Libra Monthly Stars July 2014

Sun on flowersLibra (23 September-23 October)

This is a big month for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the planet of action, Mars, has been in your sign of Libra since December 2013 but on July 26th, Mars finally leaves your sign. Mars gives you extra get-up-and-go, drive and determination but it’s not been an easy journey as Mars was retrograde for some of that time.

If you’ve been pushing too hard in a specific area of your life or with a personal project, now is the time to take your foot off the pedal and slow down or change direction. It’s hard to keep moving through life at full tilt, all guns blazing and if you know you’re on the verge of burn-out or you’re feeling super-stressed, then even more reason to shift the pace.

Mars is your partner planet so this may apply to your other half or a business partner. Venus and Mars connect in the heavens on the 13th which is a key date for you as Venus is your ruling planet. With Venus in Gemini, the sign of communication, it’s up to you to initiate an important conversation. It’s a really lovely weekend to reconnect with a loved one or spend time with someone close. Even better if you can grab a weekend away or you’re on holiday together.

Mars is the planet of anger and conflict so perhaps you’ve found yourself in some challenging situations or up against tough opposition whilst Mars has been in Libra. Your sign doesn’t like conflict and if anything you’re happiest when you can avoid it. Here’s life stepping in and letting you know that you can move on.

The other big news this month links to Mars’ exit from your sign as it concerns the planet of luck and opportunity, Jupiter leaving behind the sign of Cancer on the 16th and your career sector. Jupiter takes approximately one year to move through each sign of the zodiac and he’s been in Cancer since June 2013. At its best, Jupiter brings new opportunities, success and a wealth of work. You may have found a way to break free from the daily grind and follow your true vocation. For some, this has indicated a sabbatical from work to study or a chance to work abroad.

Jupiter’s at its best when you play big in life and grab new opportunities. It’s not been a smooth run for Jupiter in Cancer, however, as he’s had to deal with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square that’s been dominating the heavens since 2012. Pluto’s down at the base of your chart stirring up trouble either at home or with regard to your family or your past.

Whoever or whatever’s been holding you back from flying high, you’ve had to take other factors or people into account. Plus with Uranus making your relationships more than usually lively, this hasn’t been all about you. Somewhere in your life, you’ve had to acknowledge or deal with your connections from the past or with people close to you and as difficult as it has been, often you’ve had to deal with this first and foremost.

Even with Jupiter moving on, this month the personal planets continue to move through Cancer but at least you should be getting better at dealing with the same old problem. The Sun in Cancer squares the Uranus-Pluto square from the 4th-8th, Mercury does the same from the 22nd-25th and finally your ruler Venus opposes Pluto on the 28th.

The clue with the Uranus-Pluto square is to let go of what’s old and outdated as you can’t bring in fresh energy until you deal with whatever Pluto represents. If this is an emotional issue, then give yourself a break and know that healing takes time. Here’s an opportunity to remove yourself from a toxic situation and know that you don’t have to put up with bad behaviour.

Mercury’s move into Cancer is especially important as on the 16th, the day that Jupiter leaves Cancer, Mercury is back at the same place in the heavens as it was when Mercury turned retrograde on June 7th. As Mercury is the planet of communication, this is about speaking up and ensuring that your voice is heard.

The Full Moon on the 12th plays a key role this month as it cuts across the Cancer-Capricorn axis of your horoscope. Something’s got to give now and fundamentally it’s about making life simpler for yourself and prioritising your well-being. If you’re in a situation where everyone’s needs come before your own, what can you do right now to shift the balance?

Both Venus and Jupiter are helping you out this month and point you in the direction of what’s needed. Until the 18th Venus, your ruling planet is in Gemini, the sign that rules travel, study, spirituality and all the things that give your life meaning. It’s the perfect time for a holiday and some well-deserved R&R. Engage in activities which interest you and expand your horizons especially if life closer to home has become claustrophobic. Sometimes it’s hard to gain a fresh perspective when you’re nose-to-nose with a foe or a pressing problem.

Jupiter’s move into Leo feels bright and breezy and Jupiter remains in this playful fire sign until August 11th 2015. Leo rules friends, groups, social concerns and your wider network. This is about finding your tribe and making sure that your social life is not only fun but supportive too. Bring new friends into your life by enjoying new activities and make an effort to catch up with old friends too. Jupiter will create the opportunities, perhaps through a friend’s wedding, anniversary or school reunion, and all you need to do is say Yes.

If you have built up a successful business whilst Jupiter’s been in Cancer or been following your vocation, here’s your chance to take what you do out into the wider world and to get people on board who can help you. Jupiter in Leo is about gathering people around you, a team or people of like minds who can work alongside you and make life not only easier but more enjoyable and fun too. Key dates are the 24th and the 26th when the Sun connects with Jupiter and a New Moon in Leo promises new beginnings. Yours is one of the most social signs of the zodiac and if you’ve been taking on too much on your own, July’s stars are urging you to reach out and reconnect.

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