Libra Monthly Stars July 2012

Libra Maldives StampLife heats up early on in July for you, Libra, as Mars, planet of action and energy, enters your sign on the 3rd, where it remains until late August. Mars has been in Virgo, hidden away in your chart, since November 2011 so whether you’ve felt frustrated or unable to get things moving, here’s your chance to motivate yourself.

Mars revs up your personal goals and ambitions and urges you to be more assertive, direct and ambitious. So wherever in your life you need a makeover or a push, apply Mars’ forthright energy. This coincides with the Sun’s journey through Cancer up at the top of your chart and it’s an excellent month to focus on your career, your vocation and where you’re heading in life.

It’s also lively month as the luckiest planets in the heavens, Venus and Jupiter, are in your fellow air sign of Gemini. Venus is your ruling planet and is moving speedily through Gemini after being on go-slow for six weeks.

You’re returning to themes that first emerged in April and in Gemini, Venus influences travel, study and the bigger picture of life. It’s a wonderful time to expand your reach, to go on holiday, to learn something new and generally broaden your horizons. There’s often a theme of second or third chances once a planet turns direct after a retrograde period and this is a great time for you to reconnect with individuals who’ve influenced you in the recent past.

In fact, this is a good month in general to turn to others for advice, to seek out role models, to partner with inspirational people and to do what you do best, connect with others. Uranus, planet of spontaneity and inspiration, is currently in your opposite sign of Aries and dominates this month. Uranus is active on the 4th, 5th, 13th, 22nd, 25th and 31st.

The most interesting date for you is the 5th when Venus teams up with Uranus for the third time. The first two contacts were 9th April and 21st June. Think back to these dates and what happened or who you met on or around those dates. Reconnect with key individuals and take a risk, be spontaneous and make things happen. This is a dynamic energy that brings fun, excitement and new experiences your way.

Another important date is the 31st when Venus teams up with disciplined Saturn. This is a good date to achieve your goals, follow your dreams and create a sense of structure in your life. It’s about building for the future so an excellent date to sign up for a course or other experience that will benefit you in the long term.

Mars is also your partner planet so if you’re married or in a relationship, this is hopefully be good news for your other half. They’ll be fired up too, possibly more receptive, certainly busier. Mars rules passion and anger so it’s good news for your sex life but suggests conflict as well. Use the energy of Mars to raise important issues in a relationship and to use a discussion/argument to clear the air. Now’s the time to focus on your relationship and ensure it’s working for both of you.

Mid-month, a third party may be the catalyst for change as Mars is caught up with the Uranus/Pluto square on the 17th and 19th. This combination suggests challenges, perhaps to do with your domestic situation or an ex. Stand your ground to defend what’s important to you and use this opportunity to be honest, and clear away the debris to create a firmer platform for love. Be aware that any decisions which are made on or around this time will be final so don’t take decisions lightly.

This is the only blip in what looks a positive month both career-wise and socially. If you get the chance to travel, go for it and if you’re single, it’s the perfect time to indulge in a holiday romance. Mercury does however turn retrograde on the 15th and remains on go slow until 8th August. This may concern a friendship or your association with a group or club but it’s not the main story for you. Instead, life’s urging you to step up a notch, to take charge of what you want and lead the life you choose. In July, the focus is back on you.

[Libra from]

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