and/or your financial situation. First the Sun and then Venus in Virgo link to Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio emphasizing these areas of your life. The dates to note are the 3rd and 14th when the Sun and Venus trine Pluto and the 11th and 21st when they are sextile Saturn.
These are helpful aspects but heavy planets so it may be with a heavy heart that you’re deciding what to do. Trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice and know that making a decision is your first step in bringing matters to completion or a satisfactory conclusion. Once you’ve set things in motion and/or you’ve signed and sealed a deal, you’ll feel a sense of relief knowing you can put the past behind you, let go and move on.
Whilst all of this is happening, there’s a strong possibility you’re flitting here, there and everywhere enjoying a social whirl. Mercury, the planet of communication, and one of the liveliest planets is in your sign of Libra from the 2nd – 27th. This feels busy and sociable and there’ll be lots to talk about, people to catch up with and various meetings, interviews or key negotiations.
If you’re a typical Libran, you enjoy being busy and living a social whirl and it doesn’t take much of an excuse for you to want to network or meet new people. This side of your personality is triggered by Mercury in Libra but also by Mars, the action planet, moving into Sagittarius on the 13th.
Sagittarius rules your communication sector and this is a double whammy of full-on socialising or a lively lifestyle. Watch out for new people who charge into your life sparking your creativity. You work well when you can bounce off other peoples’ enthusiasm stimulating some great ideas. It’s away from work where the action is this month, and if you are disillusioned with what you’re doing work-wise, turn to other people for ideas and advice.
There is a chance of more conflict than usual once Mars enters Sagittarius as this is an argumentative influence but the few days before Mars changes signs are especially choppy. This is because Mercury in your sign clashes with the Uranus-Pluto square on the 9th and 13th and you experience a sense of deja-vu as you come up against a repeat issue that affects a close relationship or your family. If possible, it’s important to remember that this is nothing new and not to let things get out of hand.
If you do feel stuck about what’s happening, turn to your friends. Jupiter, the protective planet, is currently in Leo and your friendship sector so it’s here where you find the support and wisdom you’re looking for.
It’s also worth hanging on in there this month with anything that’s difficult, challenging or a struggle because your stars in the last week of the month look stunning and suggest a resolution and then some. Help or victory in some shape or form comes from outside or you simply know instinctively what you need to do.
This coincides with the Sun’s move into your sign of Libra on the 23rd followed by the Moon’s move into your sign the following day the 24th when there’s also a brilliant New Moon at 1 Libra. This is the fresh start of fresh starts and a fantastic time to create new intentions and make key decisions not only for the month ahead but for the coming year. It’s your planetary equivalent of New Year’s Day.
Plus the following day, the 25th, there’s a stunning Jupiter-Uranus trine in the heavens. Both these planets are in fire signs; Jupiter in Leo ruling your friendships and Uranus in Aries ruling your relationships. This is where the genius happens, the impossible is achievable or the stroke of luck comes your way. Friendship can turn to love, a new group or club lights up your life or your other half sees their way forward more clearly. Following your bliss is a sure-fire recipe for happiness.
Very detailed!! thank you!! and let’s hope for the best #TeamLibra!
Thanks Jenn. Go the Librans!