Libra Monthly Horoscope August 2015

Libra August 2015Libra (23 September – 23 October)

With a host of planets stacked in Leo as the month begins, your focus is on the future. Leo rules the sector of your chart that symbolises your hopes and wishes and where you’re heading in life. When there’s strong planetary energy in this sector of your chart, you’re keen to move forward or to start a new chapter.

However it’s likely that you can’t run before you walk and rather than take the pace fast you’re being advised to slow down and bide your time and there are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, your ruling planet Venus is retrograde, i.e. on go slow throughout the month of August. This turns your attention inward and it’s hard to make progress whilst Venus is in retreat.

If anything, this is the perfect month to review your life, where you’re heading and what you want for yourself in the future. It’s a time to reflect and contemplate rather than leap ahead.

Friends and groups are involved in this process and it’s through your friendships that you can discuss the deeper meaning of life. Your friends or a group in which you’re involved can be deeply supportive for you so turn to people of like minds who bring you comfort and joy.

Some of your friendships or group endeavours will change and shift whilst Venus is on go slow and this is prime time to consider who you gather into your life and who’s important. If your own wants and needs are changing, you will invariably find that you’ve outgrown some of your friendships and new people will enter your life. Take note of the New Moon in Leo on the 14th, a symbol of new beginnings. Notice who comes into your life on or around this date or any new opportunities that are presented to you.

There’s also an issue around money as the month begins as the planet Saturn in Scorpio and your personal money sector turns direct in the heavens on the 2nd. Saturn squares up to key planets in Leo in the first week of the month including the abundant planet Jupiter.

This might show you quite clearly what you can and can’t afford and you need to be realistic about money matters. At the same time, you can’t let money hold you back from leading the life you choose but be discriminating with your spending and decide carefully what you value most highly in your life, whether you favour experiences over possessions, for example.

This is also part of the Venus retrograde phase as Venus rules money and with Venus on go slow it’s time to reconsider what’s important to you financially. Saturn in Scorpio hasn’t been an easy transit for money matters but the good news is that this is the final push and come mid-September 2015, Saturn leaves your personal money sector for many years.

When it comes to love, there’s a mis-match of energies as your planet Venus is in retreat and your partner planet Mars hits full steam ahead when it enters Leo on the 8th. You might have different priorities in a relationship now and for some, it’s your partner who’s the stronger of the two.

Ideally you can turn to your partner to make important decisions and to lead the way. However, for some, life is more complicated and it might feel as if your partner is running away without you as you’re left behind. Notice your feelings and emotions around love and know that whilst Venus is on go slow, you’re best to let things be rather than push for answers.

If you’re looking for love, love and friendship are linked. You might meet someone new this month and the 4th, 14th and 19th are hot for dating. Take your time, however, and get to know someone new at a leisurely pace rather than charging ahead. This theme runs across your life throughout August because of your ruler Venus on go slow.

The big news this month is the planet Jupiter on the move leaving the fire sign of Leo and entering the earth sign of Virgo on the 11th. Jupiter takes approximately one year to journey through each sign of the zodiac and has been in Leo since July 2014.

Leo is the sign that rules friends, groups, social concerns and your wider network. At its best, Jupiter creates luck and opportunities, whether your friends have been fortunate for you, you’ve joined a new group or club that’s expanded your horizons or you’ve been more fully involved with a charity or a humanitarian or environmental organisation.

Jupiter’s move into Virgo turns the focus to the most hidden sector of your chart as Virgo is the sign before Libra. This is your cue to focus on your inner world and to develop your spirituality or your trust and faith in life and the universe. You see more clearly the connection between mind, body and spirit and you benefit from a retreat or more silence and solitude in your life. Quiet times are nourishing and nurturing.

The last week of August is the time to embrace the quieter side of life or a spiritual activity. The Sun and Jupiter connect in Virgo on the 26th followed by a Full Moon cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis on the 29th. Gratitude and caring are instinctive components of your Libran personality and with Jupiter’s momentous move this month, they are being called forth for you to use as you choose.

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