Libra (23 September – 23 October)
Your ruling planet Venus is in Leo and one of the most social sectors of your horoscope as July begins. Venus remains in Leo until the 10th and this is linked to your friendship sector and group activities. It’s a wonderful time for a celebration or planning a party.
This is where the initiative lies for you early in July. Who to team up with? Where can you find your tribe? How to make a difference alongside a group of people? Now’s the time to join forces with others either for a political, social or environmental goal. Being a Sun Libra, your star sign is closely linked with peace-loving, humanitarian goals and working alongside others to restore harmony.
This might fit for you or you might be more interested in making new friends and catching up with old friends. You can do either or both. Plus, communication planet Mercury is in Leo throughout July. This means that your social life could go into overdrive and you might find it hard to fit everyone in this month. If you are looking for new friends, reach out and expand your network.
Things could take a dramatic turn towards the end of the month when there’s a rush of more challenging planetary activity. On the 26th, Mercury turns retrograde in Leo and remains on go slow until August 19th. Sometimes, you have to play a waiting game when Mercury is in retreat or there are misunderstandings or mis-communication which is tricky to sort out.
Also, the following day, on the 27th, there’s a Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse which cuts across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac. Aquarius rules romance and love affairs in your horoscope and this eclipse pulls in your partner planet Mars.
What’s important to note is that Mars is retrograde throughout July and only turns direct on August 27th. You might be apart from the one you love or perhaps an on-off love affair is more off than on.
Certainly, the eclipse energy feels like an anything-goes combination when a partner could behave unexpectedly. Or perhaps, you’re the one who decides to do something wild or you’re caught up in a friend’s drama.
Eclipses bring what’s hidden to light and they’re game-changers, they turn life on its head. It’s best not to act unpredictably on the 27th and, if unexpected events take place, take your time before you decide what next.
Also, this month, you’re wise to focus on your career and where you’re heading in life. Keep a healthy balance between work and play and don’t let one area of life take over the other completely.
This is because the Sun is in Cancer and your career and vocation sector until the 22nd, shining a light on your ambition and where you’re heading in life. Plus, from the 5th to the 8th, there’s a Grand Water Trine which involves the Sun in Cancer teaming up with Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.
This feels boundless, compassionate and giving. As it highlights your work and money sectors, this could be a wonderful time if you’re working in the caring sectors or using your imagination and creativity to positive effect. Channel your emotion into your work or vocation and this can be powerful for you.
Plus, big planet Jupiter turns direct on the 10th in Scorpio and your personal money sector. This feels abundant as if money’s in flow. Get back on track with your deeper purpose for earning and use your money wisely.
The 13th could prove momentous because, on this date, there’s a New Moon or Solar Eclipse in Cancer. This is the start of a new eclipse cycle cutting across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac and lighting up the foundations of your horoscope. This eclipse cycle completes in July 2020 and it focuses on your work and career, your home and family.
This is where things are shifting for you so note who or what comes into your life on or around the 13th and what comes to an end. Pluto opposes this Solar Eclipse, so there’s a theme of endings as well as new beginnings. You might be able to take advantage of a changing situation at work because, during eclipses, someone wins and someone loses. Do your best to ensure you’re on the winning team.
Finally, your ruling planet Venus is on the move on the 10th, when she enters Virgo and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. This is a caring combination for your ruling planet whether it’s a hint that you need some extra TLC (tender loving care) or you’re looking after someone close.
It’s time to slow things down and this would be an ideal month to balance socialising with being away, going on a retreat or doing nothing, even for a short break. Consider taking a digital detox or seek out a spiritual path.
When you have key planets in Virgo, this is about completion, wrapping things up so you’re ready for a new stage in life. See this as a period of preparation, a time of research or study or a time to clear the decks so you make room for new energy to sweep in.
There’s a flow of earth sign planetary energy from the 10th onwards which links key sectors of your horoscope. You might take a trip down memory lane or help someone close clear their house or the place they live.
You’re going to be drawn back towards the past during this phase. You might be considering what home means to you or where you want to put down roots and create strong foundations for you and the ones you love.
This could be a time when you’re thinking about your legacy and what you pass on, especially if you receive an inheritance or gift and you’re aware of what your parents or ancestors gave you. The cycle of life completes in some way this month and you need to find your feet before you move on.