Venusian Dreams
Your ruling planet, Venus, is in forward motion this month. Venus turned direct in Gemini on June 25th after six weeks on go slow. Venus moving in the right direction can feel as if there’s a sense of progress that should pick up as the month goes on.
Venus in Gemini is great for learning, improving your knowledge and committing to a course of study or new ideas which broaden your horizons. Gemini rules travel too and you may be more than ready to spread your wings or plan some trips to new places.
This month, Venus only makes one planetary aspect to Neptune on the 27th. This is quite unusual although Venus and Neptune have been in cahoots since early May.
If you’ve been lost or disillusioned with your current situation, you may be considering what next. A change in circumstances might have been the trigger that’s allowed you to reassess your lifestyle, your job or daily routine.
This combination is creative and great for schemes and dreams. Although, sometimes you can spend more time day-dreaming rather than take direct action.
Home & Career Moves
This month does feel pivotal for you as some key planetary events take place. Firstly, there’s a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the 5th cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac and the foundations of your horoscope.
This is the last eclipse in an eclipse cycle which began in July 2018. You may have experienced significant changes with regard to your home & family, your career & future path since then. This eclipse is the culmination of your plans, perhaps things coming to fruition. Alternatively, a time to let go and move on.
If you need to make a decision about your career, ideally wait until the 12th. This is the date when Mercury turns direct in Cancer and your career and vocation sector. News or information could come to light on or around this date that helps you make up your mind about what next.
Also, there’s a theme of second chances so try again where things didn’t work out first time around. Rework your contacts and connections, which is an ideal way of using Mercury’s retrograde phase through your career sector.
This month’s New Moon falls in Cancer on the 20th and it’s the second of two New Moons in this part of your horoscope. The first was a Solar Eclipse on June 21st, during the Solstice. This flags up the possibility of two offers or a repeat theme.
Traditionally, a New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings. However, on the day of the New Moon, the Sun is opposed by Saturn and this theme is endings. What do you have to let go of before you can move on? Or, what’s coming to an end releasing you ready to start afresh on a new path?
Saturn & Duty
Saturn moves back into Capricorn and your home and family sector on the 2nd where it remains until December 2020. So, you’re returning to a situation that was pivotal in March of this year. You might be finalising matters that relate to events in March, for example.
Saturn’s the planet of duty & responsibility so you may need to consider your role as a parent and how that impacts on your future path. Or, perhaps you’re caring for your parent during this period or grieving a recent loss. This could flag up a tough decision around your home or living situation too. Make any decisive moves in the second half of July.
Fire Signs
Fire signs are where the activity’s at and for you this puts the focus on people in your life. Action planet Mars roars through Aries and your relationship sector this month. A love affair could speed up and fast. Or, your partner’s the speedy one and they have a new found vigour or ambition.
Note that Mars promises anger as well as passion and the 8th and 27th are potentially argumentative. Issues around home or work could be the reason for a falling out.
After the 22nd, your friends light up your life when the Sun moves into Leo. This brings some much-needed fun and laughter your way, the perfect antidote to the more serious or weighty side of life.