Libra Horoscopes September 2021

sun & moon, Libra

Virgo Time

As September begins, the Sun and Mars are in the star sign Virgo, hidden away in your horoscope. Mars is here until the 15th and the Sun until the 22nd. Virgo is the previous sign to Libra and this turns your attention inward.

This is the most personal or hidden sector of your horoscope, a time when secrets or confidences are powerful and you discover new insights about yourself. However, Virgo is linked to worry and anxiety, so take care that you don’t end up overly fearful.

This could be a time when you’re overthinking or you’re unsure of your future. This might be because of a lack of work or your current job or issues to do with your health.

Take the pace slow, learn to relax and trust your intuition. Write things down and stick to the facts. Voicing whatever worries you could help a lot.

New & Full Moon

The Virgo energy is strongest during the New Moon on the 7th. It’s an ideal date to start a journal or learn meditation, for example. The Full Moon on the 20th/21st also highlights the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac.

This may coincide with a time when you’re letting go, shedding fears, giving up what no longer works for you. This could be a bad habit, a way of thinking or focusing less on the past and more on the future.

Do whatever feels right for you, any kind of ritual that helps you close a door on the past, especially if you’ve recently experienced some difficulty in your life.

Neptune is also active this month in your work and health sector, especially on the 2nd & 14th.

When Neptune’s strong, sometimes you feel as if you’ve lost your way or you’re not on track. Even more reason to do what you can to move your life in the right direction.

Your Time

The Sun’s move into Libra on the 22nd is always a step in the right direction for you. This coincides with the Equinox and a change of a season. The Sun represents vitality and energy. It can feel like a confidence boost when you have the Sun lighting up your star sign.

Yet, the Sun isn’t the only planetary body in Libra. Here’s the pattern:

  • Mercury (communication) all month
  • Venus (your ruling planet) until the 10th
  • Mars (action/drive) from the 15th

When you have planets in your star sign, the focus is on you. It’s an ideal time in the year to consider your personal goals and aims, where you’re heading and why. This is the mid-point through the zodiac year, six months since the Sun entered Aries on March 20th.

Therefore, consider how far you’ve come, what you’ve achieved and what you’re ready to let go of. Think of September as a key month to balance those Libra scales, so you feel more in harmony and in flow with life rather than constantly battling or taking on too much.

If you’re a typical Libra, you’re sociable and friendly and sometimes you find it hard to say No to invitations or requests.

With so many planets vying for attention in your star sign this month, you would expect your social circle to widen even further. Therefore, take good care of yourself and prioritise your needs, especially if your life is busy.

Love & Teamwork

It’s an intriguing month for love too. It’s always lovely to have Venus, the planet of love and relating, in your star sign. Venus is in Libra until the 10th. 

Mars not only rules ambition but passion and libido too. Therefore, with Mars in Libra from the 15th until the end of October, you’re entering into a passionate phase in the year. This is good news for your drive, also potentially your sex life.

Once Venus leaves Libra on the 10th, Venus enters Scorpio and your personal money sector. Scorpio is one of the star signs ruled by Mars. And, Mars is in your star sign Libra from the 15th onwards.

Therefore, these two planets, the lovers of the heavens, are in mutual reception. On their own, they aren’t strong. Yet, when they work together, they complement each other and make a great team.

Consider what this means for you regarding your love life and your close partnerships. This combination favours collaboration and support.

Best dates for romance: 6th, 20th & 29th

Keep your money safe: 17th & 23rd


The important Jupiter-Pluto connection peaks on the 11th but remains active throughout September, October & November.

Jupiter is currently in your fellow air sign Aquarius, one of the best sectors of your horoscope. This is about doing more of what you love and being around people you love. It’s linked to children and romance, creative projects and hobbies. It’s also potentially lucky so learn to trust your luck and take risks.

Pluto in Capricorn is at the base of your horoscope ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. Let go of regrets or resentments and move away from a difficult domestic situation.

Mercury Retrograde Tips

There’ll be more advice on Mercury’s retrograde phase next month. For now, here are some top tips on how to prepare before the planet of communication switches direction on September 27th:

  • back up important files and correspondence
  • deal with any technological niggles or transport issues 
  • line up key meetings or interviews
  • have those all-important heart-to-hearts
  • sign & seal contracts before the end of the month

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