Libra June 2018

Solstice, Libra

Libra (23 September – 23 October)

As June begins, your ruling planet Venus is at the peak of your horoscope in the star sign, Cancer, where it remains until the 13th. Cancer rules your career and vocation, your future and where you’re heading in life. This is a positive period to focus on your next steps, whether you’re applying for a job or looking for promotion.

Also, there’s a flow of creative energy on the 1st and 2nd when Venus is in a Grand Water Trine with expansive Jupiter in Scorpio and your money sector and imaginative Neptune in Pisces and your work sector. Put all three together and this is a rare opportunity to flex your artistic muscles and pursue your creative goals.

You may find that doors open to you early in the month, especially if you have the right people on your side and you’ve charmed others well. Take any opportunity you can to impress and if you have a chance to appear on television or get noticed in a big way, jump to it. Your current stars suggest that you can be a key influencer now, so make the most of it.

The career vibe continues throughout June as communication planet Mercury picks up the Cancer baton from the 12th to the 29th and the Sun joins the Cancer career party on the 21st, the day of the Solstice. Work this wonderful Cancer influence in your life and lead from the front.

Make the right moves and you could help yourself financially, especially on or near the 13th and 23rd. Mercury also connects in to the Grand Water Trine energy on the 19th and 21st. At times perhaps, you’ll feel overwhelmed by your emotions but ultimately you’re right to keep moving forwards as you’re preparing for a key period of change.

This will become evident to you next month as there’s a powerful Solar Eclipse in Cancer and your career and vocation sector on July 13th. This often indicates the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new path in life. 

There is another factor to take into account, however, and this is what’s happening at the opposite end of the zodiac, in Capricorn, and your home and family sector. This is where you find the power duo, Saturn and Pluto, and these two planets are going to dominate this sector of your horoscope for the next few years.

You might be looking after elderly parents or perhaps there’s a theme of control or limitation in these areas of your life. Certainly, it looks as if it’s here where there will be some problems or issues that come your way and, if so, you’ll know about them this month.

The dates to note are the 6th, when your ruler Venus is opposed by Pluto, also the 16th, 23rd and 27th. This leads up to the Full Moon on the 28th which cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac, highlighting your home and family on the one hand, your career and vocation on the other.

Full Moons often bring clarity to your situation or matters to a head. It’s a time of completion when you realise that you have to take action or move on. This Full Moon is very Saturnian, as Saturn rules the Capricorn Full Moon and sits next to the Moon during the lunation.

Notice what doors are closing and who or what you’re saying goodbye to. This is preparing you for the eclipses which kick in next month. 

There are other factors too which are strong for you this month. Firstly, activity in the star sign Gemini is peaking for the first two weeks. Communication planet Mercury is here until the 12th and the Sun is in Gemini until the 21st.

This is important because Gemini is a fellow air sign, your element, and this is where you’re in flow. Gemini rules travel and study in your horoscope, it’s about the bigger picture in life and where you can expand your horizons.

It also indicates that a change of scene will do wonders for you this month, especially if you’re contemplating your next steps. The Sun and Mercury unite in Gemini on the 6th and one week later there’s a stunning New Moon in Gemini on the 13th.

A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings, ideal for taking the initiative and making things happen. Sign up to a course, book a holiday or trip away and ring the changes. This is particularly important for you if you’re experiencing any health issues or you feel disillusioned with your current routine or lifestyle.

Another significant planetary factor to take into account is what’s happening with Mars, your partner planet, and the planet of passion. Mars is also in an air sign, Aquarius throughout June and Aquarius rules all the good things in life. This includes romance, children & pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment and fun.

Wherever you find Mars is where you have drive and ambition so line up some social events and get-togethers and pursue pleasure in your life. You might be keen to indulge a hobby or past-time that takes you away from the more serious or difficult areas in life. Go running with a group of friends, get people together for a comedy night or listen to a inspirational talk. 

Make the most of Mars because, on the 26th of this month, Mars turns retrograde, i.e. will be on go slow for the following two months until August 27th. So line things up now and get busy this month as you might have to rein in some of your plans throughout July and August.

Mars in Aquarius is also strong for romance. Love and friendship are linked too once your ruler Venus enters Leo and your friendship sector on the 13th. The lovers of the heavens do clash on the 21st but this is more likely a lover’s tiff than anything major. As always, people and relationships mean a lot to you, so channel your energy accordingly.

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