Libra Monthly Stars March 2013

Libra Maldives StampLibra (23 September-23 October)

With a stack of planets in Pisces as the month begins, the focus is on your work, your routine and your health. Pisces is the planet of dreams and schemes but can take you on a circuitous route towards them. In fact, in the first half of the month, nothing seems very straightforward so if you can go with the flow and take life a little easier than usual, do so.

This has a lot to do with the fact that Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind, is retrograde, i.e. on go slow until the 17th. This turns your attention inward and you may feel as if you want to hibernate and slow down. If you’re suffering from sniffs and snuffles or any ailment is dragging on, then ensure your first priority is your health and well-being. Pisces recommends looking at life from a different perspective so get a second opinion or try an alternative health method to restore your energy.

The good news is that with a New Moon in Pisces on the 11th and Mercury turning direct on the 17th, you should start to feel better or your energy increase as the month goes on. In addition, Mercury direct often brings new information to light and any misunderstandings can be cleared up.

This is good news for your health but work too especially if there have been any muddles or confusion at work. As yours is the sign of partnership, you need a good team around you to perform at your peak so ask yourself if there’s someone who’s dragging you down or you find hard to work with. If the answer’s yes, broach the subject with them and either get back on good terms or move on. If you’re looking for work and you’ve been unsuccessful, the middle of the month is promising for new beginnings and your luck changing.

Your planet Venus is in Pisces until the 22nd and Venus is exalted in Pisces, i.e. it’s happy in the sign of sensitivity and compassion. Playing a caring role at work or with the people you see on a daily basis not only helps them but fulfils you as well. Focus on your quality of life and doing things you enjoy every day, however small. Practise gratitude if you don’t already and count your blessings. Even small changes to the way you view life can really help your everyday experience.

Mid-month there’s a shift of energy as the planets begin to move into your opposite sign of Aries. Mars (action) enters Aries on the 12th, followed by the Sun on the 20th and your planet Venus on the 22nd. This is a much more dynamic and direct energy and it’s about getting things done. If you’ve been going round in circles, then all that’s about to change and not only will you encounter strong individuals in your own life but it’s recommended that you take the initiative and make things happen.

The Full Moon on the 27th cuts across the Libra/Aries axis of the zodiac and this is powerful for you, especially as wild-card Uranus is involved in the mix. Someone may enter your life dramatically or leave it suddenly and it’s an emotional time when decisions have to be made and fast. This may concern your love life or any other key partnership you’re involved in.

It is a volatile mix which suggests that a confrontation is on the cards. If you’re a typical Libran, you prefer harmony to revolt but you may have no other option than to fight your own corner at month’s end. Stand up for your rights and what you believe in and do what’s best for you. It may feel tense but clearing the air is the way forward and you’ll be glad you stood up for yourself. Best-case scenario is a red-hot love affair but be prepared for some shocks and surprises too.

[photo from]

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