Libra Monthly Horoscope June 2016

Libra June 2016Libra (23 September – 23 October)

Your ruling planet Venus is in your fellow air sign Gemini as June begins.

This is a light, flighty, playful placing for Venus and as the month begins it’s important to look at ways you can expand your life and make the most of this gorgeous transit.

Venus remains in Gemini until June 17th and Gemini rules travel, study, adventure and new experiences. This is about expanding your horizons and finding those activities in life which inspire you and give you something to look forward to.

The New Moon on June 5th also also takes place in Gemini and New Moons are traditionally a symbol of new beginnings, a perfect day to set your intentions, to take the initiative and launch something new. Do something different on or close to this date and shake things up, especially if you’ve been feeling bored or stuck in a rut recently.

Yet you might find a certain amount of opposition to your plans at this time. This is because there’s a Grand Cross in the sky in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This can create tension, opposing views and someone or something holding you back.

Yet what’s important to remember about the mutable signs is that they are flexible and there’s movement involved. So wherever you find yourself in an impossible situation, consider your options, look at what you can do to explore possibilities. There might be issues regarding your work or your health or it might concern what someone else says about your plans and what you hear or read.

It’s really important this month to take your time and learn to discern between what’s real and what’s fantasy. Check out your facts, do your research thoroughly. Don’t let fear hold you back and don’t let negative comments stop you leading the life you choose.

You might also find that your beliefs, your life philosophy begin to shift this month. This is partly because of what you learn and what you find out in the month ahead. The more you open yourself up to knowledge and learning, the more you begin to understand but there’s also the chance that this alters your own perspective on life. This might be with regard to a social, political, humanitarian or environmental issue.

The Full Moon is also important in this respect on June 20th as it cuts across the Gemini– Sagittarius axis of your chart, highlighting education and your belief system. Think of this as a month to seek out meaning, to explore life to the full.

Focus on your spirituality, your religion, what you believe. At times there will be more questions than answers but you will also begin to see the power of possibility when you let go of a fixed attitude or you see someone else doing the same.

There is a lot you can learn now and this is partly due to the fact that Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and growth, is currently in Virgo and the most hidden sector of your chart. This feels a kind and protective Jupiter, it links back to your past and raises the question of karma.

Jupiter is especially powerful on the weekend of the 24th – 26th June, when first Jupiter connects with the North node in Virgo, a destiny point, and secondly Jupiter teams up in a stunning trine aspect with the planet of transformation Pluto.

This combination spells hidden riches and it links your home and family with past connections. Look out for something special which happens on or near this weekend and whether you reach out to help others or you’re the one receiving support, it’s a powerful flow of energy.

This might be linked to money, inheritance or a legacy from the past. Money is highlighted in your chart this month and whilst communication planet Mercury is in the sign of money Taurus until June 12th, you can sign or seal a contract or financial deal with confidence.

In addition, action planet Mars is currently in Scorpio and your personal money sector. Mars is strong in Scorpio but until June 29th, Mars is retrograde or on go slow. Money matters might feel urgent with this combination but push as hard as you like, this combination suggests you will have to wait until the end of the month before events falls in your favour.

Yet turn they will and again, it’s the last week in June which looks promising whether you’re waiting for money to come in or your money is tied up in a scheme or with a third party.

This might be linked to progress at work or with regard to your career because on June 17th your ruling planet Venus enters Cancer and the sign at the top of your chart. This highlights your career and vocation, your status and reputation.

Three days later at the Solstice, the Sun also enters Cancer and this is the time to focus on where you’re heading in life. Look out for a new job or opportunity which comes your way close to June 27th and combined with Mars’ change of direction, this could prove lucrative.

At the very least, you should have a sense of progress with regard to work and money matters. It’s a good time to draw up a plan for what next.

Mars is also your partner planet and Mars turning direct is good news for love and relationships. Sometimes when Mars is retrograde, this indicates that your partner is absent, either they’re physically elsewhere or they’re not available to you emotionally.

Both Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, are strong once Mars is up to speed so make the most of this. They are both in water signs, the element which rules emotions and the perfect opportunity for more intimacy and a deeper connection.

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