Libra Horoscope October 2022

Libra horoscope, hummingbird

October could turn out to be the pivotal month of the year. There’s so much big astrology taking place, some of it echoing what’s coming in 2023. Here’s what’s most significant for you to take note of:

Mercury Turns Direct

As the month begins, talk planet Mercury turns direct in Virgo and the most hidden sector of your horoscope on the 2nd. It’s been quite a chaotic few weeks since Mercury turned retrograde on September 10th.

Listen out for news or information that comes to light once Mercury’s back up to speed. You may find it easier to make an important decision once Mercury has the green light to move forward and pick up speed.

On the 7th/8th, you may be able to finalise a matter that’s linked to your home and family, your past and where you come from. This could include signing an important document, saying goodbye to someone from your past or turning your back on a toxic or difficult situation. There is a sense that what happens in the first tend days of October could set you free.

On the 11th, Mercury returns to your star sign Libra where it turned retrograde on September 10th. This is an ideal date to reassess your personal goals and aims, consider where you’re heading and why.

Full Moon Aries

Up until the 23rd, the Sun is in your star sign Libra heralding your birthday month. It’s an ideal time to put yourself first and to turn your attention towards your image and profile. Plus, your ruling planet Venus is in Libra up until the 23rd and closely aligned with the Sun throughout the month.

Venus in Libra is lovely for popularity and attracting who and what you want into your life. You’re more likely to see the glass half full when Venus is in your star sign. It can also be a promising time for love.

The Sun/Venus conjunction perfects on the 22nd, a positive date to shine brightly and be seen. You may have a special relationship with a friend this month. Or, perhaps someone in a position of influence has their eye on you.

Certainly, it’s an ideal time to cultivate friends and alliances in high places. If you’re keen to be part of the ‘in crowd’, whatever this means for you personally, this is your month to leap in.

The Full Moon on the 9th could be part of this as it cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac. Full Moons can be dramatic, a time when emotions are heightened.

Yet, they’re wonderful for celebration and enjoying yourself fully. The air signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – dominate for a lot of the month meaning it’s a wonderful time to enjoy your social life and work your connections.

This could be a pivotal Full Moon for your one-to-one relationships. The light of the Moon is at its brightest during the Full Moon phase and you often see your situation with clarity. If a relationship’s to work well for you, you need a best friend as well as a lover. The 17th, 19th & 27th are all promising for close connections.

The one proviso is not to repeat the mistakes of the past or allow the past to hold you back. Powerful Pluto clashes with the inner planets moving through Libra on the 19th, 20th & 27th. Close the door behind you, refuse to put up with a relationship that’s based on power or control and prioritise your needs.

Solar Eclipse Scorpio

On the 23rd, both the Sun & your ruler Venus enter Scorpio and your personal money sector. Two days later, there’s a powerful Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 25th. This is part of the eclipse cycle that began in November 2021 and completes in October 2023.

A Solar Eclipse is effectively a New Moon with oomph. Yet, any new beginnings may follow on from an ending. You have to close one door before you can open another door.

Consider what this might mean for you as it’s about money, values and self-worth. These key areas of your life are dominated by the wheel of destiny turning. It’s likely that your financial situation can’t stay the same and you have to consider new alternatives, what stays and what goes.

This may be linked to going back to an old job as expansive Jupiter returns to Pisces on the 28th. Pisces is your work sector and is linked to employment, volunteering and being of service to others.

Jupiter will only remain here for a short while until December 20th. You could take on a second job or a job that runs up until Christmas.

Mars Retrograde

Finally this month, action planet Mars turns retrograde on the 30th in Gemini and your travel and study sector. Mars will remain on go slow until January 12, 2023. Sometimes, this means it’s the planning stage when you’re going back to the drawing board and reworking your strategy.

Other times, you can’t move forward as the brakes of life kick in. Mars is your partner planet so this may be linked to your other half or someone close to you. They may change their mind or find that a job elsewhere is no longer a certainty.

The best way to use this Mars retrograde phase is to explore and wander as much as possible. Wherever in life you’re unsure of your next steps, check out your options rather than leap in and make a firm decision. This is particularly relevant for your future path, your next steps.

Eclipse Do’s & Don’ts

Eclipse season kicks in this month & next as the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle continues. Here are some eclipse tips:

  • Try not to fear an eclipse – they are a reminder that you’re not always in control.
  • Ideally, don’t choose an eclipse date to launch a project or start something new.
  • Wait a few days after an eclipse before taking action. Eclipse symbolism is shadowy and hidden.
  • Once the eclipse shadow lifts, then you can try to take advantage of any changes that have occurred.
  • Know that the eclipses are closely linked to the karmic nodes & wheel of destiny – sometimes, they offer a turning point ready or not.

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