Libra Monthly Horoscope February 2016

Cologne Carnival, LibraLibra (23 September – 23 October)

Your ruling planet Venus is in Capricorn as the month begins and the sector of your chart which rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. This has been a very active sector of your chart since the start of 2016 but not always in a straightforward or helpful way.

This is because another planet in Capricorn is communication planet Mercury and last month Mercury was retrograde or on go slow. This often raises issues around communication, mix-ups and misunderstandings.

You may have been experiencing problems with regard to a home move, DIY or building work or perhaps communication hasn’t been flowing between your family and loved ones. 

This month is your chance to sort things out once and for all and there is an indication that you do need to be decisive in your actions. This is because your planet Venus clashes with the outer planets Uranus and Pluto on Saturday the 6th. This combination can be volatile and it often indicates change, the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one.

Uranus is currently in your opposite sign of Aries ruling your one-to-one relationships. This might link to a current partnership or more likely be linked to an ex or someone from your past. Decide where your loyalty lies if you’re caught between your family and your partner, for example, or decide whether it’s time to close the door on an ex-partner.

It’s really important to deal with this situation head-on rather than let things drag. Once you’ve let go of a personal situation which has been troubling you, you’ll experience a sense of relief and be ready to move forward and make new connections.

There may be other strong motivations why you need to either cut ties or resolve a difficult personal issue now. Firstly, being a Libra you don’t enjoy conflict and if you’re around someone who triggers strong emotions in you or who pushes your buttons, you can’t be calm and relaxed. You’re at your best when your life is peaceful and harmonious and this is what you need to push for right now.

Plus, the planet of opportunity and growth Jupiter is currently in the sign before yours, Virgo. This is the end of a major cycle in your life which began 12 years ago. This is how long it takes Jupiter to move round the zodiac as it spends approximately one year in each of the 12 signs. On September 9, 2016, Jupiter will enter your sign of Libra for the first time since 2004/2005.

This means that up until September you’re preparing the way for a completely new chapter in your life. Part of this preparation involves letting go of things or people in your life that no longer serve you. It’s an ongoing process but what takes place at the beginning of February is crucial when it comes to letting go.

The other factor that is a strong motivational force right now is money. Action planet Mars is currently strong in Scorpio and your money sector. This is a brilliant month to initiate new money transactions, to sort things out on the money front and to take the initiative when it comes to cash and earnings.

The 3rd and 13th are key dates in this respect when Mars teams up with the power duo of Pluto and Jupiter. You’re dealing with old money, an attachment to the past or someone you knew when you were younger who can benefit you now financially.

Step into your power around money and most importantly focus on your independent earnings. This is what Mars in Scorpio is teaching you. Rely less on other people with regard to money matters and lay down strong foundations for your own financial future.

Aside from the more serious or responsible issues in life, there’s a lot of fun to be had in February. This is because of key planets in your fellow air sign of Aquarius. The Sun is here until the 19th and is joined by Mercury, the communication planet, on the 13th and Venus, your ruler and the planet of love, on the 17th.

Aquarius rules all the good things in life, such as romance, children, creative projects, entertainment and fun. This suits you down to the ground being a sociable Libra so make the most of this month’s planetary activity and get together with your friends and do more of what you love.

The new moon on the 8th is a brilliant date to set things in motion. A New Moon in Aquarius is promising for love, getting pregnant, starting a new creative or artistic pursuit and generally having fun in life.

If you’re looking for a romantic Valentines Day on the 14th, ask and you shall receive. Don’t be shy when it comes to lining up a date. Love planet Venus promises happiness on the love front and it’s a wonderful time to refresh and renew the romance in your life.

Finally, the Sun enters Pisces on the 19th turning your attention towards your routine and lifestyle, your health and wellbeing. The Full Moon on the 22nd is a perfect day to be quiet, to go on retreat and slow down the pace. Ensure your life is balanced and you focus equal amounts of attention on the different balls you’re juggling. A healthy work/life balance will benefit you now in more ways than one.

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