Libra (23 September – 23 October)
The start of the month of March feels epic for two main planetary reasons. Firstly, on the 3rd, opportunity planet Jupiter in your sign of Libra opposes unpredictable planet Uranus in your opposite sign of Aries.
This isn’t the first meeting of these two giants. They met before over Christmas 2016 and they will face off again later this year in September 2017. Both planets are Sky Gods so there’s a real sense of freedom about this combination. It’s big, excitable, restless and adventurous. In fact, it’s a breakthrough combination.
Jupiter in your sign of Libra reminds you that life’s for living and Uranus in Aries brings people into your life who act as a catalyst for change. Look out for someone who’s wacky and wonderful, a person who inspires you to seize the day.
This might be a time when you’re ready to take a leap of faith and embrace an alternative path in life. You may be chasing after a relationship or running away from one. You might find that someone lets you down big-time or you meet a person who’s irresistible.
All of this takes place the day before your ruling planet Venus turns retrograde in your opposite sign of Aries. So this is another indication that your life is undergoing a period of change and it’s other people who are playing a key role in the events that are unfolding.
Traditionally when Venus is retrograde, it’s not the best time to marry or start a new relationship. What Venus on go slow is good for is playing a waiting game so you can reassess or review your personal situation.
That might be difficult however because Venus in Aries, whether direct or retrograde, is passionate and forthright. In fact, this month’s astrology suggests you’re going to find it hard to slow down or be patient.
You might be heading into a situation which you know is foolish or dangerous and yet you can’t help yourself. Or you might be ready to turn away from a difficult situation in order to process your feelings and take time to decide what next.
Venus remains on go slow for the next six weeks and is only back up to speed in Aries in the month of May. So bear this in mind especially if there are relationships in your life, either personal or professional, where the volume knob is turned up to full blast.
That won’t stop Venus this month however and the 18th and 25th are key dates when Venus first teams up with communication planet Mercury and then the Sun. This is when love will be a strong attraction or perhaps you’re drawn inexplicably towards another person.
Action planet Mars is also in Aries until the 10th and the 5th is a good date to try and calm things down in a 1-to-1 partnership. On this day, Mars teams up with sensible Saturn in Sagittarius and your communication sector. Put your diplomatic skills to good use.
On the 13th, Mercury enters Aries and the 20th is the day of the equinox when the Sun enters Aries. So this is not a time when you can go it alone and in fact, there will be times this month when you feel out of control.
Other people have the upper hand now so do what you can but don’t expect miracles. The New Moon on the 28th also takes place in Aries, another key date for your 1-to-1’s.
At its best, March is a month for throwing yourself head-long into life, even if you do screech through a few red lights in the process. If you already know that you’re ripe and ready for change, here’s your opportunity.
There are however other factors to take into account. Up until mid-month, the emphasis is on the sign of Pisces, ruling your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health. So on some level, life continues as normal and you need to find a way to be in flow, to keep a regular rhythm and routine going.
The Full Moon on the 12th lights up the work, health and service sectors of your chart so you will be pulled towards helping other people and want to create strong teams in your working or everyday life.
Money too is a key factor after the 10th once action planet Mars enters Taurus and your joint finance sector. If you begin the month feeling unsettled or you sense you’re standing on shifting sand, Mars in Taurus will help you create stronger foundations in your life.
This is a good time to focus on money matters and to be practical in doing so. Once again, however, it does suggest that you have to take other people into account. Mars is your partner planet and in Taurus, you may find that other people have their own ideas about what’s right and wrong when it comes to money and finances.
The second major Jupiter planetary aspect takes place on the 30th when Jupiter in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn, down at the base of your chart. Capricorn rules your home and family, your past and where you come from.
So to get what you want this month, you have to leave something behind. This combination indicates that to create the future you want for yourself, you’re saying goodbye to the past. It’s another indication that March is a big month of the year for you and one in which you’re wise to embrace what’s new rather than stay stuck in the past.
It’s rarely comfortable moving beyond your comfort zone but this month’s astrology is all about freedom, change and living life to the full.