Libra Monthly Horoscope May 2016

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

The best news for you as May begins is the fact that your ruling planet Venus has entered the earth sign Taurus and this is a planet/sign combination which is especially strong.

Venus rules love and money, art and beauty and Venus is the planet of indulgence and sensual pleasures. Taurus is a perfect sign in which Venus can take residence as Taurus is slow-moving and this is about a leisurely lifestyle, enjoying each moment, practising gratitude.

Spend more time actively doing the things you love, whether you enjoy cooking, gardening, walking in nature, beauty treatments, pampering, making love. Tap into all your senses whilst Venus is in Taurus and make the most of this super sensual combination. Venus remains in Taurus until May 24th.

Money is also an important factor in your life now because Taurus is the sign of money and Taurus rules your joint finance sector. May is a month when you want and need to feel protected and this begins with seeking emotional and financial stability.

This is where the focus lies with key planets in Taurus and it depends on your current situation what this means for you. You might be focused on your home and family and want to find peace and harmony where you live; you might be sorting out finances now whether this links to an inheritance, savings or debts, investments.

Taurus is the sign which rules all joint financial transactions so this includes any money owed to a bank or finance organisation, loans, plus monies shared with other people, current partners, an ex, fundraising ventures.

It’s here where you need to pay close attention and look at ways of improving your own financial security and ultimately your financial future. This month in the heavens there’s a Grand Earth Trine which involves the Sun and your planet Venus in Taurus linking up with Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn.

Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and growth and Pluto is the planet of loss but also transformation. Both these important planets link to your past, where you’re from and this is where hidden riches can be found. There’s a lucky theme to the first two weeks of the month when these planets are strong and the period from the 9th to the 14th is especially beneficial for you.

This fertile and productive period starts with a New Moon in Taurus on May 6th and the Moon, like Venus, is exalted in the earth sign Taurus. Both the feminine planets prosper in this sign so get together with your girlfriends and go on a shopping trip and if you’re in a relationship, support each other with projects around the house or help each other with your children if you’re a parent.

Feminine energy is strong at the New Moon with regard to both money and love. Use your feminine charms to sway people over to your way of thinking or to attract others to you, whether you’re interested in a long-term love relationship or you’re planning a new fundraising or money-making project.

It is important however to note that the communication planet Mercury is also in Taurus and remains retrograde, i.e. on go slow until May 22nd. This means that you have to pay close attention to money matters and in all transactions, it’s important that you read the small print, you double check everything carefully and you watch out for any misunderstandings.

This isn’t the best time to make a major purchase and if you can hold off until later in the month, it’s wise to do so. That’s not to say you can’t make steady progress with regard to money matters, especially when you have other people on your side and you attract into your life what you want and need at this moment in time.

Your family or your home link to prosperity for you now and the past can be helpful, whether you look for a private benefactor or you team up with people you’ve known since childhood to plan something new together.

Work on securing your own position during the first half of May because on May 27th, the action planet Mars retreats back into Scorpio and your personal money sector. Ensure your money is safe and secure before the end of the month.

The planetary energy shifts later in the month when first the Sun enters Gemini on May 20th followed by your ruling planet Venus on May 24th. Gemini is a fellow air sign and this is a restless combination for you. It’s very different to the more settled, common sense feel of the earth signs which dominate the first two-thirds of the month.

Once planets move into Gemini, you’re going to feel a sense of wanderlust as Gemini rules travel, new experiences, adventure. Your desire for knowledge will increase and learning new things. Take an interest in philosophy, spirituality or any activity or course of study which broadens your horizons.

Foreign connections are important with key planets in Gemini and you might be drawn towards people from different cultures whether to pursue your own aims or to bring people together, to help, to further a cause that’s dear to your heart.

This coincides with a powerful Full Moon cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of your chart. This focuses on education and it could be a tricky time if you’re trying to pass an exam or test. Same goes if you encounter other people who have different beliefs or views to your own.

The planet of passion and anger, Mars, is currently retrograde in Sagittarius and your communication sector. Mars clashes with the Sun on the 22nd and your planet Venus on the 25th. This feels combative and volatile and even though you don’t like conflict, you might find yourself drawn into an argument or a situation where you have to take sides.

It will become urgent for you to ensure that you’re heard and that you have a voice but do be prepared for some challenges around communication, education or finding your place in the wider world. It will become clear to you who’s your friend and who’s your enemy during this tricky planetary period.

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