Libra (23 September – 23 October)
Career Peaks
It’s all going on at the peak of your horoscope this month as the planets gather in the star sign, Cancer. Cancer rules your career and vocation, your future path and where you’re heading in life. It’s about your status and reputation.
The excitement starts early in the month as there’s a New Moon or Solar Eclipse on the 2nd. Plus, the following day, the 3rd, your ruling planet, Venus, enters Cancer where it remains until the 28th.
Therefore, it’s likely that you’re looking ahead and thinking what next. You might be at a crossroads in your career or be ready to embark on a new and significant chapter in your life. Solar Eclipses are like New Moons with extra oomph. They tend to be turbo-charged and, sometimes, coincide with dramatic events. Certainly, you often notice the wheel of fortune turning during key eclipses.
Eclipse Season
Plus, this is the mid-way point of the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle which began one year ago in July 2018 and continues until July 2020. Capricorn is the other star sign involved down at the base of your horoscope. Capricorn rules your home and family, your past and where you come from. The Cancer/Capricorn axis highlights your parents, your ancestry and legacy.
It’s in Capricorn where there’s some formidable planetary activity, including Saturn and Pluto and the karmic South Node. You might be held back by your past or perhaps you’re dealing with a personal situation of loss or grieving. The theme is around letting go and moving on, however challenging it might seem.
The key dates when you’re most likely to notice a clash between your past and future are the 9th and 11th, the 17th and 21st. Also, the Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse on the 16th is pivotal. This is when you could be up against a parent or authority figure. You may be find it hard to establish your own roots. In some shape of form, the astrology suggests that home and/or family are where any obstacles lie.
A Caring Role
Have faith, however, that with your planet Venus involved and playing a key role in July, now’s the time to keep your gaze firmly fixed on the future. Plus, the other planet taking on a supportive role is Neptune in Pisces. Pisces rules your work and lifestyle, your health and routine. Therefore, look after yourself and keep well in mind, body and spirit.
This could aid your place of work too. Perhaps, flexible working hours or enjoying what you do for a living. Work could be your escape, the place where you can be creative, compassionate and caring.
The key to any challenges this month is to tap into your feelings, your emotions. Both Cancer and Pisces are emotional water signs and kindness is a key theme of both archetypes. As a Sun Libra, you have a caring heart. Seeing the best in other people is a good strategy to help you come to terms with other people’s behaviour or actions.
Also, you’re one of the cardinal signs so you’re a leader, initiator and motivator. This month, you could find yourself at the forefront of life, taking up a challenging role or responsibility. You might do your bit for society or be involved with politics or a cause that’s dear to your heart. The heightened astrology suggests this is a time in your life when you can’t sit and do nothing. Notice where you’re being called forth.
There’s a strong possibility that you could shoot to fame this month or be extra busy with a new job or role. This is another way that the ‘divided’ astrology across the foundations of your horoscope could play out. Being away from home or family more to pursue other goals.
Mercury Retrograde
There is another important factor, however, that adds an extra dimension to this month’s astrology. This is the fact that communication planet, Mercury, turns retrograde on the 7th and remains on go slow until August 1st.
Therefore, this isn’t the best month to be making big decisions. Instead, retrace your steps or go back over old ground. Mercury retreats into Cancer and your career and vocation sector on the 19th. Plus, Mercury teams up with the Sun in Cancer on the 21st and your planet Venus on the 25th.
This flags up a theme of reconnecting or reworking your old contacts or network. Keep the lines of communication open and be patient when it comes to next steps. It’s a good idea to ensure you get the right people on your side throughout July. Friends and connections could play a powerful role in your success.
Friends & Connections
This is because the star sign, Leo, is where the action’s at. Dynamic Mars moves into Leo on the 1st where it remains until mid-August. If you’re a typical Libra, you’ll have a wide social circle and friends and connections are part of this month’s astrological picture.
Admittedly, the period from the 7th to the 11th could prove tricky for a friendship or your involvement within a group. This is when Mercury turns tail in Leo, Mars is pulled in on the 8th and there’s a Mars-Uranus clash on the 11th. Try not to take sides if you’re involved in a friendship dispute as this is volatile planetary activity.
As Mars is your partner planet, this could also flag up a challenging time for a close relationship. You may not approve of your partner’s friends or perhaps there’s a clash between love and friendship. While Mercury’s on go slow, there’s often a theme of misunderstandings or mis-truths. Wait until later in the month or preferably early August when you can sort things out amicably.
The Sun enters Leo on the 23rd followed by your ruling planet, Venus, on the 28th. This is gorgeous for friendship and group get-togethers. Plus, love and friendship are back in flow. The end of July brings a significant turning point in this area of your life.
I hope things improve regarding career and salary level.
August likely to be the turning point once Mercury turns direct in Cancer & your career sector.
I hope things improve regarding career and salary level.