Libra Monthly Stars December 2014

Angel with heartLibra (23 September – 23 October)

Your ruling planet Venus begins the month in the fire sign Sagittarius and the fire sign element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) is especially strong for the first half of December and the first half of 2015.

This is where the energy’s at and this is good news for you as the fire signs rule the ‘people’ sectors of your chart. Sagittarius rules communication, new faces and places; Leo rules friends, groups, clubs and the wider society and Aries rules your 1-to-1 interactions and personal relationships.

This means there’s a real buzz to the first half of December and the more social you are, the happier you feel. When planets are in Sagittarius, life’s hectic but you’re running around with a smile on your face, sharing joy and happiness. Parties and social events are well-starred and you’re guaranteed to have lots of fun especially if you’re out and about on the 4th, 12th or 14th.

Sagittarius is the sign that rules siblings, neighbours and your local community and it’s prime time to join in with other people helping out locally or enjoying the festivities close to home. Make time for other people as it benefits you and them.

If you’re looking for love, you’ll find it when you’re out and about and this is a fabulous month for introductions and being flirtatious. Mars the passion planet enters your fellow air sign of Aquarius on the 5th where it remains until mid-January and Aquarius rules love affairs and new love. One of the best dates of the month is the 21st which looks very lively for relationships and someone new coming into your life. The 6th is also a positive date for new connections.

As the month continues, the personal planets start to gather down at the base of your chart in the sign of Capricorn and by the Winter Solstice, the 21st, there are four key planets in this sector of your chart. Capricorn rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. Spending time with loved ones is traditional during the holiday season and you’ll want to do your bit to ensure you meet up.

However, this month also includes the Uranus-Pluto square and this is more volatile and suggests that playing happy families isn’t always going to be easy. These two mighty Titans of the heavens have clashed not once but five times since June 2012 and on December 15th they meet for the sixth time. There is only more encounter between these two planets which takes place mid-March 2015. So this is the beginning of the end and as it’s a recurring aspect you may already know what it means for you and your personal situation.

Pluto in Capricorn can be about secrets or what’s hidden and ties to the past are darker and more complex. Pluto squares up to Uranus in your opposite sign of Aries and this links in a personal relationship or a significant other. This symbolism can play out in different ways but it may mean a clash between your own family or your partner’s family who don’t approve of your relationship or a difficult situation with regard to family challenges your relationship. Family secrets may out and demand your attention.

Two other dates when there may be a flare up of an old issue are the 20th and the 25th, Christmas Day itself, when first Venus, your ruler, and then Mercury, the communication planet, both clash with the Uranus-Pluto square. The best mode of action is to avoid any sensitive issue especially on Christmas Day if you know that saying the wrong thing could provoke an argument. Boxing Day and the 27th are much more peaceful and reconciliatory when the fairy of forgiveness is there to help.

It reminds me of a saying I read recently that we’re obligated to love certain people but we can love them from a distance. If there’s someone in your life who pushes your buttons, choose when and where to be around them and don’t feel obliged.

Plus the Moon is in the sociable sign of Aquarius on Christmas Day which benefits you being with children or a lover. Ring the changes and don’t feel as if you have to do the same thing every year. Being more sociable this Christmas would serve you well.

In addition there is a New Moon on the 22nd which takes place right at the beginning of the sign of Capricorn and this is perfect for setting new intentions with regard to your home, your family and your past.

Finally this month, there’s a momentous planetary ingress as Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens, changes signs on December 23rd. Saturn remains in one sector of your chart for approximately two years and since October 2012, Saturn has been in Scorpio and the sign that rules your money, personal possessions and your values.

Saturn represents lack rather than plenty and wherever it travels in your chart, you have to work hard and be sensible. So Saturn moving on feels like a burden’s lifted and easier times are ahead on the financial front. This may be something clear cut like the end of a loan or a regular payment or it may simply be the way you feel about money and where there was fear you begin to experience faith and hope.

Saturn is a worldly planet so on a very practical level this signals good news for you. Saturn will dip back into Scorpio next year from mid-June to mid-September but otherwise you can say goodbye to Saturn in your money sector. This may be the perfect excuse you need to splash out on New Year’s Eve (31st) and treat yourself to a night of indulgence.

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