Libra Monthly Stars June 2012

Libra Ukraine StampLibra (23 September-23 October)

Your ruling planet Venus is in a fellow air sign, Gemini, but until the 27th June, Venus is retrograde, i.e. on go slow. This doesn’t mean that everything stops but it does mean it’s a perfect time to turn the energy inward and focus on yourself, your goals and what you want out of life.

Gemini rules the sector of your chart that’s associated with travel, education, spirituality, publishing and the Law. It’s about the bigger picture of life, widening your scope and broadening your horizons. With Venus retrograde, this is the perfect opportunity to create a vision board for your life, to make a list of what you want to do next and not necessarily to do with career or vocation but other areas of life as well. Let your ideas bubble away and cast them out in to the world once Venus turns direct on the 27th.

Some of you may already have heard that on 5th/6th June, there’s a once-in-a-lifetime Venus transit of the Sun. (The Venus transits comes in pairs, and the first of this pair took place in June 8 2004 but the next will only happen in 2117). This Venus transit is linked in with the eclipse on the 4th June falling across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis so the Diamond Jubilee (UK) weekend looks extra special for you. Be open to new opportunities and see what new events come to light. Something that happens may lead you in a new direction that turns out to be extremely fulfilling for you. The key areas are as above, so in particular travel and education.

The fact that this area of life is highlighted is further emphasized by Jupiter’s move in to Gemini on 11th June where it’s going to remain until June 26, 2013. So this isn’t about a short trip or a weekend workshop. Admittedly it may take one event to be a catalyst for change but it does suggest the start of something bigger and better. Emigration, a work sabbatical, studying for a new qualification, following a spiritual journey, publishing a book; these are some but not all of the possibilities open to you.

Also be open to what happens on or around 25th June when Jupiter squares Neptune in your work sector. This may coincide with you feeling lost or confused about next steps or feeling disillusioned about a job or work you’re currently involved with. This sense of dissatisfaction is actually an important step in nudging you forward, moving you on to start questioning and changing your life for the better. You may find you’re asking big questions in life such as “what’s it all about?”, “what’s the meaning of life?” and “who am I?”. Go where life leads and remember the journey is often more valuable than reaching your final destination.

When it comes to love, you may feel as if you or your other half is playing a waiting game. Mars is your relationship planet and it’s been in Virgo for an interminably long time, since last November. However, this is Mars’ last month in Virgo so come early July, whatever’s been stuck can start to shift. If you’re married or in a steady relationship, you may both be feeling rather restless and when Venus and Mars clash on the 5th, there’s a sense you won’t see eye-to-eye. Be patient with each other and realise that this is a transitional period for you. If your relationship’s lacked passion, that too starts to shift from next month onwards.

If you’re looking for love, think back to the 9th April when Venus in Gemini connected with Uranus in your opposite sign of Aries. This aspect often brings someone or something new in to your life and on the 21st June and 5th July, the aspect repeats two more times. It’s a kind of cosmic dance so keep any new love fluid and light, at least until Venus turns direct on the 27th.

Finally, it’s important to note the Uranus/Pluto square that takes place on 24th June, the first of seven transits between these two powerful and generational planets. This suggests important changes for you with regard to your home or family life and the way you view your close relationships. If you’re born in September or the first two days of October, you may already have experienced sudden changes of direction and a run of endings and beginnings with regard to these areas of life.

It’s how you adapt to the change that’s so important and this month in particular you may find that juggling the work/life balance requires a lot of your time and attention. The caring, compassionate side of your nature is called forth and a you rediscover a desire to stand up for other peoples’ needs and rights. In the world at large, this powerful square suggests that even one person can make a difference but together, people can and will bring about much needed change in the world.

[Libra from]

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